Knight's Revenge Part II

Junger was currently patrolling the area for any possible monsters or people nearby. Ritzy was tagging along with Junger to get rid of his boredom.


"Lord, I can patrol the area alone. You should be relaxing back at camp".


"Don't give me that, you know there isn't anything to do there".

Junger's mind,

'I don't care if you are bored, I just can't be seen with you. People will think I'm your little errand boy and the higher-ups will make me as your attendant knight. This is what happened with many other knights who thought they can climb the ladder with the household's decedents. Instead of going up the ranks like they thought they would, they just keep them as babysitters. They lost all the opportunity to become famous knights because all the battles he would win, the credit would all go to who he was babysitting!'.

Junger then got an idea and decided to praise him to make him go back to camp.


"Lord, please go back and rest. This isn't befitting of someone in your stature. You should be at camp enjoying the view of your future subjects working hard for you. While there, you can enjoy a cup of wine and eat some meat provisions as a snack while you wait for the main course meal".


"No, I'm not interested in that. I'll just eat when the main meal is already prepared".

Junger's mind,

'Goddammit, why is he so stubborn. Why can't he be normal noble, but noooo. He just had to be some noble who seeks adventure. Worst of all, he is trying to use me to get it. He should rest instead, we're about to go to war soon!'.

'Ahh, maybe I should change my approach. Let's try making him think this will ruin his family's reputation'.


"Lord, you shouldn't be here. It isn't befitting of your status to be here. If people see you like this, they will think that the household is an uncultured and poor noble family. That you should be lucky to even be considered a noble. I recommend to go back to camp to not tarnish the family name".

Ritzy was left speechless and couldn't say anything. He had no counter-argument to what Junger said.

During his time in his old world, he always had to be quick-witted and give good excuses so people wouldn't be suspicious. Though, in this world, he is now a bit different. He is still the quick-witted assassin but now he isn't really good when it comes to family matters. Realizing he had no counter, he decided to give up.


"You do make sense. I will listen to your advice and leave. Just call if you see anything".


"Do not worry sir, I can handle it. Just go back to camp and rest. Remember, we haven't finished traveling yet".


Jacky and the slave were currently carrying a couple of water pouches. They were tasked to collect water for the group before they started traveling.

Jacky was handing all the pouches to the slave while she filled them up. When filled, she would hand it back to Jacky and Jacky would give her an empty one in return.

While they filled up the water pouches, Jacky tried to make conversation.

"So, little slave. What did you do with your old master? Was there anything you specialized in?".

In a hurry and nervous tone, Ritzy's slave said,

"N-no, I don't specialize in-n anything".

"B-back in the tavern I was t-tasked with c-cleaning m-mostly. T-the rest of the time I was used as a plaything for b-beating up or p-pleasure".

Jacky said casually,

"So you're a good for nothing beastkin. I have no idea why master even cared to bring you along. You would've at least had some worth if you were a virgin. Just try not to be too big of a burden or I'll kill you myself".

Hearing Jacky say that with no hesitation frightened the little girl even more, to the point she drenched herself.


"You idiot! You're defiling the water pouch with your piss!".

Jacky was so furious she stood right up and was aiming to kick the little girl in the water.

Terrified the slave tried to cover her body with her tiny little arms.

Suddenly though, a cracking sound was heard.

Hearing the breaking sound, the little girl looked up. What she saw was the Schwanz with tattered clothes, arms drenched in blood, and holding a stake. Jacky was currently under him with blood on her head. The head looked smash with bones trying to poke through the head muscles.

In response, the little slave became terrified and started screaming. She was screeching with all her might.


"Be quiet you ******* beastkin! You ungodly creation!".

Schwanz then stabbed the little girl's leg with the stake and impaled her on the ground. She was in so much pain she screamed even louder.


"Just die already you abomination!".

Schwanz then kicked the little girl's head, causing it to twist. A loud crack was then heard and she flopped on the floor. Not causing a sound anymore.

After dealing with the girl, Schwanz headed for Jacky's dead body. He then tore the woman's clothes and was about to have his way with the corpse. The only reason he didn't continue is because he saw a familiar ring.


"Isn't this a magic ring? I heard that these things are very expensive and the worth alone can give people enough money to live a pleasant life. I remember my uncle telling me that magicians loved magic rings but I don't remember for what reason. Well, it doesn't matter, let's see what the ring does".

Schwanz then placed the ring on his limp hand's finger and pressed on the stone with his broken finger. It caused him some pain but then ignored it when he saw what was happening. Magic began gathering around him to form a barrier. The barrier created a sphere around him and glowed a light gray. The magic used wind properties.

In this world, regular magic items weren't very powerful. They would at best be strong like wood. If it stayed at wood strength, people would see no value in the magic. To make the rings valuable, magicians would mix the magic properties with elemental magic. In this case, it was made with wind magic.

Schwanz was elated and excited.

"This is awsome, I even got an elemental ring from what I can see. I wonder how sturdy the shield is".

Schwanz then touched the barrier with his broken hand but then his hand was tosed. He gave a small sound of pain.


"Goddammit! Well, at least I know it's a good barrier. Even better, I can use it for attacking".

Wind magic had speed capabilities. It mainly helped in mobility and offense. With the barrier infused with wind magic, it created violent enough winds to be able to launch anything it came in contact with.

After being satisfied with the results, he turned off the barrier.


"Well, seems like your time of me ignoring you is done. Let's get back to what I was about to do".

He then proceeded to take off his clothes and approach Jacky, but then he heard a whooshing sound behind him. He turned around and saw a small glimmer. Seeing the glimmer, he quickly pressed on the ring.

A small barrier was created and the glimmer started getting smaller. A half a second later a body was launched back into the forest.

Schwanz was drenched in sweat when he realized what happened. He was almost killed if it wasn't for his ring.


"Who goes there, who dares to attack me. I might look bad with a broken hand, but I can still kick your ass with this ring by my side!".

The body then came out of the forest and said,

"I dare! You sorry excuse for a human!".

Who came out was Ritzy holding a one-handed long sword on his right hand.


"Hahaha, what a twist of luck. The damn magician tried to kill me with my guard down. Sadly, you failed. Now be a good spoiled brat and buzz off. With this ring, you can't even lay a hand on me. Oh, wait, maybe your just pissed of because I was about to **** your little servant's dead bo-".

A bolt flew into the magic barrier but only stood still inches away from Schwanz's face. A quarter of a second later the bolt flew off into the forest.

Furious, Schwanz said.

"You pushed your luck for the last time you damn brat. I kill you where you stand!".

Schwanz then started running to Ritzy as fast as he could.

Ritzy didn't do anything and just stood there while he tossed his sword to the side.


"That's a good little dog, just accept your death like the worthless spoiled crap you are!".

Once Schwanz approached Ritzy, nothing happened. Ritzy and Schwans were now both inside the powerful wind barrier. Ritzy then gave a small smirk and grabbed Schwanz's neck with his left hand and hoisted him up in the air. Schwanz was being choked in the air now.


"What the **** is going on!?! Why didn't you fly off!?!".

Schwans then noticed that a thick barrier blue barrier was surrounding Ritzy.

While Schwanz was inspecting him, Ritzy was grabbing his limp hand and taking the ring of his hand.


"**** your damn family and you being a mother ****** magician!".

Once Ritzy had the ring, he snapped Schwanz's neck.