Chapter 7: The Character Page

"Look, Alex! I'm now a Magus, and can use magic! Isn't this amazing!" John exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I'm a Magus too because I can summon fireballs! Isn't that amazing, John!" Alex said, sounding a bit sarcastic, towards John, whilst appearing somewhat genuine, his great acting it even surprises John as well.

"You're insulting me aren't you? I can't tell even if you're lying or not, Alex." John said with a slight frown on his face.

Alex then said it so with a straight face, "What? Me, insulting you... No." He nonchalantly waved his hand back and forth to deny John's accusation. "Look! I'm really am telling the truth, John. I am a Magus. See I can use magic as well... Ignis Pila!"

He proceeded to chant the spell incantation for the tier 1 fire magic spell fireball.

Alex could then feel a small portion of his mana leaving his body, channelling through to his left hand and palm, as a small tennis ball sized fireball then materialises, floating a couple of inches above his left hand.

The small tennis sized fireball then levitated above Alex's head, as John could feel the immediate intense heat radiating off from that small tennis sized fireball.

"*Sigh*I can't really see the old self in you anymore, Alex. You used to be quite nice and quiet, Alex. Whatever did happen to the little shy boy we used to know..." John said to Alex feeling slightly down.

Alex immediately responded, "You can blame Anik for that. He is a narcissistic bastard, who enjoys trolling others, imagine being friends with him for over five years."

"Well, you do have a point, he is kind of a troll, but that is why everyone likes him. Not only is he smart, sociable, and likeable. He even made friends with the teachers as well." John somewhat agrees with what he said.

"Anyways! I think it should be about time that you should test out the newly acquired spirit summoning skill, don't you think? John!" Alex said to John with a serious look on his face.

John responded with an, "I know what to do, Alex. Just don't rush me."

At this moment in time, John could feel the tension rises, as all of their attention is focused solely on him. Even though it was only him and Alex alone, within this restroom, John could feel the pressure placed on top of him.

The many untold expectations expecting for his success...

John then walks to the centre of the boy's restroom, feeling his heart palpitating, beating quite rapidly, as he dived into his own subconsciousness, where all of the information is kept.

He starts looking through the foreign knowledge that he acquired from the System, and on how to perform the spirit summoning ceremony.

John's eyes flicker with intent, as he suddenly opens his wide. 'I've got the knowledge on how to perform the spirit summoning ceremony!' He thought to himself, whilst thinking of the next step in the process.

Following alongside this train of thought. "Now I need a spirit medium to draw the summoning magic circle with..." John said, contemplating on what to do next.

"Well, if you want something to draw a magic circle with, like ink. Why not use the black infected zombie blood as ink for the spirit medium. It's thick and viscous like dried de-oxygenated blood. Dark and black like normal ink." Alex suggested.

"Ummm... That may be a good idea,  but I still don't like touching the zombie goo. It's quite disgusting." John said, as he reluctantly accepted the suggested idea, with a grain of salt.

"Hahaha! Then imagine yourself in my place, as I slashed the infected zombies, their black zombie blood gets sprayed over me." Alex said, whilst breaking down in laughter. He continued, "We now lived in an apocalyptic zombie world, and now your whining about the simplest of things like getting yourself dirty. Or you a sissy or something, John." 

John then looked down at him, from where he stood, with a look of disgust. "That is so uncool, man!" John said to Alex, and Alex responded with a light smile plastered on his face. "Well, deal with it, like how I have to deal with Anik's  obnoxious behaviour!"

"Fine! Only this once... Let's get this over with." John silently complained to himself.

Without further hesitation, John squatted down and reaches out with his right hand.

Utilizing his right index finger as a child. He rubbed his index finger in the puddle of black zombie blood, feeling the black viscous goo touching his skin, John got goose pumps. 

Taking advantage of the black goo stuck to his index finger. He started drawing the complex spirit summoning circle from memory on the boy's restroom floor.

Bit by bit, the spirit summoning circle is being drawn, as time passes by in the blink of an eye.

Whilst, John was busy constructing the spirit summoning circle, Alex was alone by himself, staring at John's hardworking figure.

"This is so much like a; fantasy, swords, and magic..." Alex said to himself. Like any other young people of his generation, of course,  he is quite familiar with the concept of levelling up in an MMORPG game. "Then if that was the case, then there's gotta be a character screen, class skill tree, or possibly even a menu or User Interface."


A blue screen then pops up, appearing right before his retina, showcasing four possible categories available.

[User Interface]

~ Character Page

~ Class/Subclass {Locked}

~ Skill Tree {Locked}

~ Inventory

~ Global Channel

"Global Channel! Is that the world chat or something maybe similar!" Alex said to himself, as his curiosity is piqued. 

Alex then taps on the 'Global  Channel' option, and a new blue screen then pops up, replacing the previous last. It reminded Alex of a simplified news website. At the center of the blue screen was a headline.

He then read the headline of the story. 'Today's News: New World Order has today on Earth.'

There is a small paragraph just below that, and Alex continued reading.

[Today Soulpods descended from the sky to begin the selection process. This also means that today is the official start of the New World Order called 'Insignius.' Will Humans prevail or be wiped out as a piece in this new world? Only time will tell us... ]

Well, Alex just took his time to digest the things, he just read. "Well, this world is royally fucked then! I'm sure am sorry for those that are less fortunate to have not made it past this! What a pity..." Alex said to himself until a thought suddenly enters his head. 'Mom! Dad! Little Brother! I hope that they are okay... Well, my Little Brother is the least that I worry about. If he is the least bit like me, he will surely make it out alive thanks to the System.'

"I should worry about myself before I can worry about saving others. If this is truly like an MMO game, then I should surely understand this better, or die trying that is. Menu!" Alex said to himself.

The blue screen then appears once again, but this time, Alex taps on the 'Character Page' option, and another blue screen pops up replacing the previous last.


[Player Status Screen]

Name: Alex Huang Li

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Race: Human {Earthling}

Affiliation: Insignius Order

Guild: N/A

Class: N/A

Subclass: N/A

Base Level: Lv10 

Titles: Player, First Blood, Magus, Zombie Slayer.


HP: 155/155

MP: 179/179

Strength: 27 (47)

Agility: 34

Defence: 23

Endurance: 29

Dexterity: 31

Constitution: 26

Intelligence: 42

Wisdom: 37

Charisma: 21

Luck: 26

(Available stats points to destribute: 32)


Passive Skills:

- Inferior mana regeneration Lv. 1

- {Basic} Magic knowledge Lv. 1

- Fire magic mastery Lv. 1

Active Skills:

- Fireball lv. 1

- Inferior mana utilization Lv. 1

(Available skill points to distribute: 12)


Alex nodded to himself, as this is something he can work with, something he could somewhat understand, and put together with minimalist effort.

And so he began to study his character sheet. All of his primary stats attributes are mostly in the mid-twenties. This means that Alex's original body and mentality is fundamentally changing, readjusted at the cellular level by the System,  as he could instinctively feel his body has become a lot stronger with each level up.

This can be interpreted as both good and bad. Alex has always never been that good at sport, though his body was not kept out of shape, he was still extremely lazy and laidback.

Every new Player receives an extra 12 attribute stats points at the very beginning to distribute, with another 2 points every level up.

Besides that, the Player has the alternative option to boost his/her overall attribute stats values, with either equipment or magic items.  Titles can have a drastic on the user, as they can permanently increase one's own stats value, or increased the output damage to a particular type of monster.

Alex thought to himself for a bit, stuck in between two options. 'Should I go full-on a physical damage dealer, with no defence, or a specialized mage type with high magical prowess... Though I do prefer to use the sword over magic. I can't deny that magic is incredibly handy.' 

"Well, this is more like an MMORPG game like I thought, with the free character customization page, and stats distribution option," Alex said to himself, as he could feel himself becoming excited.