Chapter 5: The Battle in the Boy's Restroom

Alex didn't waste his time, dealing with the small fry, as he immediately fled the facility.

He runs down the T-Junction corridor, to the opposite end of the corridor, away from the two incapacitated zombies, who could wake up at any minute.

When he opens the closed doors, he was greeted with the sight of absolute carnage, as blood is sprayed everywhere. Corpses and limbs were hung to the side and were littered around on the ground. It was absolute chaos and pandemonium out here.

'It hasn't been that long since the alien parasites infected its hosts, but the rapid spread of the black zombie virus is incredible. I better hurry up.' He thought to himself, as he runs through the small narrow hallway.

It would seem that the narrow hallway is like a puzzle for the zombies, as the long narrow hallway is enclosed with doubled doors on each end; each double doors opens one way, through a simple push and pull open handle mechanism.

In between the long narrow hallway, there is the drama room, opposite the drama room is the boy's restroom. And John currently locked himself in the boy's restroom, and couldn't get out was Alex's assumption.

However, what Alex has completely forgotten about was, just a few couples of feet away from. On the other side of the narrow hallway, was a group of three to four infected zombies, all huddled around the cafeteria's back door.

The cafeteria's backdoor is quite wide open, but none of the infected zombies managed to walk through or take as a single step past the back door. It's almost like there was an invisible protective barrier that is preventing them from entering.

'Interesting. I will have to find out what is blocking or preventing the infected zombie from entering the cafeteria. It may prove useful, but I'm busy at the moment.' He thought to himself, as he came up with a brilliant plan to get rid of the infected zombies, and that is to blow them up to smithereens.

Alex brought his hand forwards, as he cast the tier 1 fireball spell, with extreme haste, and in rapid succession. As he bombarded them, the group of infected zombies with his summoned fireballs.

"Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila! Ignis Pila!" He chanted the fireball spell incantation repeatedly.

The first fireball landed, it exploded right in the middle of the group, disorientated them. With some of the infected zombie limbs being blasted apart, and then sent flying everywhere.

The second fireball landed, killing most of the infected zombies within the group. Those that survive are only hanging on a hair's breadth. Missing an arm, a leg, or even their lower torso even.

A line of blue screen pops up appearing right in front of my retinas.


[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]


With the final third and last fireball landing, it killed the last remaining infected zombie within the group. As its body was blown into smithereens, taking the full explosive power of the fireball.

A line of blue screen pops up appearing right before my retina.


[You have killed an Infected Host! You have gained the achievement [Zombie Killer]! ]

[Achievement: Zombie Killer ]

[All Stats: +3. Inventory Slot: +5. Additional Reward: 1 x Copper Reward Box. ]

[Your level has increased by 1! ]

[You have acquired 1 x [Copper Reward Box]! ]

A futuristic copper box materialises right in front of him, as he reaches his hands outwards, and grabs it.

Alex could instinctively feel the mana withinside his body being emptied out, as more than half of his mana reservoir was being drained, to cast four tiers 1 fireball magic spells. 

'I can at least cast the tier 1 fireball spell one or two more times before I completely run out of mana.' He thought to himself, as he could instinctively feel his body becoming a bit sluggish.

Nevertheless, Alex didn't regret his decision, at the time, as he thought that it was the most appropriate. Since it was a battle four against one. He would be at an extreme disadvantage if he was to enter in close combat. It would be a lot better to just blow them up to smithereens, at the expense of mana consumption, he thought at the time.

'Let's just risk it on the chance of luck, and hoped to get something useful from the Copper Reward Box.' He thought as he brought out the Copper Reward Box, he just recently acquired. 

[Do you wish to open the Copper Reward Box? Yes/No ]

Alex presses on the 'Yes' button, as the futuristic copper box is consumed by intense bright light, and an item then materialises out of thin air.

[Item Screen]

Item Name: Ring of Strength {Star Set}

Type: Magic Accessory

Rarity: Rare

Durability: 2400/2400

Description: A meteorite crystal that was forged into a ring by a Mastered Blacksmith.


- Effect {Item Buff}: +20 Strength.

"What's this unbelievable luck that I've got from the Copper Reward Box?" Alex exclaimed outward in great surprise, as he put on the Ring of Strength.

He could instinctively feel his body becoming a lot stronger when he put the Ring of Strength on. Even the weight of the bronze Jian sword Heaven's Piercer in his hand has lessened, weighing nothing more than an ordinary pair of wooden chopsticks.

Alex then went off and gathered the loot off from the deceased bodies of the dead infected zombies, which were a couple of gold coins and a skill crystal. He checked the contents of the skill crystal beforehand.

[Do you wish to learn the skill [Water Sphere] from the skill crystal? Yes/No ]

'This skill is not exactly useful for offensive purposes like I thought, but it could be used as a utility if we were to run out of fresh tap water.' Alex came to a reasonable conclusion and is intending to keep the skill crystal, as he throws it within his pocket.

Alex then runs down the long narrow hallway, and just about made it outside the boy's restroom, when he heard some groaning noise withinside the boy's toilet.

'Was I too late, and the infected zombies got to him? I got to risk it.' Alex thought to himself, as he slams the door wide open, and charges himself right in.

His Heaven's Piercer sword unsheathed from its scabbard, in the blink of an eye, as the loud noise alerted the infected zombie inside of his presence.

Alex's eyes immediately scanned the boy's restroom. There are two infected zombies that lay before him, a couple of feets away. One infected zombie at the back, pinning down a boy, whilst eating him.

"So that makes a total of three infected zombies in total..." He said to himself, as the two front infected zombies charges towards his destination.

Alex calmly and swiftly reacted, with his Heaven's Piercer he slashes down at the first infected zombie, cutting him down into half. Whilst, immobilizing the first infected zombie, Alex then kicks the second infected zombie in the stomach, gaining himself some distance, to prepare his next attack.

He calmly readied his next assaults, as Alex charges forwards, lunging himself at the second infected zombie.

Alex then slashes his Heaven's Piercer sword sideways, cleanly cutting through the neck of the second infected zombie, decapitating it. As its head is flung to the side, black blood oozes out from the bottom of its head, its zombie head lying on the cold restroom floor, but it is still alive.

With the two front infected zombies rendered helpless, and pretty much immobile, Alex then moved on to the third and last body, who was chowing down on the dead body of a high schoolboy.

Alex did the same thing he did to the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer. He pressed his leg down on the zombie's back, applying some pressure on it, to locked the infected zombie in place. 

With his Heaven's Piercer bronze Jian sword, he impaled the infected zombie right in its head, stabbing through its brain, immediately killing it.

He repeatedly did the same for the other two immobilized infected zombies, impaling them straight through their head, as their life ceased to exist right before his very eyes.


[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1! ]

"Hey, John! Are you still in here? Answer me if you are still alive." Alex shouted, expressing his undying sense of worry for his friend's wellbeing.

"Ummm... I'm in here, Alex." John said, calling out from one of the toilet stalls.


The sound of the toilet stall's lock unlocking, as one of the toilet stall door, starts to slowly creak open, revealing the figure of John himself stuck sitting on the toilet seat, trapped within the boy's restroom.

"Thank god! You've come to save me, Alex. I didn't know how long I could last being in this toilet stall before the zombies figure out that I'm in here." John said, expressing his sense of relief for it.