Motherly Love?

Christopher seeing Groom's face, he became terrified.

Christopher, " Is something the matter. What did your skill show"

Groom, " I'm not sure. My skill is blurry and doesn't show me anything".

Christopher, " What does that mean? Does your skill not work anymore?"

Groom, " No, it not that. It still works, it just that ...."

Christopher, " Well spit it out!"

Hearing this, the whole family, wife, and mid-wives became interested. They started wondering what could have happened. It wasn't every day that Groom couldn't identify something.

Groom, " It seems your son's stats are hidden. When my vision gets blurry when I inspect something, it means that it's info is being hidden with something that is a higher class. It seems your boy was born with a hidden identification skill. This will prove useful in his future battles, assassin will have to think twice before fighting your son since they won't be able to determine how strong your son is".

Christopher, " Hmm, I'm not fond of secretive stuff. Anyways, I'll still teach him to be an honest and strong man in the future. Let's just see this as a bonus"

Christopher wasn't fond of secretive stuff. He was more of an upfront guy. Christopher believed in strength and raw power. He was more of an: all I need is one strong move to beat my opponent. The only advance skill I need is a heavy hitter, not a flimsy, weak, multi-hit skill. This was what he defined as a true warrior and a great leader.


Jack was in complete darkness and felt like he was falling and flipping like crazy.

'What the hell is happening! I thought I just died, why does it feel like I jumped off a plane and now I'm spinning around like crazy in the air"

A couple of seconds later Jack felt like he fell onto a cement floor from the second floor.

" Ahhh!!! What in the world! What kind of afterlife is this!? I thought it would be kinder than this"

Jack then stopped complaining and started to sense where he was.

'Where in the world am I? Why do I feel so exhausted. Hmm, It kinda feels like I'm wrapped inside a blanket."

"What are those sounds? Are there people around me?"

Jack then started to open his eyes.


Elizabeth saw that her son was opening his eyes and said in a low voice,

"Husband the baby is opening his eyes"

Turning around to see his baby. Christopher was in shock. Not only was he shocked, everyone who looked at the baby was also in shock,

The baby had white skin with a hint of pink like his mother. He also had pure back hair and pink lips. He looked like a beautiful healthy baby but there was one main difference. Its difference was so big that it caused everyone around him to be shocked. He had pure golden eyes that gave off a small shine.

Christopher started laughing and cheering,

" Seems like my boy has a bright future ahead! Especially with the golden eyes!"


In this world, eyes that gave of shine were considered blessed people. The eyes weren't nothing mystifying but it did symbolize that they received a blessing from the gods. The second part was the color of the eyes which defined which god or goddess gave the blessing.

There was no clear idea of how many gods there were, or exactly how they worked. People just knew gods were powerful beings and every religion had a different opinion about them. Some said that gods were mighty beings in a realm common people can't reach. That the gods blessed children that had the potential to carry out their will. Other people believed gods were just beings that got so strong, that they could perform things that seem like miracles to regular people. That the children who got the blessed eyes were descendants of beings who reached the godly realm. That these children just inherited a talent that the godly ancestor was specialized at.

Not all the colors of the gods were known or probably forgotten with time. Some people believed that for a god to get a color, they must be powerful enough to own or represent that color. For example, the Dragon God owned the red color since dragons were supposedly the original creator of fire, and the Dryad God owned green because Dryads were known for their power with vegetation.


Groom then interrupted Christopher's celebration and said,

" Brother in law, I know when a blessed child is born is a cause for celebration but ..."

Christopher got angered and shouted,

"But What!?"


"What does gold exactly represent? We know gold is dedicated to the Creator or Father God. God that gave birth to other gods or the Original God. This isn't like the other gods. The problem is every blessed individual inherits a talent in the god's respective domain, but Father God has no domain. Even more surprising is that no one in history has been blessed by Father God before. We will be unable to determine the child's talent".

Christopher then began wondering what could be his new child's possible given talent. A couple of seconds later the wife told her husband,

" It doesn't matter now. Right now we should give our son a name. I've thought of a couple of names before but I don't think they work now. I believe we should give him a name that relates to his blessing"

Christopher understood this,

" Yes, I as well believe we should name him something according to his blessing. Maby Zeus? He does have shiny eyes".

The oldest son then intervened and said,

" No father that won't work. Remember that in the Magrimid Kingdom the Head General had a son blessed by the Dragon God; and was named Zeus already".

The oldest daughter then said,

"Maybe we should call him Ritzy. A couple of weeks ago in the capital city, I heard my dresser say that ritzy is the new fashion. I didn't understand at first but then he explained that Ritzy meant expensively cool. When I first saw my brother's eyes I thought they were cool. Also since his eyes are golden, and gold is very expensive. It would make sense if his name is Ritzy".

Christopher said in an elated voice,

"That a great name, who knew wasting all that money on that dresser was all worth it!".

Elizabeth was also happy to hear this. She then started saying,

" Hey there my little Ritzy. How do you like your new name? I hope you en...


Jack opening his eyes, he saw a bunch of people around him.

'Where am I, didn't I die? Wait, why are they all wearing medieval century noble clothes. Where in the world am I? Hmm, maybe I should listen to what they are saying before I act'.

Jack then turned his head with difficulty and saw a noble girl talking,

" ... gold is very expensive. It would make sense if his name is Ritzy".

Jack thought with a confused mind,

'What in the world is this girl talking about. Gold, expensive, Ritzy. What does this mean?'.

Elizabeth then moved Jack closer to her.


"Why is the world moving, wait, somebody is carrying me. Huh, why can't I move? Wait, I just noticed that everybody is giant. Also, why is this giant lady carrying me and bringing me closer to her?'

Elizabeth then said,

" Hey there my little Ritzy. How do you like your new name? I hope you en..."

Jack confusedly thought,

"What? Why did she call me My Little Ritzy?"

Jack then thought in a surprised manner,

"Wait! Was I born again? Am I reincarnated?"


A few years later a young boy was in a luxurious room reading on the floor with a stack of books next to him. The young boy was Jack, or better know in this world as Ritzy Reds; the intelligent third son of Marquess Christopher Reds, and blessed child of the Original God. Finishing the book, Jack said,

"It seems like I've read every book I have access to in this manner. Now that I've read all the books, I need to get some real experience. Sadly my current parents won't allow me to leave the manor since I'm only three this year".

A knock was heard

"Come in"

Coming inside was Elizabeth, Jack's mother in this world.

"Oh look at my little scholar, reading as if the books would be gone tomorrow".


"Stop teasing me mom"

Elizabeth started to giggle,

"Honey, come with me to see daddy. We have some news for you".

Elizabeth helped Jack get himself up and held his hand to Christopher's Study.


Christopher hearing a knock on his door he said,

"Come in"

Jack and Elizabeth walked inside holding hands. This gave Christopher a little displeasure and said,

"Elizabeth, the child is turning four in half a year. It's time to stop having this sort of connection with your son, It will become unhealthy for our son".

Jack originally never experienced having a family. Ever since a young age Jack lived in the streets. Since Jack never had a home to go to, he would start his day by going to the library to entertain himself with any books that interested him. When the library closed, he would take an odd job. If there weren't any jobs available, he would go steal and sell it at an illegal thrift store. When it came to sleep he would typically move around and sleep in a new place every time. It wasn't until he enlisted into the army when he needed to run away from his city; that he got to sleep in a single location for more than three days.

Elizabeth then let go of her child's hand. She proceeded to bow as customary when seeing her husband and Jack followed suit. They both then said,

"We greet the head of the family".


"Be at ease"

Jack and Elizabeth than stood up. Following this, everybody went to take a seat at the desk. Christopher on his side, Jack and Elizabeth taking the guest's side.

Christopher looked at his child,

"Son, I've noticed that you have been reading every book we have in this house. What have you learn in your studies".


"Father, I have learned many things in the books. I learned much about history, especially in the human territory".

During Jack's reading, he has learned that this world was very different than his original world. For starters, there were many different races. There were so many that he needed to finish more than twenty books just to learn them all. Or at least a good percentage of them. In his studies, he also learned about this world's geography and races that controlled territory. In total there were eight major races. On the mainland were humans northeast, dryads east, dwarfs southeast, beastkin south, elves southwest. Northeast was mainly water but it had two major islands; the north was giants, and northwest was demons.


"Also by practicing, I learned how to write the regular human language, and read/write the magic language. Lastly-

Christopher interrupted in an exciting tone,

"Ritzy! That's my boy! Learning how to read and write human, and magic language at such a young age. If I'm not wrong, your the youngest child ever to exist that mastered not only one, but both languages in all of human history."

Jack was blushing red because he has never received fatherly praise. He was also a bit embarrassed because he knew both languages in his past life. In this world, the human language was the same as English. The magic language was also the same as the Chinese language; Mandarin.

Christopher than calmed his tone and said,

"Sorry about that, please go on"


"Lastly, many books were talking about magic, skills, and awakening. Is what the book saying real? It feels way to detailed"


" Yes, what the book says is real".

Christopher lifted his hand in the air and snapped his fingers. A fire started on his finger. The fire was as big as Jack's head. Seeing the amazing fire out of nowhere, Jack jumped out of his seat to examine the fire his father started.

"Father how did you this".


" This is basic magic, and this is also why I called you here. The reason I called you here was to talk about your awakening process. In six months your awakening ceremony will take place at White Leaf city's Chapel. It won't be at the main church because the main church worships the Wind Goddess. Since you're a blessed child of the Original God, you will be going to his church."

While in his daily reading, he learned much about the awakening process. At the age of four, the child would take an awakening ceremony at a nearby church. Nobles would typically do the awakening ceremony at the head church in a capital city, but Jack was a special case. When a person becomes a blessed individual, they would do their awakening ceremony at that particular god's church. If the awakening ceremony is taken at another church, it's believed the blessed individual would lose the blessing.

The awakening ceremony was also when an individual would start their journey of becoming stronger. It was also used to release, or put in action; if the blessed individual got something special from the gods. An example was in one of the books Jack read. There were two twins destined to be heroes. One twin during their awakening ceremony had a holy sword suddenly emerge from the sky, The sword was said to have magical properties that allowed the twin to be able to slay any foe easily. The other twin didn't receive a sword so he was disappointed. But when the priest used an inspection slab, the priest noticed that the twin was given 2 special skills. The twin received a skill called "God's love": which healed any injury; and "Godly Purification", which exorcised anything the skill was used on. The twin heroes continued to become one of the most respected heroes in all of human history.

Hearing the news of the stories of magic and heroes were true, Jack was elated. It sounded like the perfect opportunity to leave the manor and experienced this new world.


"I see that you are excited to see the outside world".


"Yes I am"


"Well don't expect too much, you might be disappointed. Also, I want to mention that you must prepare yourself. After your ceremony, you will be starting classes. You'll be trained in the way of the Reds. I don't want to hear you complain at all"


"Yes, Father".


Six months later, Jack was in his room with his mother helping him change.

"Mom, you don't have to help me change. I can do it my self".


"Stop fussing, I'm just getting you ready for your big ceremony. The whole family will be there".


After arriving in this world, Jack learned that he had a family of three older brothers and two older sisters. From oldest to youngest brother was Rodrigo from second wife Charlotte, "Christopher the Second" from third wife Olivia, Rick from second wife Charlotte. His sister Emma from third wife Olivia was oldest, and the youngest was "Olivia the Second" from also third wife Oliva.

Jack also had many uncles and aunts, but the only one related by blood was only two uncles. Uncle Joseph was from his father's side, and Joseph worked as Senior Professor at a magical academy in the Magrimid Kingdom. Uncle Groom was from his mother's side, and he worked as an advisor for Christopher.


Jack got embarrassed that his mother was helping him. In his old world, he did everything himself. If he couldn't do it himself, people would see it as a weakness in the streets. Jack also never experienced motherly love since he has been an orphan his whole life.


"There, we are done. Now let's go before we're late. Your father is waiting for us at the carriage".

Elizabeth took his son's hand and led him out of the manor to Christopher who was waiting inside the carriage.

The butlers and maids were waiting outside making a path to the carriage. As Jack and Elizabeth walked to the carriage between the servants, the servants all said in unison,

"We bid the fourth son a good awakening ceremony".

It was customary for people to bid good luck on the ceremony because people believed that it helped the possibility of a hidden talent emerging. When it came to blessed people, it was used so that the talent they are given at the ceremony becomes even greater.


Traveling down the path, Jack looked out the window passionately. He was marveled by everything he saw on the road. He saw carriages pulled by horses that had scales on their shoulders, bulls that had horns giving off different color glows, and he also saw people that had animal body parts.

Jack remembered that those people were called beastkin. They were humans that had an animal's body part on them. It was believed the more they resembled an animal, the stronger they were.

Arriving in White Leaf City, Jack noticed some things that surprised him. Jack saw a fat man beating a middle-aged beastkin.

The fat man said,

" You damn beastkin! Don't you know I'm a Baron! You should be bowing down from the floor when I pass by!"

Seeing this, Jack was left completely awestruck. Jack has seen this kind of treatment but only in third world countries that had slaves or criminal organizations punishing subordinates. What surprised him more was what his father said under his breath,

"They should learn their place"

Arriving in this world, Jack has never seen this happen before. He always saw everybody treated in a humane manner. The only difference was that in this world, people always gave off respect to people of power more than in his old world.

Traveling further down Jack saw a couple of muscular men leading a line of chained people. One of the men snapped his whip in the air and said,

"Move it you filthy slaves, this isn't a stroll!"

Jack never once read that slaves existed in this world. Jack thought this world was more of a peaceful place. That magicians and warriors only existed to fight monsters or something like in the fantasy games. He didn't expect people to be like this at all.


"It seems like I'm not going to be able to live a carefree life after I grow up. Since we're nobles and people practice to get stronger. It wouldn't be wrong to assume that war happens every once in a while between nobles and kingdoms. Well, at least I have experience in killing. My goal now is to become strong enough to protect my family, especially my mother."