
Six days have past and the caravan was now only three days away from arriving at the slave city. They were currently having a lunch break to eat and rest before they continue on the journey.

In the middle of the caravan was a group of people dressed in lavish clothes or elegant armor. They were listening to a fat man in the middle of them who was talking. The man in the middle was Grasso wearing his oversized clothes that were extremely elegant and expensive. The clothes were hard to move in so he clearly was dressed to impress. Grasso also didn't look as if he had any intention of lifting a single finger in this war.


"My fellow nobles, I'm sure those in the back of the caravan know who has finally arrived, but let me welcome him to the stand so the rest of our valiant noble compatriots can meet him".

The meeting set up in the middle of the caravan consisted of only high-level people in this war. Grasso had sent word through the caravan to stop early for lunch so he could conduct a meeting. The assembly consisted of high-level people in this war. The lowest level person were captains. Since Ritzy was only a vice-captain, he was not included.

Grasso then turned to his back left and showed a welcoming stance to a man dressed in an exquisite brown jacket that had a gold color lining. The man looked as if he was in his fifties. He had tan skin, gray trimmed beard, few wrinkles at the end of his eyes, and two different colored glowing eyes. The left eye was dark hazel colored but glowed a brown color. and his right eye was light gray with a white glow. Since it was day, it was hard to notice the glow unless people paid attention.

His two different colored eyes signified that he had blessings from two different gods. The brown-colored signified that he was blessed by the mineral gods. This meant he would be able to control skills or magic much more easily if its dirt, metal, sand, or anything similar. The white glowing eye signified the air god, meaning that he would have an easier comprehension of skills or magic related to the air. He would be able to easily handle smoke, wind, and sound.

The dual-blessed man then began walking to the center with a young man following as well. As they walked to the middle of everyone, everyone began whispering with excitement.

Noble 1,

"He's here!".

Noble 2,

"I can't believe he willingly joined us!".

Noble 3,

"He is such a great man. With his rank and power, he wouldn't be required to come. He could've stayed in his domain and continue growing his properties prosperity".

Noble 2,

"I also heard about his power! It's said that not even the king himself can force him to do his bidding".

Once the dual-blessed man was in the middle of everyone, he tried to speak before everyone quickly did a 90-degree bow to the man and said in almost unison,

"We welcome Archduke Benjamin Benedire!".

Archduke Benedire,

"I see that everyone here knows me. Since that's the case, I'll skip my introduction and state my position here. I Archduke Benedire will be serving as Pheonix Kingdom's head enchanter and engineer during this war. I will also be taking the lead as captain for the machinery division during my stay, and I as well will be an advisor for the offense general. If there are any problems, please voice them now!".

Nobody in the crowd said a word and were in complete silence, not even Skira who was nearby said anything.

After a couple of seconds, Grasso spoke while he bowed again to Archduke Benedire.


"No one here in their right mind would object your words. We are all pleased with your decision to join us. Not only am I filled with joy that I'll be able to listen to your advice. Even my son who was the captain of the division is filled with joy by stepping down and being able to take a position under you".

Grasso then spoke louder,

"Am I right Skira?!?".

Skira quickly walked forward and bowed at Archduke Benedire while being parallel to his father,

"I'm proud of being able to give my position to the great Benedire and being under his command!".

Archduke Benedire,

"You raised a wise and respectful son. I will make sure to teach him a thing or two while we are here".

Grasso excitedly said,

"Thank you! Thank you for helping me guide my son! Your kindness knows no bounds!".

Grasso then got confused and asked,

"Archduke Benedire, pardon my curiosity but did you say 'we'?".

Archduke Benedire,

"Yes, here let me introduce him".

The Archduke then proudly spoke and used his hand to give a signal to a young man behind him.

"Everyone, this is my grandson! Benjamin Benedire the second! Benjamin will be serving as my vice-captain".

Archduke Benjamin then turned to Grasso and said with a prideful smile,

"There should be no problem with my decision. Am I correct?".

Skira noticing that he was going to be demoted again but this time due to someone near his age, he wanted to speak up, but as he was about to say something. Grasso placed his hand on the back of Skira's head and forced Skira to bow down with him.


"There isn't a problem with your grandson being vice-captain. It's nice to see the young being given great opportunities to prove themselves".

Archduke Benjamin spoke cheerfully,

"I'm glad to hear we have a similar thinking process. We should give the younger generation a chance to show their capabilities".

Skira's fist was clenching and trembling in fury. Skira wanted to refute in anger to Archduke Benjamin's words but he held himself back. He was grown with a golden spoon in his mouth so he would always do what he desired no matter how ridiculous or horrible it was, but he wasn't stupid. He noticed that his father was trying his best to please the Archduke so he decided to hold back his anger and stepped down.

Archduke continued introducing his grandson,

"Benjamin is my grandson on my youngest daughter side. He was grown in the art of enchantment, machinery, blacksmithing, and the family magic. At his young age, he is already mastered advance mineral magic, advance enchantment, and is on his way at mastering wind magic. I better not see anyone denounce him just because he is young and a well not a noble even though his capabilities are better than most!".

The Archduke's youngest daughter was his illegitimate child so the girl didn't receive any corresponding noble standing. All that she was provided with lessons to skills almost comparable to actual nobles.

Grasso quickly said,

"Do not worry, we'll make sure no one belittles your grandson".

When Skira heard the capabilities of the Archduke's grandson, he was shocked. The grandson's achievements already were on a completely different level compared to him. Hearing the young man's standing and skills, he held no more mal intentions and accepted his demotion.

Hearing his achievements also piqued his curiosity. He then examined how Benjamin the second looked.

Benjamin the second was a young man, looked as if he was between his teens and his early twenties. His skin was light brown and he had black long hair that reached his neck. He was a very tall person compared to adults and had a massive build. His muscles could clearly be seen even under his elegant clothing. His body emitted an aura of strength and higher standing. The aura complemented his handsome looks which brought out the feeling of him being a great leader and reliable man.

Skira continued examing Benjamin and noticed something. Benjamin's eyes were exactly like his grandfathers. He as well had the blessing of two different gods, the mineral god, and air god.


After a while more of introductions, the meeting was over and everyone was sent back to their posts. With the meeting over, Skira led Benjamin l and Benjamin ll to the machinery division camp. Once they arrived, Skira told some nearby knights to spread the information about the new captain and vice-captain.

As they continued walking, they finally arrived at the main camp area where Ritzy and a couple of valued knights were located at.


"This is where important people of the machinery division reside. Everyone here is a valued asset whose opinion matters. Let me introduce you two to them".

As Skira was about to lead them to meet the knights and Ritzy, Benjamin l said,

"Introduce them to my grandson, I'll meet them later. I need to tell the servants to bring the carriage over".


"I'll do as you say then. Let's go vice-captain Benjamin, I'll introduce you to everyone".


After introducing Benjamin ll to all the valued knights, they finally arrived at Ritzy's temporary camp. Inside the camp, they could smell the scent of grilling meat. At the campfire was a makeshift grill with a couple of small four-legged animals on top. They weren't close enough to the grill to see what animal it was.

One of the knights noticed that Skira arrived so he quickly walked up to them and welcomed them.


"Captain Skira, what do we owe the pleasure for your arrival?".

Skira didn't look at the knight in the eye and said in a demeaning voice,

"Take me to your lord Ritzy, I have something to speak to him about".



The knight noticed that there was a young man next to Skira, but he ignored his desire to ask and led them to Ritzy.