End of the Line?

Jack was currently falling from the sky after jumping out of the fourth floor. Jack's heart was racing but he tried to keep a cool mind while in the air. He started to crouch and have the tip of his feet lead him. When he felt the first sensation of the ground on his feet, he started rolling to distribute the force from falling from the fourth floor. Jack executed the roll perfectly, but since it was the fourth floor; he still received some damage. Luckily for Jack, he didn't break any bones. He only received some muscle damage, which didn't affect Jack too much. The injured muscles would only cause pain while running, so with Jack's pain tolerance, it was nothing.

Jack stopped himself from rolling and stabilized himself into a crouching position. 'I'll need to go dark for a while. I'll go to the train first, then head downtown. From there I'll call my CIA handler and try to get him to forgive me".

" I already failed my last mission when I killed one of England's Duke. That failure placed a huge bounty on my head. But with the CIA's influence, the heads of the criminal world voided my bounty. Now with this second failure, I will lose this protection. I hope I can still save myself".


In a one-bedroom apartment downtown, was an old woman knitting a red scarf halfway done. After finishing a loop, the phone next to the door was ringing. The old woman proceeded to walk to the phone and pick it up.

Woman" Tang residence, may I know who's calling?".

Man " Open bounty. Target: Bloody Riper. Reward: 5 million USD"

The old woman than hanged up and went to her laptop in the kitchen. She logged in the computer and opened a VHS repair shop site. She then logged into the site, and the site showed a black screen. In the center of the screen was a search bar. The woman then typed Bloody Ripper. 2 seconds later the website showed Jack's profile.

Name: Jack Rojas

Alias: Bloody Ripper

Bounty: Active

Access: Open to all

Reward: 5 million USD

Info: 10,000 USD for access

The old woman choose to click and buy the info on Jack

Info: Available

Payerment People: $2,000,000 CIA / $1,200,000 Russsia Polenski Mob Family / $545,000 China Officail Goverment / $768,000 England's Prince Derek / .....

[Jack's picture is here]

Description: 6.3 feet / black pompadoured hair / white skin / muscular and lean (swimmers body) / brown eyes

Last known location: China, Renaissance Hotel

Difficulty: Undetermined

Difficulty Rank: #3

Bounty Kill Count: 1,367 confirmed / 3,000+ believed

Skills: English + 8 languages / mixed martial arts + 10 arts / advance gun use on all weapons /

expert driving skills / high level acting

After reading all the info carefully, she then grabbed her brown sweater and red purse. She started making sure she had everything in her purse and then thought to herself.

'If he is in the harbor, he'll most likely take the train to the mainland and go downtown'


The old woman wasn't the only one preparing to go kill Jack, With the huge bounty, everyone was getting ready to go kill Jack. Anybody with that kind of bounty, no matter how dangerous or powerful would be targeted. Unfortunately for Jack, he thought he still had time to call his handler and still keep the bounty voided.


Jack was currently running to a nearby subway. While running he heard a radio around the corner saying " All units, tall white male has murder politician Zhang. Last seen at the Renaissance Hotel. All units are tasked to survey the scene and look for suspicious activity".

As the police officer was turning around the corner, Jack jumped to the air. As soon as Jack saw the officers face while in the air, he kicked him right on his chin to knock him unconscious. The officer's partner saw this and panicked. Jack used this brief second to stabilize his landing and launch himself to the next officer. Jack lifted his hand to grab the panicked officer's face and continued to use all his force to slam the officer's head to the wall. Driving the officer unconscious, and leaving a blood splatter on the wall.

"Luckily they weren't prepared for me and won't be able to call for help now. Sadly, I need to hurry up because as soon as people see these bodies. They will most likely call the police'".

As Jack kept running, he finally saw the subway entrance. He started to slow his pace and blend in with the subway crowd as he went downstairs. Arriving at the paying checkpoint for the subway, he jumped over in a sneaky and swift manner. The person behind Jack didn't even notice Jack doing this movement.

Jack took a nearby seat to replenish his energy while he waited for the train. When the downtown train came. Jacked walked a leisurely pace on to the train. Taking the first step into the train, Jack felt something large hit his back. His body was then thrown onto the train wall and then Jack fell onto the train floor. Some of the nearby people panicked and a lot of them started to quickly exit the train in a panic. Jack then threw his body down the train aisle and turned back in a defensive position. His head was fuzzy so everything was a bit blurry. Abruptly a tall fat figure seemed to throw his fist at Jack. Since Jack couldn't see clearly, he dodged by moving forward and crouching down. He then grabbed the fat man's shirt and took out his silenced gun. He picked up his gun hand and put it right under the hand grabbing the man's chest. The shirt hand was used to aim and stabilize the gun. A millisecond later a whooshing air sound was heard. Jack was able to accurately shoot the fat man's lung by using his other arm as a guide.

When Jack heard the fat man fall onto the ground, he headed to the train wall which had chairs. He still couldn't see clearly so he placed his hands forward to make sure to feel where he was going. When Jack felt the chair, he proceeded to sit down and rest.

' Seems like I won't be able to live a nice life now with the bounty back up. I'll just go dark and probably move into a 2nd world country'.


Jack was currently heading downtown. His mind was fuzzing but clearing up little by little. The train suddenly stopped and Jack started panicking.

'beep' "Nam Cheong"

Hearing this, Jack cooled down and lowered his guard.

"I'm too panicked. For a moment I forgot I was on a train".

People started walking into the train but then they screamed and panic as they saw the dead body. They left as soon as they came, except for three thugs. Thug1 was a tall skinny guy. Thug2 had a douche beard and carried a bat. Thug3 was smoking and texting on his phone something.

Thug1 "look here boys, I see a living and walking paycheck".

Thug2 "Boss be careful. Even though we didn't buy his info, there should be a good reason for the huge bounty"

Thug1 " Your new so you probably never heard of rich kid bounties. Some kids have petty personalities and would place huge bounties just to make a point"

Thug3 then put away his phone and said" Just follow our lead newbie. Also, look at how this guy looks like. He looks exhausted, and has some blood on his clothes. Don't tell me you're scared of him?".

Thug2 " NO WAY!!! Here let me prove it to you guys!".

Thug2 picked his arms up with the baseball bat and hardened his muscles in anticipation. The sound of him tightening his grip could be heard on the leather of the handle. The first quarter inch of moving his bat forward for a swing, Jack started to stand up. Getting up, Jack moved his right arm into his suit's left pocket and grabbed a black tactical folding knife, and opened it with a quick flick. At the same time, Jack used his left hand to grab the gun in his right suit pocket and point it at thug3 on his left. 1/10th of a second later Jack used his right hand holding the knife to slice thug2 neck who was holding the bat. In the same swing, Jack also sliced Thug1's neck. At the same time, Jack shot the gun at Thug3 face. In a quarter of a second, Jack killed all 3 people. Jack didn't even let Thug2 swing his bat for an inch. Making him, supposedly an easy target, not so easy anymore.

As the bodies were falling onto the floor, Jack was sitting back onto his seat.

' I better hurry, who knows when the real professionals will show up'.


'beep' "Downtown stop"

Hearing the stop, Jack picked himself up and walked out the train. Panic arose again because the bodies were still on the train when the new passengers came on to the train. The new passengers started running away in a panic and some even went to the nearby help kiosk and tell the attendant to call the police. In the midst of the running, an old lady was knocked over. She had a brown sweater and a nice-looking red plastic purse. Probably bought from her grandaughter because old women don't typically get plastic purses.

Jack who always had to act as a white knight to hide his cover, reflexively helped the old woman. Picking up the old woman, Jack felt a stinging pain in his neck. The next moment when Jack was moving his hand to help pick up the old woman, he fell on the floor.

Jack thought in a screaming manner, ' What in the world is happening!?! Did she poison me? I shouldn't be able to be poisoned. My body should be able to negate any poison I come into contact with. My body is even able to just have a numbing feeling with 3 of the most deadly poisons to ever exist.'

Old woman " Wow, what I just gave you is a completely new poison. It can even compete with the number 1 poison in the world. It's probably even more threating because it's completely man-made. It has no cure. Also, It's completely new and foreign. The immune system won't even have a chance of fighting it".

The woman kept talking but Jack couldn't understand a single word the woman was saying.

'It seems like here is where I finally die. It also seems like I don't even get a flashback. I always wondered what my flashback would've contained. Would it be during my younger years in school. Or would it be back in my training days. Sometimes all I can think about was my training. Feeling the cold rain while we had to run 15 miles up and down a mountain with all our equipment on. The taste and smell of blood in the air when they were doing torture training on us. Nah, it's most likely would've been when I did my first honeypot. Even though I was tricking the Duchess into bed for work, It was still a magnificent time sharing the night with her. It diddn't matter that I had to give her the center of attention even though it was my first time'.

'HAHA, look at me now. I sound like an old man who's remembering the days of his passionate youth! Well, look at me now. Spending my birthday on a failed mission and dying on the train station floor. I just hope the afterlife is better than this".

After the old woman finishing monologuing, she took out a tiny pistol typically used by women. Or men that want to hide a gun in their underwear.

'bang bang bang'

Three bullets appeared on Jack's body. Jack had two in his chest that seemed to be aimed at his heart, and one in the head. The typical three shots used to make sure a person died.


A carriage coming from White Leaf City was currently going to the Red's Manor at tremendous speed. Looking more carefully at the carriage, people would see that two black unicorns that were twice the size of regular big horses were pulling the cart. This sight gave a huge fright to people traveling on the pathway to White Leaf City.

Two particular people walking on the pathway conversing;

Man1: "What in the world is wrong with that carriage!?! They could've killed us!"

Man2: "Shush!!! That's the King's niece's carriage. Don't you remember the huge manor we passed a couple miles down. The one owned by the Marquess Christopher Reds".

Man1: " Oh thank god he was in a hurry and didn't hear me... Anyway, why do you think Marquess Reds is in such a hurry"

Man2: " If I remember correctly, I heard from a couple of my drinking buddies that the king's nephew's wife was three months pregnant. That was six months ago. If we are talking about the same wife, then she should be giving birth around this time".


The carriage arriving at the Marquess Manor took a hard stop in front of the entrance.


Slamming the door open, a forty something-year-old man jumped out of the carriage. He was a tall 6.6 man, had long wavy black hair, hazel eyes, light tan skin, and had a strong build. The old man was wearing a black fur cape that covers almost his whole torso to his knees, a dark green shirt with gold lining, dark brown pants, and his large two-handed sword on his back that was six inches thick. This old man was a renowned general, Pheonix Kingdom's king's nephew, marquees, Christopher Reds the first.

As Christopher Reds barged his way through the entrance, elegant stairs, beautiful hallway, and through the servants that didn't notice in time to move away. Christopher finally arrived to the room where his main wife was giving birth.

Entering the room, Christopher Reds saw his beloved wife in pain giving birth on the bed. The woman on the bed was Christopher Reds 1's main wife. She was Elizabeth Zepeda-Reds, third daughter of the king of Gonia Kingdom. Which was the country up north. Elizabeth was a beautiful woman with luscious black hair, white skin with touches of pink, and bright blue eyes. She wasn't the typical wife or daughter either. She was past know as the People's Healer after she healed an entire village with one spell. A woman who could do this would typically be desired and reserved for other kings, but she wasn't because she had no real high-level healing. She can use her spells in a large radius but, it can only stop bleeding. It's very difficult for her to heal a single finger, which in this world is what is required to be called a basic healer. Even though she isn't King material, she is still marquis main wife material. Since she is the daughter of a king and has the title of People Healer.

The nearby midwife was grabbing a nearby wet towel to place on Ms. Elizabeth's forehead. Placing the head towel, she moved away and gave room for the head of the house to talk to his wife.

Christopher ,

"Are you fine, hows the baby!?"

Elizabeth was clearly in pain and sweating like there was no tomorrow, but she still took the time to talk to her husband in a calm tone.

"Don't worry, the baby and I are fine. It's a little easier than our first child but it's still hard. Don't worry, our child will be born soon".


"Oh thank the heavens, remember to not strain yourself to mu-"

The second midwife who was in charge of the delivery said,

" Master and Miss, we are now in the final stage, please move aside so we can give the safest delivery".

Even though Christopher got mad the mere midwife interrupted him, he also knew how important this part was; so he held his words and left the room.


Christopher was pacing up and down the hallway into his wife's room.

" She's been screaming for twenty minutes already, what's taking so long!?! I thought this was the last part! Whatever, I just hope nothing goes wrong. Please, goddess of fertility and health; bless my wife and child that nothing goes wrong".

Down the corridor were a couple of steps coming. When the steps came around the corner, Christopher saw his family. It was his brother in law Groom from the Gonia kingdom, the two oldest sons, oldest daughter, and his sister.

When they arrived in front of Christopher, they all took a knee and said,

"We pay our respect to Marquess Christopher Reds"

Christopher, " Be at ease"

Oldest Son, " Father, is the child born yet?"

Groom, " Is it a boy or a girl?"

Christopher, " No, the child hasn't been born yet. I just hope nothing has gone wrong".

Everyone, " We give our wishes to a healthy birth!".

Christopher," Let's hope the gods fortune us"

Couple minutes later the midwife came outside and said,

" Master, a boy has been born".

Hearing this, Christopher barged into the room and spoke loudly,

"Where is my new son".


Elizabeth " Quite down, I'm feeding him "

Christopher closed his mouth and gently walked next to his wife.

Seeing his child, Christopher commenced to cry while taking a knee.

" Thank you, gods and goddesses, for giving us a healthy young boy and helping my wife through this taxing birthing".

The rest of the family followed in. Groom, the wife's brother, wanted to take a look as soon as possible so he made his way next to his sister on the opposite side of the bed from Christopher. Seeing his nephew, he activated his skill. Groom used an Identification skill called Owl's Eye. The skill was Rare rank and could identify almost anything. There were only a few items in the whole country he couldn't identify. Examining the child, Groom was in completely shock.