What training is this!?!

Inside the Reds manor, Christopher, Ritzy, and an old man were inside a room talking.


"Ritzy, the reason I have called this meeting is to inform you that your training will be starting tomorrow. The man next to you will be your instructor".

Old man,

"Hello, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance fourth young master. I am Savior Puissance and I'll be your instructor for the next couple of years"


"Mr. Puissance is the old head general of the Banshee Kingdom. I used many favors for this opportunity. I hope you don't let it go to waste".

Ritzy got up from his seat and bowed to his father,


Ritzy then turned around and bowed to Savior,

"I thank you for giving me this opportunity to learn under you. Please instruct this child with nothing held back"


"As I will. Do not expect to be treated easily in this training. I have no tolerance for misfits"


"Do as you see fit Mr. Puissance. My son is in your care".

Savior and Ritzy got off their seats and bid goodbye to Christopher. Walking down the hallway, Ritzy followed behind Savior. Reaching the exit door of the manor, Savior turned around and took out a book from his robe.

"Ritzy take this book and study it. Tomorrow when we're done training, I'll give you a quiz"

Ritzy grabbed the book and then bowed,

" I thank you for this book. I also bid you a safe trip"

Since Savior became an instructor for the Red's family, he would be provided a room in the servant's quarters. The servant's quarters was a separate building entirely. It was a quarter of a mile away from the manor. The quarters housed all the butlers, teachers, guards, maids, and other types of servants.


Ritzy arriving back to his room, Ritzy was bursting with joy. Not only did he get new material to read, but he also got a reason to train without raising suspicion.

Analyzing the book, Ritzy discovered it wasn't like any ordinary book. The book was more of a basic rundown of how this world things were valued. The book seemed as if it was made for merchants. Reading the book, Ritzy was fascinated by how this world worked. He learned much about class, rarity, and value.

The book talked about how resources, skills, and equipment were valued. It started from Normal, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Special, Epic, Legendary. The way it was valued was by how many of that particular item or similar items existed in the world. Typically the less there were, the more powerful and useful it was.

The chart went as:

Normal: 1 of every 2 people

Common: 1/10

Uncommon: 1/100

Rare: 1/1,000

Very Rare: 1/100,000

Special: 1/1,000,000

Epic: 1/500,000,000

Legendary: 1/1,000,000,000

Money was valued from copper, iron, silver, gold, platinum, and Agua coins. Each coin from descending order was valued 100 from the next one. Meaning that 100 copper coins equaled 1 iron coin. Relating the money to material value it would be, 13 copper for a meaty meal, 4 iron for a basic sword, 50 copper for a night in an inn, and 1 silver for a piece of regular armor or low-grade potion.

People were valued by nobility first and then strength. Although strength determined your place in the world, nobility rank would signify how strong the head of the family was. This meant that people earned nobility by strength. It also meant that offending the family member of a noble could incur the wrath of someone who stands at the pinnacle of strength of the people around him.

Stats were a value of how much potential or max output one could use. It meant that just because somebody had High strength compatibility, it doesn't mean they could use it freely. They could be using a difficult or skill tasking weapon that only allows them to demonstrate 80% of their strength. They also probably were never taught martial arts so they don't know how to throw a proper kick, which results in diminishing the strength behind the kick. Stats mostly measured how far a person's potential can go currently.

To raise one own stats is very simple but torturous. A person has to improve oneself through hard work. Push-ups can improve strength but only to a certain degree. As the person gets stronger, the only way to improve is to make it more difficult by adding weights. The same applies to every stat, it will always be difficult to improve oneself. There are no free meals in this world.

Analyzing a person is very important. By analyzing a child in the awakening ceremony, they will not only see if the child is healthy but also see what path should be given to the child. By comparing the compatibility of the child's stats, people can determine what class is best for the child. If he has high intelligence and mana, the child would be trained in the ways of the mage. If the child is high in strength and health but not in speed. The child would be taught how to be a great berserker

Reading the book opened Ritzy's eyes. Ritzy realized he had far to go if he wants to at least protect his family. Since he was almost an all-rounder, he needed to learn everything if he wanted to catch up with his peers. People who only had one advantage would only focus on improving that which will give the best results. Sadly Ritzy couldn't because even though he has high compatibility with almost everything, it wouldn't be reasonable that his talent in that single attribute would be the same as someone who only specializes in that output.


"I need to get stronger. I need to give it my all in tomorrow's training and learn other aspects of power as well".


It was five am the next morning. The sun hasn't risen out but an old man was walking down the hallway. The old man was Savior and he was now entering Ritzy's room.

Stoping at the center of the room, Savior took a deep breath and yelled,

"Rise and shine student! It's time for class!!!"

Ritzy was startled, and out of habit, his survival instincts kicked in. Ritzy grabbed his blanket and threw it forward in the air to block Savior's view. Ritzy then dashed to his right where the exit window was and broke through to the outside. Ritzy's room was on the second floor. Falling from the sky, he started realizing what he was doing. Finally falling on the ground, Ritzy used a roll to cushion his fall and then turned around. Seeing his new instructor watching him with a curious look from his broken window, Ritzy felt completely embarrassed.

Savior jumped out of the window and fell gracefully on the floor. Savior walked up to Ritzy who was currently bowing down from embarrassment and analyzed him.


"Seems like you have some survival skills. It also seems that you have quite some strength if you're able to jump from the second story building and not appear injured. It appears like what your father said was true, that you're very blessed by the gods. I guess I'm going to be able to make your training more difficult. Before I thought you weren't ready for anything dangerous, but with this event. I see you're more than capable. The training you received before I got here seems to prove useful and make you stronger".

Ritzy was thrilled and relieved. He was going to receive even more helpful training. He also didn't exactly expose his stats. With Savior believing the strength he currently has is from training and talent, no suspicion will arise that he is much stronger than he is supposed to be.


"let us start your training. We will be going for a light jog to the family farm 2 miles west from here".

Ritzy was confused but he didn't raise his opinion.

Ritzy thought,

'Probably he wants us to train in an open area or something. Whatever, I'll just figure it out when we get there".


Arriving at the farm, Savior led Ritzy to a small wooden home. Savior knocking on the door, a male voice could be heard.



The door was opened and revealed a family of three.


"Hello there sir, I was just having a meal with my wife and daughter. Oh, it's you from yesterday. The equipment is behind the shack. Feel free to ask anything if you need help"


" Thank you for your hospitality. We won't bother you anymore. Ritzy let us head to the back"

Ritzy was confused

'What equipment are we using. I didn't know this farmer held training equipment. This world is very different'

Savior and Ritzy walked to an old shack behind the house. Savior opened the shack and brought out a huge plow that is used for farming. The plow would be equipped on a bull and create small soft dirt hills to place seeds in.

Ritzy couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked,

"Instructor, what may we be doing here if you don't mind me asking"


"Training of course. I noticed you have unusually high strength, so push up and regular swordsmanship practice will not improve your strength."

Savior clearing his voice,

"Every morning you will be tasked to plow the field to improve your strength. Any questions?"


"Yes I---"


"Good, let's get started"

Ritzy didn't get a chance to express his opinion before Savior placed the heavy wooden pillar that carries the plow onto Ritzy.


"Carry the plow to the tree over there in the distance. Then drop the plow and stick it into the ground. I want you to drag it to your manor and then create another line back. Once done, come to me for more instructions"

Arriving at the tree, Ritzy stabbed the plow deep into the ground mumbling,

"What kind of training is this. I thought we would do something interesting like learn swordsmanship, a fighting technique, or at least one magic spell. Not some basic boring strength training. This is exactly like my training days back in the military where we had to carry heavy luggage for miles on end. We'll at least I know this works"


Finishing up the second line, Ritzy was covered in sweat. He was so tired that he dropped on the floor breathing heavily with his arms extending. Trying to open his lungs so he can breathe in more air. Luckily his pajama which he forgot to change out of was simple pants and a white shirt. It being drenched and used for training would probably be the best thing to wear for this day and age.

Savior was reading a book on the tree. Seeing Ritzy finished, he walked a leisurely pace to Ritzy. Arriving Savior said,

" It seems like you exceded my expectations. You finished it from 5 am to 10 am instead of the calculated 5 am to 12 pm. Anyways, now that you finished and are resting on the floor. Have something to eat while I give your next instructions"

Ritzy pulled himself to sit straight up to receive his food. It was a simple rice ball with seaweed in it. Ritzy's face frowned at his meal. Ritzy has gotten used to the noble life where he would receive a nice three-course meal.


"What did you expect, you still have more training. I can't have you slow down during training. You're going to be training right after I give you your instructions".

Ritzy was on the floor tired thinking,

'This man is an exercise nut! Using every opportunity to make me train'


"Your next part in training will be body control training. It is very important to do things correctly and waste the least energy possible. You will be tasked with inserting seeds into the small dirt line every 12 inches. While doing this, bells will be wrapped around your thighs and wrists. If I hear the bell ring, I will smack you with a stick"

Savior wrapped bronze bells with red sting around Ritzy's thighs and wrists. He then went back to the tree and grabbed a branch. Walking back to Ritzy, Ritzy was getting himself back up from the floor. Savior than handed Ritzy a bag of seeds and said,

"You may now start"

Ritzy finally interjected and said,

" I know this is training for improving my body control but how do the bells work. Also, how is it possible to not make it ring?"

Savior untied the bell on Ritzy's right wrist and tied it to his wrist. Savior moved his fist to his chest and gave a strong straight punch. During this whole process, the bells didn't ring.

"What I just did here was a perfect punch without wasting any excess energy. The reason the bell didn't ring was that my arm didn't shake after the punch. When your arm shakes, it means you didn't through a punch correctly. This means less strength was placed in the punch, and more energy is needed to stabilize your arm from shaking. Now no more questions"

Savior retied the string to Ritzy and said,

"Now start!"

Crouching down to place the seed in the dirt, the bells on his thighs rang. The next second a wack could be heard. Savior has given his first swing at Ritzy.

"Ahhh! What in the world! This hurts!"

Swallowing his pain, Ritzy stabbed his hand into the ground and placed the seed in. Regrettably, the wrist bells rang and another wack was heard. Causing Ritzy to suffer in silence and grit his teeth because he couldn't yell at his teacher.


Finishing the seed planting, Ritzy fell back on the floor panting for more air. For the past two hours, Ritzy has been being smacked over and over again because he kept making the bells ring.

An old man on a carriage arrived at where Ritzy and Savior were resting. Savior seeing the man, he became overjoyed.

" Mr. Cauldren, thank you for finishing the small two-wheel carriage I needed. Here is 3 gold, keep the change as a reward for finishing it in a day"

Mr. Cauldren,

"Thank you air, please ask me anything if you ever need anything else in the future "

Saying that Cauldron untied the horse from the carriage and jumped on to the horse. He then left the carriage and headed back home.

Savior noticed Ritzy's confusion and said,

"From now on you will be carrying me from the manor to here every time for training"

Ritzy wanted to explode but couldn't since he was his instructor. All he can think was,

'How can this man have a clear conscious even though I'm supposedly only four years old. The nerves of some people. Even I who was in the assassin business isn't as unconscious as that old geezer. I should have never jumped out of the window and showed him my strength'


Arriving back home, Ritzy wasn't as joyous as he would usually be when eating.

Ritzy, Elizabeth, and Savior were eating their meal. Elizabeth was talking about how Ritzy's training was going.


"Savior I wanted to thank you for taking the task of training my son. I hope you instruct him well but don't go too hard on him, he is new to this".


"Do not worry Mrs. Elizabeth, your son is in good hands. Our training routine will be basic for now. Ritzy will start the morning with basic strength training and body control. After lunch, he will do breathing technique training, and then we'll end it off with weapon training".


"Oh, that is nice. I can rest easy knowing my son isn't in danger or suffering from difficult training".

Hearing all this, Ritzy was in complete awe.

'This instructor is the most wicked person I know. What do you mean this is basic or simple training. This is crazy hardcore training, half the time I was dying for air to breathe'.

Elizabeth finishing her meal, she bid farewell to the instructor and gave a kiss goodbye on Ritzy's cheek.

"Remember to listen to your new instructor. Your father used great means for Savior to become your Instructor".

With that said, Elizabeth left.

Finished with their meals, Ritzy and Savior went to the front of the manor. Savior was getting on the small carriage while Ritzy was getting ready to pull the carriage.


"Ritzy, we will be going three miles west into the forest. In the forest, we will start your breathing training".



Finally, in the forest, Savior told Ritzy to stop at the nearby lake. Savior than grabbed a piece of cloth and dipped it in the lake.


"Come here Ritzy"

When Ritzy arrived in front of Savior, Savior warped the cloth around Ritzy's mouth and nose. This confused Ritzy but then Savior began explaining.


"In this training session, we'll focus on breathing. To be more exact, we'll train your body so it can still fight when you only have little air. You'll be tasked with trying to catch the fish in this lake with your bare hands. While trying to catch the fish, you'll be wearing the mask. When you come out for air, I'll only give you two seconds. If you last longer than two seconds, I'll wack you with a stick like the last training session. You can now begin"

Ritzy was confused about how this was breathing training. It didn't seem so hard.


After 10 minutes of training, Ritzy wanted to smack himself silly because of what he thought earlier. The training wasn't as simple as he thought.

'This old man is crazy, what is he thinking.

I feel like I'm being waterboarded, this is torture! The worst part is that the two seconds of air isn't enough. Every time I try to get air, he smacks me back down making me gulp down some water in the process. The worst part is that these fish are impossible to catch with my hands. They're too damn fast and slippery'.

After another two hours of training, Savior finally said it was enough and let Ritzy out of the lake. Coming out of the lake, Ritzy was gasping for air and throwing the wet cloth to the side. Ritzy was coughing so hard he vomited tons of water. His skins was deathly white as if he drowned.


"Seems like you lasted more than I thought. That is good, that means I can increase the training intensity tomorrow"

Ritzy was cursing at the old man in his mind.

'What is wrong with this old man. This training is killing me'

Savior giving a devilish grin he said,

"Ok, now that this session is over. Let's take a ten-minute break before we start our next training session. I don't want you to die from being overworked"

Seeing Savior with that scary grin and saying that sentence. Ritzy started to cry internally.

'What did I do to deserve this'