Life Magic

In a forest next to a river was Ritzy's slave. Her neck has just recently been broken by Knight Schwanz. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't dead yet. She was only a conscious piece of flesh that couldn't move her body.

Her head was laying on the floor and pointing to the group. She saw Jacky dead on the floor, and Ritzy holding Schwanz dead body in the air with one hand while the other held a ring.

She felt like crying.

'Why is my life like this. I never did anything wrong! Why did those damn people have to go to my village. My parents and I were happy and didn't disturb anybody.'

'They just appeared out of nowhere and wreaked havoc on all of us beastkin. They burned our homes, played games with our lives, and people like my mother were taken into their camp and not returned until they were all bloodied and only had tattered clothes on'.

'After I suffered that hell of losing my family, I was sold to that damn old man of the tavern. He beat me up for anything I did and would rent me to other men. Those men would then use me like the people who raided my village when they got my mother'.

'What did we do to deserve this. Why did I have to be given this miserable life. I wish I was never born and I wish that I was never bought by that damn man. Or, at least not be sold to this damn noble. That way, I would've still been alive!'.

'Look at him, he currently smiling like nothing happened. You just lost your maid who raised you and are responsible for the death of a child. I hate this world and all who live in it. I hate my parents for giving birth to me'.

Finally fed up with thinking, she began crying.

Ritzy who just finished killing Schwanz, heard the little girl whimpering. He turned around and saw the little girl still breathing being on the brink of death.

Ritzy dropped Schwanz and walked to the little girl who was motionless on the floor.

"Hey are you alive, can you move?"

She began crying as loud as ever when she heard Ritzy say can you move. Her face became a huge mess.


"Here, let me see if I can help you".

Ritzy pulled the stake from her leg which caused the slave to yell in pain. Ritzy then grabbed the little girl and held her straight. Next, he placed his palm on the little girl's back and grabbed the grass on the floor. He then started pouring some mana. He focused on spreading mana evenly through the girl's body. The mana spread in a star shape, it went to the head, hands, and feet.

Savior had taught Ritzy how to heal others with mana. He said that if mana was infused with life. The mana would heal all muscle and tissue. He also warned that if too much mana is poured, the person would die. That as soon as the swelling is seen, then too much mana has been poured and some time is needed to be given for the body to consume the mana to heal itself.

The little girl started feeling a rush of energy and started moving. Her neck stopped giving a sense of pain and had a warm feeling instead. Her leg wound stop having a hole and had new muscle grown. She became elated and said,

"I'm moving! Oh My God, how is this possible! Whatever! Thank you, I see that you aren't like the other people who tried to cause me harm and just use me".

The little girl looked at Ritzy filled with joy and love. She gave Ritzy and innocent and cute smile that could melt anybody's heart.

Though suddenly the next moment, her body began trembling at a terrifying rate. Her feet and hands began swelling at a quick rate.

Ritzy seeing the swelling, stopped pouring mana and became terrified.

"Are you okay! I accidentally poured more mana than needed, but don't worry. Your limbs will deflate when your body uses the extra mana it has to heal".

Unfortunately, the limbs didn't stop swelling but instead grew. Worst of all, her head also began swelling as well.

The girl then turned to Ritzy and began crying again,

"What is happening, why are you doing this. I don't want to die".

Seeing her cry and her body swelling, Ritzy quickly began placing his hand on her to try and consume some of the mana. Tragically, it was too late. Her limbs swelled so much they exploded like the items Ritzy had before where he had poured too much mana into them.

Ritzy was now drenched with blood while he held a limbless body. Ritzy went silent and just looked at her lifeless corpse.

He then muttered,

"broken bones".

Ritzy had accidentally forgotten that broken bones can't be healed with basic life magic. Since all he poured was regular life magic, he only healed her neck muscles and her punctured leg. The extra mana wasn't consumed to heal the bones so instead, they accumulated. When he saw the swelling, he thought he was pouring too fast so he responded by simply stopping for a second. Thinking it would fix the swelling. In reality, nor more could be healed so instead it all gathered up and continued growing because more mana was still traveling to the limbs.

When the last of the mana arrived at the limbs, it caused her body to be at the limit and explode. She lost her life in just a second when he was healing her.

Ritzy was completely quiet for the next couple of minutes. When he finally came back to reality, ten minutes have already past.

Back awake, Ritzy stood back up and went into the forest. He then came back with a couple of sticks and placed it on the floor. With the stick on the floor, he also began kneeling on the floor. He grabbed sticks and started rubbing them together.

A couple of seconds later a fire began. With the fire, he started controlling mana to be infused with the element. He was now controlling elemental fire magic.

With the fire magic, he walked up to Jacky. He kicked the water pouches away and burned her. With her now burn to ashes, he burned the rest of the bodies.

With the bodies now made of ash, he grabbed the filled water pouches and walked back to camp.


Ritzy was walking into camp and some knights approached him. Two were young and one was old. They stood in unison and the older knight said,

"Sir, Schwanz has escaped and we were looking for you. We were worried that he went for you so we went with Junger since you were last seen with him. Unfortunately, you had already left at that point so we returned to camp. Luckily, we found you here. Now that we know where you are, we can go fetch for your maid and slave. We'll be right back".

As they were turning back Ritzy said with an emotionless voice,

"Save your energy, they are dead. I saw him kill them so I killed him myself".

Hearing what Ritzy said, they turned and looked at him. Looking more closely, they saw Ritzy holding water pouches. As they were about to say sorry about not noticing, they froze. They saw his eyes that practically displayed no shine, emotion, or any sign of life.

Finished talking, Ritzy gave the water pouches to one of the younger knights and headed for the carriage. He then jumped into the carriage and slouched down. He just looked at the sky emotionless.

The knights then went out of their stupor and the older knight said,

"Everyone get back to work, also when is the food ready?!?".


After they finished eating, they resumed their journey.

On the journey, anybody near Ritzy was quiet. The only people who talked were the knights up ahead.

Ritzy mind,

"I should really start learning how to do advanced life magic. I could end up in big trouble if I don't master the advance life magic".

The whole journey Ritzy wasn't talking because he was sorry for the little girl, he was just frustrated because if he didn't pour magic to the little girl. He would've accidentally poured too much in himself and caused his own death. Unlike storing mana which is harmless, too much elemental magic can cause irreparable damage.

On the journey, he did not only feel relieved, but he also was practicing magic to create advance life magic. Though, he was a bit bugged by Jacky dying. He valued her, she raised him like a mother. Even though, that was their relationship. Ritzy was still able to ignore it. He's already experienced losing things he valued after his past experiences in his old world. An assassin's life wasn't easy for him, but it did give some useful skills.

Ignoring his thoughts about Jacky, he continued practicing life magic. In his right hand were some flowers that the servants thought were for mourning, but in reality, he was infusing the plant's life with his magic. He was trying to create a more life dense mana so advance life magic could be created.

Advance magic can make anything much more powerful. In this world, advance magic would just mean that the person is capable of making a much more dense form of the element. It required a deep understanding and great control. It wasn't as simple when Ritzy tried to make a strong magic barrier. Every element used a different structure to become more potent so the simple thing of lining up the atoms wasn't useful except for mineral magic.

Ritzy has currently only mastered advanced mineral and fire magic. He was only a bit away from learning advance life magic.