Chapter 3: Hack, Slash, and Impaled

Alex didn't even realise that he was already chuckling, as his lips curled into a devilish smirk.

Alex always does this whenever he read something interesting, or when the story reached its peaks, hitting the climax part of the story.

Without much thought, Alex unsheaths Heaven's Piercer, revealing the Jian blade in its glory. The bronze Jian sword slides out from its sheath, revealing the bronze sword blade, as it gave off a metallic sheen.

"This sword isn't half bad. It's a lot better than having nothing." He said so to himself, whilst wielding the bronze Jian sword in one hand.

While, with his other hand, holding onto the sword sheath. Alex began performing simple sword moves; testing the range, and sharpness of the sword out.

'It's probably gonna take me some time to adjust to handling a sword.' He thought to himself, as he swung the blade through the air.

Alex swung the bronze Jian sword wildly, by accident, the sword blade struck against the metal handrails, as it caused a loud metallic clang. The sound of metal hitting against metal.


The sword blade struck the metal handrails, leaving behind a slash mark, as it sends strong vibrational waves through the blade reaching his arms.

'I should try not to do that again, I can still feel my hand shaking, from the shockwave of Heaven's Piercer hitting against the metal handrails.' He thought to himself, as he sheathes his sword, back into the scabbard.

"Oh, wait a minute... I've completely forgotten about John. The reason I'm heading to the ground floor is to look for him. Please pray to god that he didn't succumb to the alien parasite. I could only hope." He said to himself, slightly worried for his friend's wellbeing.

Alex hurriedly picks up the paste, as he runs down the stairs. He jumps down half a block, skipping a few steps along the way, shortening the distance to his intended target.

On his way down, to the very end of the staircase, someone stepped within his peripheral line of vision. It greatly startled him, as he was alerted of its presence.

"Move out of the way, girl! I am in a bit of a hurry! Please move aside or you will get-" Alex exclaimed.

Alex immediately stopped in mid-sentence when he looked directly at the girl's eyes. He didn't know the girl personally, but he was quite sure that the girl never had black sclera before, where the outer part of the eye was usually white.

Her pupils were full-on marble white, losing whatever coloured irises it once previously had. Her skin also looked extremely pale, as black veins started covering her face, spreading down to her neck and shoulders, to the rest of the body.

He cautiously took a few steps backwards, as he hurriedly unsheathes Heaven's Piercer from its scabbard.

And the girl stepped closer to him, as she lunges herself forwards, with both hands stretched outwards, resembling claws.

It was a good thing that Alex was prepared beforehand, as he tightened his grip on the handle of Heaven's Piercer. He raised the bronze Jian sword upwards.

Without fear or hesitation, he brought the bronze Jian sword downwards, slashing in a diagonal direction, from his left to his right side.

In a downward swift motion, Heaven's Piercer left a deep sword gash, and a cut open wound, on the infected girl's chest. With infected black blood oozing out from the infected girl's open slashed wound.

Without backing down, Alex pressed himself forwards, not holding anything back against the infected girl. As he lodges the scabbard of Heaven's Piercer into the infected girl's chest, lodging it in between her ribcage, and pinning herself down against the staircase wall.

'The number 1 rule within a zombie apocalypse is to never let yourself get bitten, or be within the range of an infected host. If the zombie virus gets into the target's bloodstream, or via other means, like through an open wound or cut. You're as good as dead...' He commented inside his head, whilst having a full eye contact on the infected girl, that lay trapped before him, pinned against the staircase wall.

'If you held yourself back because these infected things used to be humans, then you're as good as hopeless. With no way of defending yourself, you ended up as a sitting piece of meat. A juicy piece of a target for the zombie to kill...' He thought to himself.

As he pulled his right arm backwards, holding tightly onto the handle of Heaven's Piercer. Alex then stabs Heaven's Piercer into the wide-opened mouth of the infected zombie girl, impaling her straight in the head.

The bronze Jian sword blade made its way through her head, making minced meat of her insides, as it destroys the brain of the infected zombie girl.

The moment the brain of the infected zombie girl is destroyed.  Her life ceased to exists within this world. Her black sclera marbled eyes remain motionless and moving.

"She is dead..." Alex said to himself.

Alex pulled his Heaven's Piercer out from the guts of the dead infected zombie girl, with brain matter and infected zombie blood stuck to the sword blade.

Just like how he saw in movies, Alex swung his Heaven's Piercer bronze Jian sword downwards, sideways, as all the brain matter and infected zombie blood is flung to the side.

However, there are still some faint traces of black infected zombie blood still stuck to the blade. It didn't completely get rid of it. It's life, nothing always ended up as perfect as you wanted.


A blue screen then pops up appearing right before his retina.

[You have killed an Infected Host! You have gained the achievement [First Blood]! ]

[Achievement: First Blood ]

[All Stats: +2. Inventory Slot: +5. Additional Reward: +1 x Copper Reward Box. ]

[Your level has increased by 1. ]

[You have acquired 1 x [Copper Reward Box]! ]

A futuristic copper box then materialises right in front of Alex's eyes, as he immediately grabs it, and throws it in the pocket of his blazer.

'There is no time. I've got to hurry... This place is not safe around here. There are two exits, on the opposite end of the T-Junction corridor. I could easily be flanked by a horde of zombies at both ends.' Alex thought to himself, as he was about to move when he encountered a blockage.

When he was just about to turn around, the trembling figure of a scare high school girl, entered his line of sight. She was a couple of feet away from his current location.

Apparently, the now trembling shaken girl, scared out of her wits, has witnessed Alex brutally murdered her best friend.

She yelled at Alex in her frustration, for killing her best friend, whilst unaware of the sense of dread going on around her. "You murderer! You've killed her! You've killed Jessica! You fucking psychopath!" The girl kept screaming at Alex, calling him foul names, which sort of affected his mood.

In his annoyances, Alex tried to talk back to her, and be reasonable with. "She was already long gone, girl. Your friend has already become an infected. There is no longer any hope for her. She is..." However, Alex was suddenly interrupted by the girl.

The terrified girl shouted, unable to accept the facts that lay before her.  Nothing he said could change her mind, "So you've killed her. Stop making up some fabricated lie. There is no such thing as zombies..."

Alex then interrupts her, "If you wish to stay alive. You should run and hide." He gave her simple advice, but she turns a blind eye to it.

'Stupid girl! You are too conceited to accept the fact that lay before your eyes... You're already dead!' Alex thought to himself, as he took a few steps backwards.

She continued to tell at Alex, "Come back here you murderer! You've killed Jessi..."

The trembling girl didn't have a chance to finish her sentence, when the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer, enters the staircase T-Junction corridor.

The zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer lunges himself forward at the trembling girl. With his two broad hands, holding the trembling girl down by the shoulder, as he took a large bite at the trembling girl's neck.

The trembling girl cried out in shock, as she was bitten by the zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer. 

He pushed the trembling girl down against the floor, with his bare body laying on top of her. The zombified boy with a hoodie underneath his blazer starts eating the trembling girl alive.

Alex who took two steps backwards from the side, then looks at the two ' intimate' couple, laying on top of one another.

He said with a cold look of indifference, as he stared at the trembling girl's crying eyes. "I've told you so, but you won't listen...So now you're dead. So become food for the starving zombie then."