I just hope he won't punish Ritzy to badly

Skira, Benjamin ll, and Ritzy's knight were walking together. The knight was currently leading them the way to where Ritzy was.

While they walked, they smelled the aroma of snake broth. It was a strong but sweet smell. As they continued walking, they noticed that everyone in the camp that wasn't on duty like the knight leading them. They would be eating soup.

Skira and Benjamin were very surprised because they have had previous experiences when eating in a caravan. Firstly, the subjects would be given only rations, including regular knights. Secondly, meat was extremely rare unless one was in front of the caravan. The only way they could get meat is if they bought it from the people in the front, they had stored some earlier before the trip, or they were lucky enough to find some that the earlier people missed. Lastly, meat would be selfishly kept by the lord or highest command. The only people that would share meat are mercenaries traveling together.

Skira felt a bit embarrassed about how his little Ritzy was being taking advantage of by sharing meat with the lower subjects. He also felt pity for Ritzy on how this would embarrass his reputation in front of Benjamin.

Skira's mind,

'My poor little Ritzy, a man who has been abandon by his own family. That his own family didn't care enough about him to truly teach him the ways of the world. How a noble must be firm and demanding to his subject or they would be taken advantage of. That lowly commoner and knights are born to serve us. How my heart cries for you my poor Ritzy'.

'I just hope that Benjamin won't insult him too hard'.

Since Benjamin was now their superior, he had the right to punish Ritzy for such improper etiquette.

Benjamin, on the other hand, had his heart racing. His heart was beating quicker and quicker as he looked around while they were walking.


'How poorly have Ritzy's lessons in etiquette been? When the Great Lord Savior came to my family's workshop and told me that his student wasn't taught noble etiquette plus on how being a lord should act, I didn't think it would be this bad of a situation. First, there is barely any knights on duty. Secondly, the knights off duty aren't resting appropriately. Knights would be placed into their own little zone so they don't become much of an eyesore. These knights are all over the place! They're just laying, siting, or going around anywhere they please. Worst of all, some of them don't even have their equipment with them or wearing their armor. Their weapons are just laying about unguarded and not ready to be used. Their armor is even on the floor! They are not prepared at all for an attack'.

'I just hope Skira doesn't reprimand him'.

Since Skira is older than Ritzy and used to be his superior, he still has a higher standing then Ritzy and has the right to punish him for such improper etiquette.

Finally arriving at Ritzy, they saw him laying his back on a fallen down tree. He was eating the soup that the servants prepared, but since this was his third serving that was just recently taken out of the pot. The broth and meat were too hot, causing Ritzy to look like an imbecile burning his mouth while he tried to eat.

Hearing footsteps, Ritzy turned to the origin of the sound. He saw Skira walking with his knight and a young man following. Ritzy was at first completely surprised and forgot that blessed people existed when he saw Benjamin's glowing eyes. He hasn't been accustomed to seeing glowing eyes since his old world didn't have this phenomenon and he practically never sees blessed people here because they were just too rare.

Ritzy calmed himself down and showed a confident look to hide his surprise. He got off from the floor and elegantly walked to Skira and Benjamin.

Ritzy quickly did a slight bow and said,

"Captain Skira, what do I owe the pleasure?".

Skira and Benjamin felt their mind hurt. Ritzy's introduction was greatly inappropriate.

Skira's mind,

'My poor Ritzy, why did you say that. You supposed to say something in the lines of, "Your humble Vice-captain is reporting for duty". You could've at least said a simple welcome and that you are ready to serve'.

'I hope that Benjamin doesn't get too mad and insult you too much'.


'How badly did the family ignore him that he doesn't even know how to properly greet us. He should've given a simplistic welcome and then introduce himself because I'm here. The Reds family really didn't make this easy for me'.

'I just hope that Skira doesn't punish him too hard for such a horrible and unrighteous greeting'.

Skira's mind,

'Maybe if I pretend that he didn't show any disrespect, Benjamin might think he heard wrong'.


"It's nice to see you again Ritzy, I hope we didn't disturb your lunch".


"Not at all, it is of no disturbance".


"That is good. Well Ritzy, the reason I am here is to inform you that you and I are no longer captain and vice-captain. We will still retain a position of power but just as nobles in this division".

Ritzy was confused, but he hid it and continued trying to keep on a facade of noble etiquette,

"Ohh, may I know who has replaced us. It's important to know who will lead us".

Skira stretched his arms and showed a welcoming gesture to Benjamin.


"This here is Benjamin the ll".

Benjamin seeing that Skira was inviting him to the conversation, gave an introduction.


"Hello, I am Benjamin Benedire the ll. I will be acting as your vice-captain while my grandfather Benjamin the l, will be the captain of the division. May I know who you are".

Benjamin already knew who he was but due to noble courtesy, he needed to ask since it's their first face to face meeting.


"I am Reds family youngest son, Ritzy. My family resides in leaf county".

Benjamin and Skira were astounded again. Even though what Ritzy said sounded right, it was in reality wrong. People who knew true noble speaking, would think that he was trying to fake his identity.

Benjamin's mind,

'Why would you say this. It might sound right to someone who has a minimal idea of how nobles act but not us. Nobles only say their family name and their personal name. You might say province if the person you introducing yourself asks, but you never say what's your position in the family heritage. Saying that your the youngest is a dead give away on so many levels'.

'The only reason why one would mention their family is if they are talking about a particular member. Like how I was introducing my grandfather as your captain and not mentioning that I'm part of an illegitimate part of the family'.

'Wait, maybe Skira will see it as since I introduce my relationship in the family when I introduce my grandfather as being the captain, Ritzy thought he should've done it as well.

Skira's mind,

'NO, NO, NO, you are doing it all wrong my poor little Ritzy. I know this isn't your fault but still, this is a bit of an exaggeration. You sound like a man trying to feign as a Noble. That your identity as Ritzy is completely fake".

'Now I can't pretend that you didn't show any proper manners. Wait, since you are a blessed person, Benjamin can probably see this as someone who is new to nobility. That you became a noble recently because of you being a blessed person that is truly capable. Many blessed people not born nobles became nobles this way'.

'I just hope that he sees it like this. That he is understanding and thinks you're new to nobility and it isn't your fault that you speak this way'.

'I hope he thinks your new so he doesn't or at least lessen the reprimanding'.

Benjamin gave a fake smile and said some more of the usual pleasantries,

"Leaf county, it's a beautiful place. If I remember correctly, my family exports some of our exquisite contraptions to that county. Oh, not that I think about it. You must be the noble's blessed child. Is your family perhaps the ones related to the royal family?'.


"Yes, my family is related to the royal family".


"Oh, since that's the case, this spot should've originally been kept to you even more now. Sadly though, because of my skill set, I took your position. I hope you hold no grudge because of this".


"Of course not, I see it vital that the most qualified are the ones who deserve the job".


"That is good to hear".

As Benjamin was about to say something else, one of the knights declared his presence.


"I'm sorry to intrude but Captain Benjamin has commanded everyone to prepare to leave. That we'll continuing our journey shortly".


"Seems like our time is up. Let's end it off on this note. I hope we continue this conversation another time".


"I will wait till that day".

Skira and Benjamin face twitched a little in hearing Ritzy say that.

Skira and Benjamin thoughts,

'You should've said, "I hope it happens soon or until then". Saying "I will wait till that day" makes it seem that you don't desire to see him anymore today'.

'I hope that he doesn't see this as too disrespectful and punish Ritzy'.