Accidental Amazing Awakening Ceremony

A luxurious golden carriage with dark oak planks and bronze railing was stopping in front of the Original God's Church. Coming out of the carriage was Lady Elizabeth, fourth son Ritzy, and marquess Christopher of the Red's Manor in the dominion outside of White Leaf Capital of Pheonix Kingdom.

While getting out of the carriage and walking toward the church. All the commoners, nobles, and knights in the area bowed down. Not even daring to take a peek at the Red's family. The priest of the church was giving a standing bow and gave a welcome to the Reds family, especially to Christopher.

Walking inside the church's lobby, Jack saw many family members, nobles, and knights. More than eighty percent of these people, Jack has never met. When the people inside saw that Christopher arrived, they all bowed down and gave a customary greeting.


"Be at ease, remember this is my third son's special day and not mine".

Hearing this, everyone in the room relaxed and approached them. Christopher was approached by many of the male nobles giving good wishes to a successful awakening. Elizabeth was approached by the noblewoman. From the conversations that could be heard, it sounded as if they were talking about setting up a marriage. Also, unluckily for Jack, he had a bunch of people bombard him. The family's knights wanted to wish him good luck, his siblings, cousins, low nobles, mercenaries, aunts, uncles, and much more.

After twenty minutes of bidding good luck, fiancee talk, etc... The head nun opened the door and spoke in a loud dignified voice,

" All preparations have been taken care of, please find your seats and proper positions if you were invited to also stand on stage. Also Mr. Ritzy, please wait here five minutes before coming in. Everyone must be in position before we can start the ceremony".

The awakening ceremony would typically have a stage with the priest behind a sacred pedestal and paper made of a magical animal. The heads of the family would-be creating a semi-circle with half on each side of the priest. On the observing side with chairs, the closets one's would be from higher status to lower status of the kingdom. Followed by family status when it comes to the closest of the center.

Five minutes later Jack walked in the ceremony location. The ones on stage were his father, uncle Groom, and two old men. These old men were the oldest people in the manor who served under Christopher. The gray-haired one was the head butler, and the black-haired one was the instructor for the family's new batch of soldiers.

On the observer area, in the front row was his mother, siblings, and some people that looked like nobles that Jack didn't know. More people Jack didn't know followed in the back rows until the last two rows where the knights and servants were.

Jack walked through the middle of the benches and approached the pedestal.


"Kneel, blessed child of the Original God, so we can examine your true self and then start your journey into adulthood".

Jack then knelt before the pedestal and the priest started to give a prayer,

"Thy Original God, we thank you for the blessing on this child. And now ask if you may reveal the child's true self to us, for all to see".


A golden light appeared and runes started to create a sphere around Jack. Suddenly time stopped and Jack heard an old male voice in his head.

"Ritzy Reds, or Jack as they called you in your old world. I have frozen time so I can speak to you".

Jack was flabbergasted, but then calmed himself down. It wasn't his first time seeing something unnatural happen.

Male Voice,

" The story I wanted to give you was that you weren't brought into this world for no reason. It isn't some special hero reason but more of what you deserved originally. Let me start from the begging. I am the creator of this world and your old world. I am also the creator of this world's godly beings as it is termed in this world".

"Now that you know who I am, let me explain your situation. You were originally meant to be born in this world and not in the other world. The only reason you were born in the other world was because I needed you to kill a certain man who I won't name. I've set a rule that I am not allowed to kill anyone, but that doesn't mean that I can't influence someone to do it. He was meant to die years later after he committed a massive genocide, to stop that, I used you. I first influenced the people around you to force you to join the army. Then I gave you a stealth talent so that you could be successful when you had to take the job of killing that guy".

"With the job done, I stopped influencing your life. So I thought. I forgot to stop your birth here that was prepared a long time ago. This is what caused you to become reincarnated. Since you live a horrible life that you could not control, I pitied you and allowed you to live your new life here. That was the story I wanted to tell you".

"Now let me tell you the real reason why I'm here. Since you are a reincarnated person, you have many skills already learned or obtained through experience. So when you are analyzed, you should hide your stats. If you don't, the pedestal will analyze you and reveal you're true abilities, titles you earned, and the skills you have gained in your past life. Well, that's the end of what I wanted to tell you. I hope you enjoy this life more than the other one. This will be the last time we talk".


Time began to resume and the golden light analyzing Jack continued moving. Jack was currently panicking,

'What do I do! How do I hide my stats like the old guy said. He said it with ease so I should know how to do it easily already. How about let's do it like in the past, when I need to approach someone and not look intimidating. I must make my self look not too strong or too weak for my second body's age and family line as well. '

'I guess I'll just act as If I was a middle school track athlete. Those kinds of kids typically are easy to approach and seem athletic. It's perfect for a kid who likes to read in this world and is the son of a noble general'.

Jack then started to clear his mind and position his body less stiffly. Making him look less serious, more childish, and approachable.

The light started to deviate from its path and go into the paper on top of the pedestal. The priest picked up the magical paper with Jack's stats and was left awestruck. The priest took another look and inspected thoroughly.

Christopher wanted to ask the priest what was going on, but it was considered taboo to mess up the ceremony. Typically, the ceremony consisted of the priest handing the paper to the others on stage so they could inspect the child's stats too. Once everybody inspected it, they would typically say what makes them unique. If the inspected child didn't have anything special, they would just announce if he is worthy of being a successor of the family. If the child wasn't successor worthy, they would just say if the ceremony was a success or failure. A success meant that the child was born healthy and normal. A failure meant that the child was born with a curse or unhealthy.

The priest noticed he was taking to long so he cooled himself down and passed the paper to the head butler first. The butler inspected the paper and he was left confused. The butler then passed the paper to the knight instructor, which also left the instructor completely surprised and opened mouthed. The arriving in Groom's hands, he too was left surprised.

Christopher's mind was going crazy,

'What is happening, is my child fine?!? Why are the elders left with a face of complete loss. Hurry up and pass me the paper. What is wrong with my son!?!'

Groom finally stopped inspecting the paper and handed it to Christopher. Slowly, Christopher started analyzing the paper and a grin appeared in his face.

'These goddam old guys. They made me scared for no reason. This is a cause for a celebration'


Name: Ritzy Reds


- Son of Marquees

>+10% Charisma

- Avid Reader

>1.5x reading speed

- Blessed Child of Original God

> Complete Disease Immunity, Complete Curse Immunity

Physical Stats: Primary Stats Compatibility

Health: Healthy

Strength: Basic Compatibility

Agility: High Compatibility

Stamina: Highest Compatibility

Magic Stats: Secondary Stats Compatibility

Fire: Low Compatibility

Water: Basic Compatibility

Air: Good Compatibility

Earth: Basic Compatibility

Life: High Compatibility

Dark: Highest Compatibility

Passive Skills


Active Skills

-Adrenaline Rush ( Rare )

>Duration one minutes, +10% Health, +5% strength, +5% Magic, +8% Agility, +13% Stamina Consumption, -2% concentration, Cool Down twelve hours


The stats presented in the paper not only show he was healthy but also very gifted.

Physical compatibility is used to see what area of expertise is much easier for them. Everyone has a form of compatibility with their physical stats.

Magic compatibility is used to measure how well one can grasp the ability or category. Highest gives 95%plus benefits to training, high gives 50-94%, medium gives 20-50%, low gives 5-25%, lowest gives 0.01-4%, and compatible only gives the ability to use that magic.

Christopher and the other elders huddled together and started talking.

Typically when the child is born with these amazing stats, it would be announced that the child would become the next successor. Unfortunately, the first son, 23-year-old Rodrigo, has already been pronounced the official successor.

In this world, a successor of the family could be easily changed at any moment. On the other hand, an official successor can not be changed. The only reason it can be changed is if the original successor is banished or killed.

After five minutes of talking, the conversation stopped and Christopher went in front of the stage.

"The awakening was a success. Also, the child has been blessed with good health, impressing compatibility, and a combat activation skill"

For the past couple of minutes, the audience was whispering if anything went wrong. With this wonderful news, everybody finally relaxed. Also as customary, they began to clap as a congratulatory of a successful awakening ceremony.


Jack finally arriving home after an exhausting day of talking with people after his ceremony, Jack headed straight to his room. Entering his room, Jack jumped into the bed and fell asleep.

The next day in the morning, Jack's maid woke him up to get ready for the day. While changing Jack's clothes, the maid said,

"4rth master Ritzy, Your father has requested that thirty minutes after breakfast, you should go to his study".


"Did my father mention why he calls me?"


"Sorry 4rth master, he did not mention why".

When the maid left, Jack started thinking about what happened yesterday.

'I can't believe I talked to god, or the creator as he called himself. Thankfully though, thanks to him I was able to live a new life and was able to hide my true stats before everyone."

"Now that I think about it, he said I had many abilities, high stats, and many titles that I earned or learned from my past life. Maybe one of the skills I learned was inspection. I did learn how to analyze people during my time as an assassin"

Jack then started to concentrate as if he was trying to analyze the chair in front of him. Luckily for him, an inspection bar appeared before him. Once the bar finished analyzing, a screen appeared that showed the chair's information.


Item: Chair

Magical: None

Material: Hard Dark Oak Wood

State: Sturdy


Jack was excited about the successful test. After a small celebration, Jack then looked down and analyzed his body.


Name: Ritzy Reds

True Name: Jack Rojas

Age: 4

Soul Age: 39


- Son of Marquees

>+3% Charisma

- Godly Scholar

>10x reading speed, +30% Magic

- Blessed Child of Original God

> Complete Disease Immunity, Complete Curse Immunity

- Godly Playboy/Honeypotter ( Lay with people from lowest class and highest class)

>+50% HS Charisma, +30% persuasion efficiency

- Hundred man army (Unlocked by killing 100 people in one day)

> +20% Strength, +40% Stamina, +10% Agility, +20% Magic

- World Assassin ( Unlocked by becoming the top ten most known assassins)

> +55% Stealth, +30% Agility

Physical Stats: Primary Stats Compatibility

Health: Healthy

Strength: High Compatibility

Agility: High Compatibility

Stamina: Highest Compatibility

Magic Stats: Secondary Stats Compatibility

Fire: Good Compatibility

Water: High Compatibility

Air: High Compatibility

Earth: HighCompatibility

Life: High Compatibility

Dark: Highest Compatibility

Passive Skills

- Epic Poison Immunity

>Any poisons at lower than epic will not affect the body, Epic poisons will only kill the body very slowly

- Survival Instincts

>Anybody nearby that you cannot even leave a scratch on, the mind will notify you. If the person has the intention of killing, +20% Agility, +20% Defense.

- Legendary Mental Fortitude

> Complete control of mind, Epic or lower mind control spells ineffective

- Professional Herbalism

> Can recognize when something is edible or poisonous on every item no matter prior knowledge

- Professional Zoologist

> Can easily recognize animals natural movements, stats, and sense of perception

- Natural Stealth Instincts

> Very Rare or lower skills can't inspect you

Active Skills

-Survival Instinct Rush ( Special )

>Duration five minutes, +20% Health, +15% strength, +15% Magic, +10% Agility, +30% Stamina Consumption, -5% concentration, Cool Down 3 hours

- Complete Rage ( Epic )

>Duration twenty minutes, +40% Health, +30% strength, +30% Magic, +20% Agility, +60% Stamina Consumption, complete loss of conscious, Cool Down one day, Fall unconscious after twenty minutes

-Controlled Rage ( Special )

>Duration twenty minutes, +30% Health, +20% strength, +20% Magic, +18% Agility, +45% Stamina Consumption, -35% concentration, No Cooldown, -50% all stats for three hours

-Cooled Mind (Special)

>+30% Concentration, +15 Agility

- Vital Organ Aim ( Rare )

>Body naturally aims and targets vital organ, +80% Damage

- Assassin Eye ( Epic )

> Can analyze any objects below Legendary and beings that doesn't have a hiding stat skill of Legendary or isn't 500% stronger

- Assassin Stealth ( Epic )

-Foot Steps loose complete sound. In the darkness, the person is completely hidden. Lower than epic skills can't spot the person


Jack was left completely surprised, he didn't know he would be this powerful. After ten minutes of thinking how powerful he was, he finally decided to go to the Dining Hall.


Entering the dining hall, Jack headed to where his mother was sitting.

Typically in this world when the husband has multiple wives. Many different tables would be made. The biggest table would be made for the head of the household and all his trusted knights, advisors, generals, and adult children. The other tables would be provided for each of the wives so they can eat with their young children. If the wife has no more young children, she would be allowed to sit at the main table.

Five minutes later the food was served. It started with an appetizer of potato, cheese, and broccoli soup. Next, the main meal was a magical beast snake steak with many greens on the side. Finally, for dessert was a nice apple pie slice.

While eating, Jack spoke with his mom about the books he read and the mother spoke to him about all the other noble's daughters. How the girls would be perfect for being Jack's fiancee.


"Ritzy, there is also the Ganor family's youngest daughter. She is one year older than you, she is very pretty, and I heard she is very well mannered".


"Mom, I don't need a fiancee right now. Stop teasing me"

After Jack was finished eating his meal, he bid farewell to his mother who he kissed on the cheek.

Jack then headed to the nearby window by his father's study and waited for his father. He admired the view as time went by. In Jack's old world, he never had the time to experience a nice and calm setting.

Jack also had nothing to do now. Typically Jack would do some aerobic exercises to past the time like in his old world, but he couldn't appear in front of his father all sweaty. Jack also couldn't read anything since he already read every book he has access to already.


Christopher was walking down the hallway and there he saw Jack leaning on the window frame and looking outside.


"Ritzy, come with me into the study. We need to talk about something"

Turning around, Jack bowed down as customary. Straightening his back, Jack saw an old man right next to his father.

Jack has never seen this old man before. The old man had tan skin with white hair and beard. The old man wore a white robe with a gray outline. Seeing the old man, Jack's body went into a defensive position out of instinct. Luckily the men were entering the study with their backs facing Jack.

'Luckily I didn't embarrass my self. This was probably my passive skill saying he is 500% stronger than me at least'

Inside the room, Jack and the guest were on the guest's side of the desk while Christopher was on the other side.

After a second of silence, Christopher finally said,