Another Official, Another Mission

A tall, white, black-haired man was on a bus going down to the airport. He was wearing a black suit that gave off a small shine. A dark navy dress shirt, that had a dark reflective tie. Dark black shoes that with a single glance, someone could tell it would cost a pretty penny. Next to him was a single black luggage, seemed just big enough to carry some clothes and two pairs of shoes.

In the bus on the opposite side of the man, were a mother and daughter. The daughter looked as if she was just entering her teens. She had blonde hair, a petite face, and a very attractive smile. The mother had beautiful white skin, darker shade of yellow hair, and a beauty mark right below her left eye. If nobody knew her age, nobody would've believed she is 48. She looked as if she hasn't past a day over 25.

Daughter whispered, " Mom, look at that man right next to us!"

As the Mom saw the man her chin dropped. After a second she finally said, "OMG, daughter you have such a good eye. Should I get you a new dad?"

Daughter, "Don't make me tell dad! ... He's a beauty, I hope we got on the same plane. I would like to see if we're going to the same place, and check if he is single."

As the mother-daughter duo continued whispering, the bus ride was nearing the end and parking in front of the international airport entrance. Once the bus stopped, the white man picked up his luggage and exited the bus. Once he took a step outside, a few teenage girls nearby gasped.

In full plain view, people could see that the man was about 6,3 feet tall. He had the cleanest, luscious, and healthy black hair. It was styled in a short pompadour. The man's skin was comparable to a Japanese empress. His body was in an ectomorph shape. Muscles couldn't be seen, but just by the neck muscles showing. People could tell he had the models Perfect Body.

The man entered the building, giving a nice, but strong aura. He was heading to the checkpoint to get inside. While waiting in line to pass the checkpoint, a rather large black woman stopped him.

Woman, "Sir, I want you to come with me for a random inspection please".

He gave a calm smile to the woman. Then he said, "Sure, lead the way".

As they entered through a door, the woman said, " Sir go down the hallway and enter the second door on your left, he is waiting for you".

Opening the door, the handsome man saw a metal table with two chairs. There was also an Old man on the opposite chair looking at the handsome man. The old man had a brown trench coat. He looked around the age of '50s. He had tan skin, rather large muscles for his age, white hair on the side of his head, and a sense of power around him.

The old man said," Come in, close the door behind you"

Once the door was closed, the handsome man pulled the empty chair and sat on it.

After a second of silence, the old man said," Jack Rojas, code name Bloody Ripper. The CIA's best dog, I mean ... assassin. A man of ". Jack interrupted, '' Just cut to the chase".

As the old man heard this, his expression hardened, and his nonchalant voice vanished. The old man started to examine Jack. As he saw Jack's face, he noticed a fake smile. But when he saw Jack's eyes, his body trembled. His entire being was telling him to run away. His eyes didn't give off a killing vibe. His eyes looked dead with no light, but they gave a pressure of a powerful being.

As the old man sweated and swallowed his saliva, he said in a terrified voice, "A-ah y-yes. Your job is to go into China and kill a corrupt official".

The old man than calmed his voice and said, "We gave the Chinese Official money and power, in exchange; he would allow more United States control in China. Sadly, now it seems he is now trying to leave us and become pro-communist. This will result in a major loss of influence in China. We need you to kill this man before he gives his speech tomorrow afternoon. You will be placed in the same hotel as the official".

In a serious voice, he said," You have 30 hours to kill this man if the mission isn't complete ... Well, I doubt you don't know the consequences".

The Old man then threw an envelope on the table and said. " your plane is leaving in 20 minutes, better hurry".


As the plane was landing, Jack was reading inside the envelope.

Mission: Double Agent Official Accident

Task: Kill Zhang Lee

Location: Hong Kong China

Expiration Time: February 2nd, 2019, 5 pm

Safe House: Renaissance Hotel Room 236, 1 Harbour Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Target Location: Renaissance Hotel Room 436, 1 Harbour Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Note: The agent will undergo the alias, Kevin White. The murder also has to look like an accident.


The plane's intercom made a beeping sound to inform the plane was landing. As the plane was about to start its descent, a petite Chinese woman with a light blue steward uniform approached Jack and said, "Sir, we'll be landing soon, please put everything away and fasten your seatbelt".

Once the plane landed, Jack looked at a guy's phone that sat next to him, it was 5 hours before his time ended. Jack then grabbed his luggage from the top compartment and made his way outside the airport. When he came out of the exit with the crowd that was also leaving the airport, he saw many fake taxis. A lot of taxi drivers were speaking broken English to him, trying to convince him to go with them. As Jack kept walking and ignoring them, he saw a red taxi with a white top. It had an old man speaking only in Mandarin, trying to get people to use his taxi.

In China, usually, official taxi drivers would have a red car with a white top. They also don't typically speak English. This reassured Jack, he knew that this taxi driver was safe, unlike the rest.

Jack approached the old man and said in fluent Mandarin, "Uncle, I need to go to the Renaissance Hotel by the Harbour. Do you know how to get there?".

The old man smiled and happily said, "Yes, yes I do young man. Please come inside, I'll take you right away".

Jack was very adept in Mandarin. Jack also knew Latin, French, Greek, Japenese, Spanish, German, Russian, and Arabic. As an international assassin, he needed to be able to blend in. His skin and hight typically didn't help him, but when he used a large sweater, mask, shades, and talked in a strong voice. People would typically treat him as he was a local mobster, terrorist member, or whatever criminal organization member that lead that area.

When the taxi arrived in front of the hotel, the man asked for 282 yuan (40 USD). Jack gave him 50 USD and said with a light smile, " keep the change".

Once inside, Jack went to the female receptionist and said, " I have a room reserved, under the name Kevin White".

The receptionist gave a cute smile while thinking, ' That hunk! I wouldn't mind an invitation to his bed'. Then half a second later she woke herself up and said, " Yes I see a one-bedroom with a single bed. It will be on the second floor and the room number is 236". She then held her hand up with a keycard that said Renaissance in front of it.

Jack gave her a gentle smile and grab the card. Then said, "thank-you".

As Jack was leaving for the elevator, the female receptionist leaned over the desk to get a better look at his back. She thought, 'If I wasn't working right now, I would go right up to him, and ask if he wants to go on a date'.


Inside the luxurious room with a huge flat screen tv and a king-sized bed in the middle, was Jack examing a black duffel that was left on top of the bed.

Inside the bag was a full set of black clothing. A completely black turtle neck, extremely dark gray cargo pants, a black mouth mask, light black hunting boots, and a black belt. There was also the equipment needed for the job; black military-grade rope, a floor hook to hold the rope to the ground, professional lock picking kit, keycard that had a note saying 436, many yuan bills, seven mags with 7.62 ammunition, and a silenced type 92 pistol". A person never knows what he'll need during a mission.

When Jack finished analyzing, he started thinking of how he could kill Zhang Lee and make it look like an accident. As he was in frustration, the time was ticking for the end of the allotted time. He then decided to just follow the man and see what he would do.

' I still have 4 hours left'.


Inside the Hotel, Mr. Zhang was reassuring himself of going straight was the right thing to do. He was thankful to the U.S. for helping him but, he saw that they were just taking advantage of his country. While trying to reassure himself, he started getting a headache.

" What's done is done, there's no turning back now. I'll just call room service to bring some pain relievers, start memorizing what I'll say for the press conference, and then leave for the conference 30 minutes before I have to go up and talk".


In a hallway, a young woman was walking down the aisle with a cart. The cart had food that other rooms ordered, but also a bag with pain relievers. The young woman then rang the doorbell and said, " room service".

Footsteps could be heard, getting louder and louder on the other side. Finally, the doorknob started rotating and the door opened.

"Sir, here are the pills you ordered. There is also some water so the pills can go down easier".

Mr. Zhang grabbed the pills and water, then closed the door immediately. The young girl didn't care, she had gotten used to this treatment from the occupants. As the girls proceded to walk down the aisle, a man with a suit was leaning on the wall with his phone. In reality, this man was Jack and he was spying to see if Mr. Zhang was going to leave the room. He now had a nice smirk on his face.

'Seems like I found my opportunity. Pain relievers have oxycontin, highly poisonous if too much is in the body. If I overdose him with pain-relievers, I can make it look like an accident'.

Jack then went back into the elevator and headed to his room. He decided that he wouldn't need much, just his silenced gun, mags, and Zhang's room keycard. With his stuff equipped, Zhang headed back to the elevator to go downstairs.

On the trip down, he shared the elevator with a woman and a little girl. The little girl seemed to be fascinated by the handsome suited man. As she was examing him, she saw a gun between his chest and a suit jacket. Jack noticed the girl, he then looked at the mom to see if she noticed too. Luckily the mom didn't seem to be in the know, so he decided to do nothing about the little girl.

The elevator then came to a stop and Jack walked out. He thought to himself as he walked to Mr. Zhang's room,' luckily the mother didn't see. I'm not allowed to have witnessed or given off suspicion. Anybody that can link the assassination to me must be terminated. Since it was the girl who saw me, nobody will probably believe her that she saw a man with a gun'.

Getting the card he needs for the room, Jack headed back to Zhang's room.

Once jack made it to the door, he took a moment to calm his nerves and control his breathing. He then proceeded to place his ear on the door and listen. There was a sound of walking. ' It sounds like he was pacing back and forth.' I'll need to be fast once I get in. Since he is pacing, I probably won't be able to attack his blindside. I'll need to run to him and restrain his mouth before he can scream'.

Jack took his last deep breath and swiped the card. A millisecond after he heard the unlock beep. He opened the door quickly but made sure to not slam the door so the noise couldn't be heard outside the room. He ran right up to a meter before Zhang's back and bent his knees. He then proceeded to use all his force to jump on Zhang and swiftly wrap his arm around Zhang's neck, and the other arm to lock it in place. He luckily aimed correctly and they were falling onto the bed. Nobody would hear when they crashed on the bed, unlike the floor. As they were falling onto the bed, he was wrapping his legs around the arms and chest of Zhang. It was insurance to make sure Zhang couldn't use his arms to break free.

Zhang the proceded to panic. He was placing all his strength and energy to break free, and scream for help. Sadly Jack was using his legs to prevent him from breaking free. No matter how much force he used, he couldn't escape. Legs, after all, are 3x stronger than arms. Also unfortunately for Zhang, he couldn't scream because Jack's arms were closing his throat. As every second ticked by, Zhang was losing consciousness. They locked arms on his neck weren't just preventing Zhang from screaming, they also didn't allow him to breathe.

After 30 whole seconds, Zhang finally stopped moving and fell unconscious. Jack then picked himself up and slid off the bed. Next, Jack walked to the mini-fridge in the corner and took out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He also grabbed the pain relievers on the counter.

Jack took the bottle first and opened Zhang's mouth. He smacked the bottle on Zhang's chest, which caused Zhang to cough. As Zhang was coughing he poured the bottle into Zhang's mouth. The cough forced the alcohol to go down Zhang's throat even if Zhang was unconscious. When the bottle was almost finished, Jack dropped the bottle from bed height. It was to make it look like Zhang dropped it when he was on the bed. After dropping the bottle, Jack then did the same method with the pills.


Two cops were getting into the elevator and going up to the fourth floor. One was an old police officer that had a graying beard and messy medium hair. The other cop was young, a nice brushed hairdo that made him look like a go-getter.

Young " Sir do you believe the tip was true?'.

Old " Probably, my informant said that a strong organization was going after Mr. Zhang's life. Also, there was a call a couple of minutes ago from a woman saying there was a white male with a gun stopping on the fourth floor".

Young " Then why aren't we running! That's the same floor as Mr. Zhang's room".

Old " My informant has been wrong before, and the call said that her child was the one that saw the gun. Also, there are rumors that Mr. Zhang is corrupt and under the influence of the Americans. A traitor like him dead is a good thing".

Young " I understand sir, but we must still protect and serve the people!".

Old " That is why we are going. I will protect the people when I see they need help, but I won't run just because of a tip that could be true. We get thousands of these tips every year, you'll understand after a hundred of these".

The elevator door opened and the police officers walked out. They headed straight to Mr. Zhang's room, but then they noticed the door was open. The officers looked at each other and nodded their heads. They took out their latched handguns and speed-walked to the front of the door.

Old Officer then said in a whisper voice, " follow my lead".

The Old Officer took the lead and entered the room while yelling, "police!".


Jack was currently pouring the pills into Zhang's mouth with the coughing technique. When he saw the officer, his mind screamed, "goddammit, I forgot to close the door". Jack then came back to reality but was panicking. He saw the police officer talking but his panicking didn't allow him to hear the words. Jack knew he needed to escape but he couldn't think of anything. Jack then started putting his arms up to look like he was surrendering. Jack wanted to buy a couple of seconds to calm himself down and think of an escape. Once calmed down, he realized his only escape was out the window.

When the young police officer was about to cuff Jack, Jack then ran full force to the window, while being shot at. Jack knew the window was reinforced so while he was running, he took out his gun and shoot the glass 16 times, finishing the mag. Each bullet was only 3 inches apart and created a ball shape. Jack then jumped to the glass in the cannonball form to where the bullets landed. He wanted to make sure that he would break through the reinforced glass by weakening a spot and using his body to finally breakthrough. Efficiently jumping out of the building through the glass.