My Beloved!


"Your ten-minute break is over, let's go back to the carriage!"

Ritzy picked himself up and walked to the carriage. Hoisting up the carriage, Ritzy fell on his knees and vomited more water.


"Steady Ritzy. You just came from almost drowning and working hard. Take it smoothly. You should take care of your self more."

Hearing this Ritzy felt like he was gonna lose control. Anger swept up his entire body. Ritzy's mind was full of curses.

'If you didn't set this crappy training up, I wouldn't be here vomiting gallons of water!'

Getting himself back up, Ritzy took things slowly to not spontaneously stress his body again.


"We will be going back to the manor. Behind the manor, there is a cement area. You should know the way since you probably already seen your older siblings practice there".


Arriving back at the manor, Savior told Ritzy to place the carriage in the servant quarters garage and to meet him at the courtyard to train.

After placing the carriage in the servant garage. Ritzy took a leisurely detour to get a breather.

"That damn old geezer. Nothing is in his mind but training me. Luckily, now I can take a little break"

Ritzy's little detour led him into the garden pathway to the courtyard. Walking through the garden, Ritzy noticed the many differences of this world to his old world. Some flowers looked like roses but had many great distinctions. It had light purple color petals and a stem that glowed a cyan blue. The fountain in the middle of the garden was more unique. It used this world's strange see-through pink rock. Even though all of it was different, it was beautiful in its own sense. Ritzy couldn't help but admire it bit by bit.

Finally realizing he has been gone for too long, Ritzy decided to leave. Speed walking back to the arena, Ritzy saw Savior holding two long sticks.


"Nice of you to finally arrive. Now no more breaks and let's start"

Ritzy nerves calmed down,

'Fortunately, this old man isn't punishing me. With his crazy training, I can't imagine the punishments'

Handing the stick to Ritzy. Savior asked,

"Are you ready?"

Ritzy grabbing the stick he asked,

"Yes, but what exactly are we doing?"

Looking back up, Savior was nowhere to be seen. Noticing what was happening, Ritzy raised his stick in a defensive position of a downward slope across his chest. Looking left and right, Savior was nowhere to be seen.

Savior appeared suddenly on Ritzy's right and swung the stick in an upward right motion. Abruptly Ritzy saw a brown blur in the corner of his eyes. Ritzy placing the stick in a verticle stance, blocked the swing. Savior using the force from bouncing back, swung his body with the stick making a horizontal slash. Ritzy quickly tried to move the stick to block the next swing but didn't block in time. Hitting Ritzy on the back, Ritzy's body was falling forward-facing on to the ground.



In the middle of picking himself up, Savior gave another upward swing to Ritzy. Effectively throwing Ritzy backward.


"Don't expect the enemy to give you enough time to get back up!"

This time Ritzy quickly got himself up and ran to his stick. Grabbing the stick, Ritzy resumed his defensive stance. Then walking slowly forward, Ritzy looked for any opening on Savior.

'What has Savior gone through? I can't see any openings on him! Screw it, I'll make my own".

Ritzy gave a forward thrust with the stick to Savior's right foot. Savior simply slid his foot backward to dodge.

Savior mind,

'Seems like he has no real combat experience. After seeing his defensive stance, he removed many openings. With that, I thought he had some experience, but it seems like it was just a fluke. Or probably just him copying his older brothers'.

Seeing Ritzy wide open from the top left. Savior gave a downward swing to Ritzy's shoulders. Unfortunately for Savior, the prior attack was bait. Giving an upward swing, Ritzy hit Savior's stick, trying to knock it off Savior's hands. Savior gave a small smirk.

'Never mind, it does seem he know his way around. Though, he did forget I'm way stronger'

Savior's stick broke past through Ritzy's stick and whacked Ritzy back onto the floor.


"Seems like your pretty skilled. Alright, let me give you your official task. You need to hit me at least once. Once you hit me, training is over"

Several hours have past and Ritzy's face has ballooned up. Blood was scattered in the arena and Ritzy's stick became two short sticks the size of rulers.

'This man is invincible! No matter what trick I have up my sleeve, he counters effortlessly!'

Trying again, Ritzy ran straight to Savior while giving a slanted vertical slash with the right stick that was like a baton now. Savior blocked the slash but Savior's pole suddenly broke. With the second of hesitation from Savior, Ritzy jumped and gave an upward swing kick causing Savior to jump back to dodge. Missing, Ritzy decided to use an axe kick while his foot was already in the air. Savior used the broken pole like batons to block Ritzy's foot. Ritzy used another vertical slash while Savior was blocking, but then Savior pushed up forcing Ritzy to lose his balance and start falling from the air. Savior aimed to give a sidekick to Ritzy's stomach but suddenly Ritzy flipped his body backward making him upside down in the air. In the air, Ritzy swung his baton across Savior's face with all his might. Causing the baton to shatter into pieces on contact.

Landing back on the ground, Ritzy was pumped full of energy. Screaming from the top of his lungs because of his victory.


"It seems that this training session is over. Luckily it's only eight so we can go have dinner with your family. Clean yourself up and we'll meet at the dining room".

Ritzy barely heard what Savior said, all he knew that training was finally over. Ritzy continued to celebrate even after 5 minutes have passed since Savior left.


Ritzy was walking back to his room to change. From training all day, his body was in it's worst condition it has ever been since he came to this world. His hair was full of mud from the morning farming training, his body was full of light red slash marks, his skins were a whiter pale from constantly almost drowning, and he had some bumps and bruises every couple inches of his body.

A knock came from the door,

"Fourth young master, I'm coming in"

Ritzy's regular maid Jacky came in. Jacky was around her twenties, bit chubby, slight tan, and brunette. Ever since Ritzy came to this world, Jacky was in charge of him. Jacky would take care of every task for Ritzy, from helping him change to taking care of him when he is sick. Over the years, Jacky came to care for Ritzy as if he was her son. Naturally causing Ritzy to gradually care for her along the way.

Jacky came inside the room with a towel, a wooden bucket filled with water, and small rocks inside the bucket as well. Placing the bucket on a small table on the corner, she turned around and said,

"Young Master, here are some things to help you. The water is to clean off the blood, a towel to dry off, and the rock is cold so it can help with your bumps around your body".


"Thank you, Jacky, you're too kind to me"


"It's just my job. Also-"

Jacky face could be seen with slight pain with her next words,

'Also, I know it isn't my place but I think you should be a bit more careful. It pains me to see you like this"


"Do not worry, nothing life-threatening is happening. These bruises came from simple training"


"Okay, I'm just worried because I've seen you grow up. I don't want to see someone who I care about suffer"

With saying that Jacky appeared a bit red and turned around abruptly. Jacky then hurriedly walked out of the room and said almost yelling,

"I'm taking my leave now!"


After cleaning himself up and changing into new clothes, Ritzy left for the dining hall. Arriving, Ritzy saw his mother and Savior merely chatting while waiting for the food. Ritzy was at a loss at Savior's resistance.

'How can he put me through all that and still act like everything is happy and cheery. Pretending that from this morning to tonight, he hasn't been making me suffer'.

Approaching the table, Ritzy gave the customary greeting to his teacher and kissed his mother on the cheek as a greeting.


"Are you okay Ritzy? You seem a bit paler than usual".


"Do not worry about your son. For breathing technique training as I told you this morning, was at the lake in the forest. Ritzy just needed to try to catch the fish with his hands. This teaches him to hold his breath and work with limited air. Nothing too dangerous, we're just training".

Ritzy sitting next to his mother was slacked jawed,

'This sly old man with his cunning words. Making the training seem simple and normal while in actuality, it was all completely dreadful. I bet that if this man was a merchant, he would be able to sell hammers to women who knit for work. And knitting women don't need hammers!'

After ten minutes of hearing Savior romanticizing the training, the servants finally brought the food. Today was a nice bear steak with mushroom soup to accompany. A plate was placed in front of Ritzy that made him confused. The plate only contained military pills.

(Military pills are nutrients or food, condensed into a ball. Typically, made up of liver, oranges, honey, beetroots, and spinach)


"While you were walking to the court for the training session, I went to talk to your father. I asked your father to buy some special ingredients so I can make you these military pills. I thought this would be very helpful for you since you probably can't eat large heavy meals right now. Your body is new to physical labor, so these pills should help your body consume nutrients while not straining your stomach".

Elizabeth turned to Savior and said in a happy tone,

"Oh thank you Instructor Puissance. You are very kind to our family. From what I can see, you put in great effort to train my beloved Ritzy while also caring for his well being. I can rest easy knowing my son is in capable hands".

Ritzy was exploding with rage. His blood boiled with anger from what has transpired.

'This damn Savior and his devilish tricks. No damn wonder he didn't punish me when I arrived late. He already set in motion to remove one of my most beloved things in the world, my adoration of cuisine!"

Ritzy stuffed the pill in his face and chewed as fast as he could. The pill had no flavor and caused Ritzy to cry internally.

'I'll make him pay! Next time during training, I'll make him suffer during sparing! Mark my words, Savior!'


After dinner, Ritzy bid his farewells and went to his room. Finally arriving at his room, Ritzy fell onto his bed with no remorse.


"Ahh, I'm so tired. This man is a maniac in his training. Even back in my military days, I wasn't trained like this. The last time I felt like this was during my torture training. Every waking moment during torture was a pain, just like today!"

After a minute of complaining, Ritzy fell fast asleep.

Suddenly twenty minutes later, Savior barged into the room yelling.

"Get up, the night isn't over! Remember, I told you I was going to quiz you after training!"

Ritzy got up reluctantly looking half dead.

"Please let me rest. I'm only a child"


"Lost time is never found again, now get up!"

Ritzy got up and postured himself to sit upright on his bed. Savior took a nearby wooden chair and began questioning Ritzy. Simple basic things were asked from the book and Ritzy answered each question with dread.

After another hour of testing Ritzy's knowledge, Savior finally stopped questioning.


"Okay that is good, you answered perfectly. Well, this marks the end of your first day of training. Tomorrow we will be increasing the intensity a bit. I hope you're ready because you have no choice".

Saying that Savior finally left the room. This caused Ritzy desiring to shout to Savior, but he currently had no energy. The moment he let his back touch the bed again, Ritzy fell deeply back asleep.


The next day the training session went the same. He dug for miles, planted for another couple miles, almost drowned many times, but the weapon training was different today. Savior brought out a shield for Ritzy while he still had the pole for himself.


"Throughout the days, I will be changing the weapons you and I use for the sparing sessions. I want to give you an understanding of every weapon while also making you not too dependent on certain weapons. It's very important to have a variety of options in combat".


"Makes sense I wouldn't want to-"

Promptly Savior swung the pole vertically down onto Ritzy's head. Mercifully Ritzy's reaction was good and instinctively used the shield to block. Helplessly, Ritzy left his abdomen wide open and Savior took the opportunity to kick Ritzy on the chest. Making Ritzy take a few steps back from the force.


"Seems like your reactions are improving. Let's see if you can keep it up!"

Another round of fighting continued and Ritzy kept on losing. The cycle kept on happening for another handful of hours.

The scene was exactly as yesterday. Blood was spread out through the arena, Ritzy's clothes were torn, and Ritzy was again covered in bumps and bruises.

Ritzy was backing off and looking for any openings on Savior,

'I just need one opportunity to hit Savior so I can end this training session! Seems like the best opportunity is when I bash into him. Let's try a flurry of those and maybe something will come up. I'm already at my wit's end".

Ritzy ran straight into Savior and started shoulder bashing with the shield every half a second. Savior blocked and took one step back every time Ritzy bashed. Finally after 10 seconds of bashing, Ritzy noticed Savior lowered his defense on his feet every time he blocked. After the next bash, Ritzy horizontally slashed at Savior's ankle. Savior noticed the change in Ritzy's attacked and jumped in the air. Seeing Savior in the air, Ritzy threw his shield to Savior's head. Effectively creating a blindspot. While Savior blocked the incoming shield, Ritzy was able to hit Savior's stomach.

Savior landing back on the floor he shouted,

"Good work today!"

Savior then talked normally again,

"Training is over. Let's go eat. Well, I'll go eat. You'll just have the military pills".

Ritzy's joy from ending today's training was lost completely.

'When will I get real food! I can't live with these pills after living so long on actual food".


"After I'm done eating, I'll go to your room to quiz you more about the book"


Inside Ritzy room, Savior was giving the final quiz on the book he lent to Ritzy.


"That marks the end of some of the basics you need to know about the world. Now we can start the next book",

Handing a leather book to Ritzy, Savior said,

"This book is about the basics of magic, and you'll need to study it diligently. Magic is very important in many aspects of life. It could be used for travel, combat, crafting, and much more. I hope you don't take this book lightly. Since this book is more complicated and long, I won't be quizzing you until a month passes. I doubt you'll finish the book any day soon since you'll only have about an hour to read every day. Well, I'll take my leave now".

Savior leaving, Ritzy commenced to read the book with joy. He was finally able to see how magic worked in this world. His whole time here, Ritzy has never had the chance to see magic.

As the days went on, Ritzy would read the book bit by bit. Finally, after two weeks have passed, Ritzy completed the book.


Magic is the basis of any combatant. Magic can be used for spells, skills, and much more. Magic in its own essence is only energy. Respectively, the magic energy is called mana. There are two ways a person can receive mana. The first way is by using mana items which are items that gradually collect the magic in the air and store it for later use. The second way is more common but tasking. A person can use their own energy or world energy and convert it into mana. Getting the world magic takes a great while so people use their own energy for instant use. The process of converting energy to mana requires great skill. Forcibly making all wizards made up of talented or rich people. Wizards are people who use magic primarily in combat.

To use spells or skills, mana must be transformed or used in a special way. To use fire magic, people must use magic and convert it into fire. To keep the fire magic alive, continuous amounts of mana must be poured in. It is also important to note that every magic element is different. That is why typically magicians don't specialize in more than one to three elements.

Using magic for a skill is slightly different. Every magic skill has it own name due to its unique characteristics. A popular difficult advanced skill is claw slash. Claw slash is when somebody places mana on the sword's edge and makes another two identical copies on each side of the sword. When the person swings the sword, three lights that look like gigantic slashes come forward in the air and cuts anything on its path. It's a long-range skill that effectively gives three slashes simultaneously.

When a person is able to use a skill or spells correctly, it's automatically recorded in a person's stats. This is recognized as an official active skill. It's believed that when it appears on a person's stats, the gods approved of it being an actual skill or spell.