Chapter 6: John's Lucky Reward Box

"Hahaha... You had me worried there, John. For a moment, I thought would have already become a goner, much less being turned into an Infected Zombie." He said, whilst expressing his sense of relief, as his tensed muscles relaxed a bit.

Alex took a short break, as he sat down on the dirty boy's restroom floor, in which the area is not covered mostly in infected zombie blood, and dried human blood.

John was a bit hesitant, as he voiced his opinion, against sitting on the dirty boy's restroom floor. "The floor is extremely dirty, who knows there could be piss there. I advise you to sit on the toilet, it's a lot much cleaner and hygienic." And Alex smiles.

He looked at John directly in the eye, with a nonchalant attitude, as his breathing momentarily quickened. 'Things has changed quite a lot within a short period of time, and this is all you're worried about... John.' Alex thought as he starts to reminiscent of the things that happened during this past hour. 

"I've experienced a lot more worser things that transpire during the last hour than these dirty floors! John!" He said to John.

John then takes a look at Alex, from top to bottom, noticing his cold stoic like demeanour. As the black blood of the Infected Zombies covered his school uniform.

His hair was extremely ruffled, and a bit messy. Alex was holding onto a bronze Jian sword in his right hand, and in his left hand was the sword scabbard.

The bronze Jian sword blade was covered in contaminated black Infected Zombie's blood, mixed with red human blood.

What immediately caught John's attention, as his eyes landed on Heaven's Piercer, the bronze Jian sword Alex is holding in his right hand.

"Where did you get that Sweet Ass sword, Alex?" John exclaimed, outward in shock, beyond disbelief.

Whilst, Alex nonchalantly raised Heaven's Piercer, the bronze Jian sword he is holding within his rights and. "You mean this old thing.  I've got this bronze Jian sword from the random Copper Reward Box... Isn't it amazing." Alex said to John, as he smirks, giving off a satisfying grin, and a look of smugness.

John's face frowns at what he has just heard. "Copper Reward Box... Copper Reward Box! I've got mine after I've become a Player. So you're  a Player too, Alex." John exclaims outwards in surprise, as he suddenly came to a realisation, where all things sort of clicked together.

Alex then looks back at John with a shocked expression, as he shouted, "How did you know I was a Player, John? Unless you're one as well." 

He scrutinized his eyes, barely making the faint outline of a barcode tattoo, above John's right eyebrows. It was being slightly hidden and obscured by his hairline.

It was John's turn to snicker, giving a satisfying grin, whilst placing them on equal footing. "But, I'm still am a lot stronger than you..." However, he was immediately shut down, realising the obvious difference in strength.

"There is no need to be a party pooper, Alex," John said, whilst frowning slightly. 

"Well, of course, John. You will always be at the bottom of our group, that is why you're always in set 4 for every subject." Alex said so half-heartedly as he starts to chuckle underneath his breath.

Here, in the UK, the high school education system is a bit different from the US, as the children are assigned to the proper class, matching their individual learning level. Set 1 and 2 for higher levels, and set 3 and 4 for the foundation levels.

"There's no need to bring up the whole thing again," John said almost on the brink of breaking down into tears. However, Alex responded, "You were the first one of us to get a girlfriend. So you should be proud of that at least."

"Well, you're right. At least I'm not some lazy as a nerd." John said, trying his best to ridicule him.

"Go say that to David and Gerard.  I'm sure you love to get a good beating." He said to John.

John had heard what he has just said and immediately went silent, as he remembers that both David and Gerard take Boxing class, and Gerard did say he went to the Gym often to work out.

'Point Taken' was John's response.

"Although, David that guy, he is a bit of a perv, if I do say so myself. He likes making inappropriate jokes, and rates girls depending on how hot they look." Alex said to John,  and John nodded, agreeing with him.

Alex and John both laughed at their remarks, despite the dreadful atmosphere in the building, to lighten up the mood.

"With that said and done, now let us change the topic... What item, skill, or weapon did you received from the random Copper Reward Box, that you've acquired after becoming a designated Player by the System." He said, as his tone has become a bit serious.

John immediately felt the change in his friend's aura, as he too got serious.

John reached into the pocket of his blazer and then pulls out a hexagonal-shaped blue quartz crystal. It is the same type of crystal in which Alex has already got; a  learnable skill which you can acquire from the skill crystal, except the rarity of the skill is a lot higher.

Holding onto the blue quality skill crystal within his hand. John then tosses it over towards Alex, and he then catches it with his left hand.

"It's a skill crystal. I've got it from the random Copper Reward Box after having become a Player. It's not great like your sword, but at least it's something." John said, feeling depressed, over the reward he got from the Copper Reward Box.

Alex then fiddles with the blue quality skill crystal, eventually triggering the passive observe skill.

A blue screen then pops up appearing right in front of his retina.


[Would you like to learn the skill [Spirit Summoning] from the blue quality skill crystal? Yes/No ]

'Spirit Summoning, huh! This is interesting...' He thought to himself.

Alex then pressed on the keyword 'Spirit Summoning' on the blue notification screen, and a secondary blue screen then pops up, displaying the skill's description and information.

[Skill Crystal: Spirit Summoning]

[Rarity: Uncommon ][Magic Tier: EX ][Skill Description: It summons an elemental spirit of the user's choosing, as the user forms a contract with the spirit. The host can borrow power or use abilities from the contracted elemental spirit. ][Skill Cost: 100 MP per]

Having saw enough of the skill's description. Alex then closes down the skill menu, and presses on the 'No' button, declining to learn the skill, as it wasn't his.

Alex then tosses the blue quality skill crystal, contains the skill about spirit summoning, over to John,  back to its rightful owner.

"That skill is extremely valuable John, despite its uncommon rarity. Its true value and usefulness are a cut above the rest, even better than my bronze Jian sword, that I've got from the Copper Reward Box." Alex said with a serious expression on his face.

"What! Is Spirit Summoning really that as valuable like you've said." John asked, questioning the authenticity of his words.

Alex sighs at the simpleness of John's thinking. "This is why you are stupid, John. The Spirit Summoning skill is extremely valuable because it can summon an elemental spirit. I'm sure you know what an elemental spirit is, right? John. Earth. Fire. Water. Air. Just to name a few. You've basically made a contract with the elemental spirit to borrow their power. A contract with a fire elemental spirit gives you control over fire. A contract with a water elemental spirit gives you control and manipulation over water. Get it you dimwit." He ridiculed John for his stupidness at being unable to gauge the true value of the blue quality skill stone in his hand.

John was quite surprised at Alex's response, as he tightens his grip on the skill crystal. 'Is this skill crystal truly valuable like he said.' He thought to himself, gazing intently at the blue quality skill crystal.


[Would you like to learn the skill [Spirit Summoning] from the blue quality skill crystal? Yes/No ]


John presses on the 'Yes' button, as the blue quality skill crystal disappeared from his hand, becoming white particles which are then absorbed into his body.

Otherworldly knowledge that is foreign to him then rushes inside of his head, as he instinctively learns the incantations and spells formula to construct a spirit summoning circle.

[You have learned the skill [Spirit Summoning]! The blue quality skill stone is consumed! You have gained the achievement [Magus]! ]

[Achievement: Magus ]

[Bonus Stats: +6 Int. +3 Wiz. Inventory Slot: +5. Additional Rewards: Inferior Mana Manipulation, Inferior Mana Regeneration, Magic Knowledge {Novice}. ]

[You have acquired the skill [Inferior Mana Manipulation]! ]

[You have acquired the skill [Inferior Mana Regeneration]! ]

[You have acquired the skill [Magic Knowledge {Novice}]! ]