Two Reasons

As Skira and Benjamin were walking off to their respected locations in the caravan, Ritzy headed for his bowl of soup that he left on the floor when Skira and benjamin arrived.

Grabbing the bowl, Ritzy grabbed a scoop of soup. The spoon carried meat and some leek. Taking a bite, Ritzy could feel it now cold. The taste now had not as vibrant flavor, it has lost it's prime eating time.

Depressed, Ritzy dropped what was left in the bowl and walked back into the camp. Inside the camp, he handed the bowl and spoon to one of the servants and headed back for the carriage. While waiting inside the carriage, the knights and servants were preparing for the journey.

The knights were equipping their armor, picking up their weapons then sheathing them, and mounting their horses to be ready for when they begin traveling. The servants were cleaning the cooking utensils, putting out the fire, and packing any items they took out of the carriage previously.

Once everything was packed up, the servants jumped in the carriage and the journey began.


While Benjamin l was being introduced to the important people of the caravan like Ritzy, nobles, and special knights, Benedire (Benjamin ll) was bringing the servants and carriage to their designated spot in the caravan.

Arriving in the middle, the group took a little break to eat some provisions. After good dozen minutes, the order was passed for everyone to begin traveling again and that lunch was over.

As they began getting prepared for travel, Skira and Benjamin ll were arriving where Benedire was resting at. Benedire was currently inside his carriage waiting for the coachmen to lead the carriage so the journey may commence.

Once Skira and Benjamin arrived outside the carriage, Skira approached the window which showed Benedire and greeted him.


"It's good to see Archduke Benedire again".

Hearing Skira greeting him, Benedire woke from his stupor and noticed that his grandson and Skira arrived. Getting his thoughts back in order, he greeted Skira back.



Since Benedire was Skira's senior noble, he didn't have to show any real respect to Skira. A noble is someone who has a higher standing either through age, older noble heritage, or higher ranking in nobility.

Ignoring Skira, he turned to his beloved grandson.


"Benjamin, we will be departing soon. Make sure that you have everything in order before we leave".


"Don't worry grandfather, I greeted everyone and learned who's in charge of what. I have nothing else to do so I'm ready to lave".


"Understood then, come inside the carriage"

Bendire then started speaking louder,

"Coachmen, how much longer until we leave?".


"Don't worry sir, one more minute and everything should be ready so we begin the journey".

Skira noticing that Benedire was no longer paying attention to his existence, he decided to give his farewells.


"Benjamin, Benedire, I will be taking my leave".

Benedire looked at Skira with annoyed eyes but still said,

"I bid you farewell then".

Skira commenced walking away leaving Benjamin and Benedire alone. Noticing that they were alone, Benedire decided to raise something that was on his mind during this whole trip.


"Benjamin, why did you ask to come here with me? I decided to come because the king offered me valuable materials that could be used to strengthen the family members. But why is it that you came even though there was no obligation for you to come as well from this deal?".


"Well, it mainly for two reasons grandfather".


"Well, spit it out!".


"The first reason or the main reason I came is because my teacher told my father that I learned everything I could learn, but I needed to put them into practice with real-life scenarios so my skills can be practical".




"Yes, practical. I have--"

Benjamin went quiet for a second. His face showed some hesitation.


"Benjamin, I'm your grandfather. All I desire is for your best, I won't be disappointed in something bad of you if you're trying to fix it".

"Your still young, it's expected that there would be a thing or two that could be considered your weakness or weakest trait".

Hearing those words, Benjamin hesitated face disappeared and he calmed down. The next moment he showed a serious face that gave a presentation of 'I will do this'.


"I have a weakness in performance".

Benedire coughed a couple of times and then showed an uncomfortable face,

"Benjamin, if you want I can get a physician to help solve your problem. I don't think that personal problems can be solved like this".

"I know that all the great warriors don't have bed problems, but that's more of a medical issue. Not an issue of proving yourself of being a man in the battlefield".

Hearing his grandfather completely mal-interpret what he meant. He began having a strong coughing fit. It wasn't until a couple of dozens of seconds later that his composure came back.


"No, that was not what I meant. I was trying to say when I try to execute a skill or spell, it comes out extremely weak or not at all. No matter the level. Even though I can use advanced-level spells, my low-level ones are still weak. ".

Benedire was blushing a bit red because he completely misread the situation and he realized it was his fault for this very awkward situation.

Regaining his thoughts, he started to get confused.


"How is it possible for it to become weak or not at all even though you're able to use higher-level spells. Normally when one is able to create a higher level spells, his lower ones will become of higher quality. Low-level spells are two ranks smaller than advance spells, which means you should've been able to create low-level spells with no difficulty at all when executing it perfectly".

There are many variables in the effectiveness of a spell. The greatest variable is how one executes it. If a person does the lining or anything a bit off then how it's supposed to be done, the spell will lose its effectiveness. It was the same way as executing a combat technique. If a person throws a blow that slightly off from the point of where it suppose to hit, the blow won't have as much of an impact.


"This is a very strange case indeed, especially for you. If I remember correctly, you were born with massive raw talent, or am I wrong".


"Yes grandfather, you are right. My strength is unparalleled, there is no knight, guest, or even people older than me that can be me in raw strength. My magic is also unequal, nobody can compare to the speed or amount of mana I can expend".

There are two determining factors in magicians' power. First is the amount of mana one can use. To be able to use higher-level spells, a greater amount of mana is required. A person will be unable to create a spell if there not enough to even enough resources or mana to have it made.

The second most important factor is the rate one can release their magic. Normally when one wants to use a very powerful spell, mana needs to be poured into the spell over a certain amount of time so it can come to life. It's virtually impossible to use all of one's mana in a single second. It's like having water go through a pipe. Not all the water will go through at once, only a certain amount is able to pass at a time because of it's confined space.

To fight this problem because sometime's emergency spells need to be casted, people develop techniques to have mana expel at a quicker rate, or just make the pipe bigger in comparison terms. Though none of these can compared to someone born with the ability to expel greats amount of mana in less time like Benjamin.


"Seems like your father and teacher were right, this does seem like the most probable solution. I remember back in my days, my teacher would force me to do almost everything myself. I didn't even receive any help with my magic. I had to create mana all by myself before I was even able to do a spell. Though, it did end well. It resulted in me having a deeper understanding of magic compared to my peers which lead to a more in control skill with magic".

"Wait, what was the second reason?".


"The second reason was that the Savior asked me to do this".

Benedire was completely shocked and shouted,

"Wait! Thee Savior?!?"

Benjamin was spoked by Bendire sudden shout but continued talking,


Benedire calmed down and asked,

"Why would he ask you to come to this war. There is practically no beneficial thing that will happen to him if you're here".



Before Benjamin could tell Benedire, Benedire interrupted,

"It doesn't matter. It must be very private if he personally asked you. Just make sure to do a good job whatever he asked you to do so he can see us in a good light. If we have his support, our family will have limitless potential".

Benjamin was left a little speechless but still manage to say,

"Yes, Grandfather!".