Chapter 4: Precious Zombie Loot

Alex then slowly walked up to the two. The zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer was too busy chowing down on the trembling girl, unaware of his now approaching presence.

Alex stared down coldly at the trembling girl, as he looked directly into her crying eyes.

He felt no such emotion towards her, seeing as how she was about to die. Only a deep sense of pity. He gloated.

The trembling girl beckons him to kill her, and end her suffering. "Help me... Please end it all. It hurts... *Sniffle.* I was wrong. I'm sorry." The trembling girl cried, as pain coursed throughout her body.

The infected saliva of the zombified boy who wore a hoodie underneath his blazer entered her bloodstream,  transmitted through the zombie bite.

The black alien zombie virus reacted quickly, transmitted through her bloodstream, it rapidly circulates to the rest of his body. As pulsating black veins starts spreading throughout her body, from where she was bitten on the neck-shoulder region.

Alex greatly sighs, taking pity on the girl. "As you wish, I will end it all for you. So please just wait a little longer. It won't last long..." He reassures her.

Taking a few steps forward, he approached the two, as the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer, continues to chow down on the trembling girl.

Alex then lifts his right leg upwards, and stamp down on the back of the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer. It deeply locked himself in place, preventing the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer, from getting up.

The zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer, then lets out a low deep zombie groan, as it tries to force itself up, but Alex didn't give him the chance. As each time it tries to get up, Alex would apply more pressure on his foot, pinning the zombie down on the trembling girl.

"Stop resisting already... You are already dead." Alex exclaimed.

With the zombified boy being safely restraint beneath his foot, Alex readied his Heaven's Piercer, as he impaled both of them through the skull.

The zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer did put up some resistance, but the bronze Jian sword manages to do its job. With the added strength stats bonus, combined with his overall strength stats, Alex's Heaven's Piercer was able to pierce successfully through the zombified boy's skull, crushing the zombie's brain, and impaling the trembling girl in the head. 

*Zombie Screech*

The zombified boy with a goodie beneath his blazer, then lets out an undying scream, before becoming quiet. The zombified boy's body stopped moving, remaining and, and still, whilst laying on top of the dead body of the trembling girl.

The trembling girl's eyes remained opened wide, as tears trickle down the sides of her cheeks. Half of her eyes has already transformed,  becoming black sclera and full-on marbled eyes, with the other in the process of transforming.

As black blood seeps out from the side of her lips. Alex's hands are trembling, whilst holding onto the handle of Heaven's Piercer.

'So this is what it's like to kill someone. Killing the zombie girl has no effect on me, but killing this infected girl does... Is it because I still considered this infected girl human, so that is why I'm feeling a deep sense of guilt for it all.' Alex thought to himself, as he pulled the blood-stained Heaven's Piercer out from the corpse.

He couldn't shake off the trembling sensation within his hand. 'Is this fear, or excitement I'm feeling.' He thought, whist sheathing his blade.


A few blue screens then pop up appearing right before his retina.

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]

[You have killed an Infected Host! ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]

'It would seem that the System has recognised her as an Infected Zombie. How unfortunate...' Alex thought to himself, as he was just about to make his way to the exit.

He immediately stops right in his tracks, as something amazing was slowly unravelling right before his very eyes. 

The corpse of the zombified boy rapidly began to decompose, or more like it is dissolving into grey-white and light blue particles.

The grey-white particles then rapidly enter his body, without his say. This greatly alarms him, but instinctively within his mind, he felt nothing was wrong with him. He felt like the feeling was natural.

'Isn't this weird.' He thought to himself.

The light blue particles then disappear entirely, having assimilated itself with the atmosphere. Alex made sure to take notice of this.

As what is left behind in the zombified boy and trembling girl's disappeared bodies, was their clothes and school bags, underneath of it all was gold coins and a skills crystal.

Alex then sieved through the saggy loose clothing of the recently deceased boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer, and the trembling girl. What they left behind after their bodies vanished, having been turned into particles. The loot you obtained after killing the monster that is.

While sieving through their clothing, Alex managed to find three shiny gold coins and a hexagonal-shaped white quartz crystal.

"So this is this new worlds currency, huh. Pretty primitive if you asked me." He said to himself, as he collected the loot off of their deceased bodies.

'Counting it all together, including the first Infected I've killed, that leaves me with five gold coins.' He thought to himself, as he placed the gold coins within the inside pockets of his school blazer.

Thumbling the hexagonal-shaped white quartz crystal within his hand, he accidentally triggers his passive observee skill by accident, which allows him to read the item description.

[Skill Crystal: Fireball ]

[Rarity: Uncommon ][ Magic Tier: Tier 1 Fire Magic ][Skill Description: It summons a basic fireball which the user can fling at the target. ][Skill Cost: 20 MP per cast]

"What is this!" He asked himself, having grown slightly surprised over the ordeal. 'I wonder if I can learn this magic skill?' He thought.


The System responded as a blue notification screen appeared right in front of his retina.

[Do wish to learn the skill [Fireball] from the skill crystal? Yes/No. ]

Alex immediately pressed on the 'Yes' button, and the hexagonal-shaped white quartz skill crystal disappeared from his hand, becoming white particles which are then absorbed into his body.

Otherworldly knowledge that is foreign to him then rushes inside of his head, as he instinctively learns the incantations and spells formula to construct the basic fireball spell.

[You have learned the Tier 1 Fire Magic Skill [Fireball]! The Skill Crystal is consumed! You have gained the achievement [Magus]! ]

[Achievement: Magus ]

[Bonus Stats: +6 Int. +3 Wiz. Inventory Slot: +5. Additional Rewards: Inferior Mana Manipulation, Inferior Mana Regeneration, Magic Knowledge. ]

[You have acquired the skill [Inferior Mana Manipulation Lv. 1]! ]

[You have acquired the skill [Inferior Mana Regeneration Lv. 1]! ]

[You have acquired the skill [Magic Knowledge Lv. 1]! ]

[You have automatically acquired the skill [Fire Magic Mastery Lv. 1]! ]

"Cool! This is becoming a lot more like a game now... Now I can use magic. So let's try it out first hand."  He said so having grown slightly excited by it all.

Alex then placed his right hand forwards, as he searched through his mind, looking up and constructing the basic fire magic spell formula.

"Ignis Pila!" Alex spoke the spell incantation, as he could instinctively feel his mana being drained from his body.

The drained mana circulating throughout his body, traversing down his right arm, and entering into his right hand. The air around his right hand distorts, giving off some heat, as a ball of hot flames, the size of a tennis ball, materialises before him.

"Success!" He called out, summoning a small tennis sized fireball, on his first try.

'Now to just find a target to fling this fireball to test its explosive strength...' He thought, as he smiled devilishly.

Not long after, the zombified English Teacher and Staff of the English Department walks in, as they began to give chase, running staggeringly towards his direction, the moment they saw him.

Alex then grins mischievously as he has found his firing target. "I've my target. Two target test dummies." He said excitingly like a child.

Alex then flings the fireball he casted, it shot through the air, flying towards the direction of the two zombies. It managed to land straight on the body of the zombified English Teacher.

The fireball exploded on itself, hitting the chest of the zombified English Teacher. It blasted him a couple of feets away but didn't manage to kill him.

The zombified English Teacher's chest caved in because of the explosion, but the Staff Member from the English Department didn't do too well, as his body is flung backwards, hitting the corner wall of one of the T-Junction corridor ends, temporary knocking itself out.

'Huh! Apparently, it would seem that a zombie can get themselves knock out as well.' Alex thought, finding the fact rather interesting.