Battle Has Begun

Two hours went by and they finally arrived outside the city. The soon to be battlefield against the beastkin.

The city was extremely large which justified why so many people were tasked to reconquer the city. The place was so large that many of the main divisions, the forced soldiers, had to be used to help the calvary division cover more areas around the city so no beastkin could escape during the battle.

The city walls were made of stone and only had two main entrances. There were two more entrances but they were small and could only fit very few people at a time. It wasn't a good attack point and if used, they would be easily slaughtered.

The city walls were very tall. The height was comparable to a four-story building. Even makeshift siege ladders that Ritzy read in the books provided by Savior couldn't be used on these walls.

The main city inside had some buildings that could be seen from the outside. Meaning that many buildings were higher than five floors.

The size, walls, and tall buildings significantly outmatched any city Ritzy has ever been since arriving in this world. Not even the main city that his family-controlled had any chance to be compared to this city.

Another hour passed by and everyone was in formation. Calvary and temporary calvary were surrounding the city walls, all the machinery division were on one entrance, all the range division were guarding the machinery division, and all the forced soldiers were evenly separated on both entrances to the city.

All the soldiers, generals, captains, and servants that accompanied this journey were tense. This battle was very different than past battles so they were much more antsy than normal.

Typically, the opposition would try to keep the attacker from getting into position and try their best to hamper the attacker. Strangely though, the beastkin stayed on the castle walls. Watching as their enemy was getting ready to kill them.

Once everyone was in position, an entourage of beastkin suddenly came out with an old tiger-like beastkin holding another old human. The tiger beastkin had orange fur with black stripes. His clothes didn't seem his size so there were tears here and there.

Surrounding the tiger beastkin and old man were two wolves beastkin that had gray fur, a black panther beastkin, and two centaurs. One centaur had his horse half brown with white spots and the other centaur had his horse half all white with a blonde horsetail.


Ritzy, Benjamin, Benedire, Ritzy's knights, and Benedire's knights were all together. Benedire had them in the prime center of everything so they could be able to respond to any situation that could occur. Ritzy and two of Benedire's knights were the priority defenders. The rest of the knights and Benjamin were to act as supports for the priority defenders.

The plan was for the priority defenders to fight the primary targets that were the most dangerous while the supports would face any enemy nearby, making sure their battle would be uninterrupted.


"Father, do you know what is happening?".


"It seems that the beastkin wants to talk. Most likely the old man they are holding hostage is the mayor of the city so they are using him as a shield to come to us".


"His shield?".


"Yeah, beastkin probably have the idea that the mayor would still hold his position as mayor even though the city has been taken over. They don't know that the mayor has already been ordered for execution and any family related to him has been stripped of all their power".


"So they believe that the mayor still holds value to us?".



The entourage then stoped in the center from where the city was located and the location of the main division.


"The beastkins stopped".


"Seems like they want a private meeting. They want one of us to go talk to them".

The next moment, Skira who was not too far away rode on a horse to the main division.

Skira wasn't with them because Skira was considered only a regular magician noble so his task was only to defend the machinery division with the rest of the long-range group.

Skira was headed to the main division and to his father's group. The main division consisted of two groups. The important people who are nobles and knights trained for battle. And the forced group who are farmers and innocent untrained people.

Once Skira arrived at the main division, nothing happened for another couple of minutes. Once a couple of minutes passed, a group of heavily armed people left the main division.

It was Grasso leading a group of knights and his son to the beastkin entourage.


"Why did Lord Grasso go to the Beastkin? The ex-mayor has no more value to us anymore so why is he going?".


"Even though there isn't any more value in saving that old man, Grasso can use this opportunity to allow the beastkin to surrender. Of course, the beastkin won't accept but you never know".

With the two entourages together, they began conversing. Ritzy couldn't hear what was happening since they were too far away so he decided to stop using his Mana Presence.

As the two entourages continued talking, they started waving their hand seeming as they were arguing. Then the next moment, the old beastkin holding the human stabbed the human with his hand. The beastkin's claws punctured through one side of the human's chest to the other. The scene showed a bloody hand making a spear shape coming out of the mayor's chest chest.

Grasso and his entourage seeing that it failed and that they were now in danger, Grasso and Skira quickly jumped back on their horses while the knights blocked the incoming attacks from the beastkins.

There was four knights in total that consisted of two longsword wielders, and two shield and short sword users.

Unfortunately, only the two wolf beastkins needed to focus on the knights so the other beastkin chased after Grasso and Skira.

The knights couldn't handle the wolf beastkins raw strength from the slashes of their claws. Their claws easily cut through their swords, shields, and armor. The knights were left with a gaping hole or lost a limb. Their injuries left them on the floor bleeding to death.

The beastkin didn't even bother finishing them off and chased after Grasso and Skira.

Grasso and Skira were both on horseback but the beastkin were still catching up. The tiger beastkin and panther bearskin had jumped on the centaurs so they could chase as soon as possible instead of fighting the knights.

As time went by, every second closed the distance between the beastkin and Grasso by a sizeable chunk.

Grasso and Skira were both mineral mages so they used many spells to slow down their pursuers. Skira used a spell that sprouted a wall out of the ground but the Panther beastkin quickly used his own mineral magic to deactivate the spell, causing the wall to fall. Making Skira's spell ineffective.

Grasso was also using a spell that pulled dirt off the ground which forcibly condense them into hard stone-like balls and then launched them at the pursuers. In response , the tiger beastkin would use a wind element skill that allowed the slashes to could cut through the air and through the boulders incoming to them. Causing the boulders to be cut in half and completely miss them.

As Grasso and Skira were casting spells and getting closer back to the main division that was also running at them to support them, the beastkin unfortunately finally caught up.

Both of the centaurs were holding long spears and were ready to launch an attack. Sadly for Skira, the centaur next to him was close enough to reach him with the spear so the centaur stabbed Skira's horse's behind.

The horse tripped from its sudden impalement which threw Skira, luckily at Grasso. Grasso quickly extended his hand to catch Skira.

Skira seeing his father extend his arms, Skira extended his arms as well to grab his father's hand. But before Skira could catch his father hand, Grasso grabbed his son's chest plate and then threw Skira at the other centaur.


Grasso was a bona fide Duke and in this world, strength was everything. So Grasso's strength could easily allowed him to grab his son and throw him a couple of meters. Skira knew this so he thought that by his father catching him, his father could easily help him get on the horse so they could both escape. It didn't matter if the horses were currently running.


The centaur quickly defending himself from the sudden incoming body, slapped his spear on Skira's body, launching Skira out of the way. Skira was now left alone outside in the battlefield with his spine broken from the centaurs attack.

Fortunately for Grasso, sacrificing his own son, slowed the centaur down enough for him to reach the main division. The farmers quickly made way for Grasso to go through but then quickly blocked the way again for the centaurs with beastkin riding on them.

With the death of Grasso's son, the battle finally commenced.