Sword for Resting

The centaur quickly defending himself from the sudden incoming body, slapped his spear on Skira's body, launching Skira out of the way. Skira was now left alone outside in the battlefield with his spine broken from the centaurs attack.

Fortunately for Grasso, sacrificing his own son, slowed the centaur down enough for him to reach the main division. The farmers quickly made way for Grasso to go through but then quickly blocked the way again for the centaurs with beastkin riding on them.

The beastkin seeing their path blocked, the centaurs slowed their pace a bit. As the centaurs slowed their pace, the tiger beastkin reused his last spell but much more effectively.

Mana was accumulating on the tiger beastkin's claws. White light could be seen coming from his claws.

When the tiger beastkin's claws glowed comparable to a glow's stick's brightness, The beastkin slashed its claws in the air in front of him. The next moment, the wind blew hard on the farmers causing many to tip over.

With all the farmers on the ground, the centaurs continued their chase. They trampled on the untrained forced soldiers.

Grasso who was still ridding to safety said,

"Get up! Protect your lord! Whoever kills them, will receive one silver as a reward!".

The farmers hearing their possible reward, they quickly hoisted themselves up and grabbed their cheap weapons.

Since they were seen as expendable, the kingdom only provided them with wooden spears. If they wanted a metal weapon, they would have to use their farming equipment.

Oddly, the farmers in the middle didn't stand up. There was still a path of littered bodies on the floor.


"Get up! Block their path, you useless ingrates!".


One of the farmers checked their friend who wasn't standing up. He found it worrisome that they weren't up yet.

The farmer kneeled and shook his laid down friend. Unexpectedly, shaking his friend's shoulder caused the arm to fall off.


"Buddy! Your arm!".

The farmer shook the armless friend again but this time, his whole body came apart into four pieces.


The beastkin was getting closer and closer as they rode over the dead bodies, breaking bones with each step closer.

Tiger Beastkin,

"Accept your demise you damn fake higher being! Their dead so they can't protect you, so just die!".

Done with his words, only a couple of meters separated Grasso and him again. With their almost arms length distance, the Puma beastkin used a spell.

Puma beastkin,

"Fēnglì de rēng shítou".

The next moment, the dirt raised from the ground and condensed into many spear tip shape rocks. The rocks then moved at a rapid speed to Grasso's back.

Grasso casted a spell himself when he saw the incoming pointy rocks.

"Tǔ qiáng".

Dirt raised from the ground forming a wall behind Grasso, blocking his trail. The spears that were coming at Grasso impaled into the wall but lost all momentum so they didn't reach Grasso.

The panther quickly poured mineral magic into the air but didn't cast a spell. He only surrounded the elemental mana around the wall and then suddenly caused it to fall again like last time.

The wall collapsed from the panther beastkin's strange actions. The wall now gone, two people could be seen.

The two people were white knights with gold lacing on their armor. Both had long spears with axe blades at the end of the spears.

Panther beastkin,

"Watch out, these men look like skilled fighters. Let's head back, we can't stay here too long. The remaining humans will soon surround us and if we're surrounded, there will be no escape".

The tiger beastkin's spell was strong enough to create a temporary path of dead bodies in the crowd of farmers, but the path wouldn't remain too long. The farmers would quickly surround them and be gunning for the reward that Grasso offered.

Tiger Beastkin,

"Fine! Let's retreat, for now, I can murder that damn pig later".

The centaurs turned around and ran back to the city. The wolf beastkin seeing their comrades stop attacking, they headed as well to the city.


Grasso finally arrived back to his command post.

The knights nearby approached Grasso and helped him off his horse.

"Lord, do we begin the attack?'.


"Yes, you fool! Send orders down to begin fighting. We need to show these filthy animals that they should've bowed down to me when they had the chance!".

The knight turned to the other knights and yelled,

"Start the attack!".

The knights hearing the orders, they also yelled,

"Start the attack".

Yelling knights could be heard passing down the orders all the way to the other side of the city.

Hearing the orders to start, the main division started charging at the castle. The farmers led the way as trained combatants; mercenaries, nobles, and knights followed closely behind.

The division was quickly shortening the distance to the city's entrance but the beastkin quickly ready themselves. Once the farmers passed the 40-meter mark, beastkins took out their bows and some pulled in ballistas.

The farmers reaching the 20-meter mark, a beastkin yelled,


Arrows and ballista bolts began raining down on to the farmers. The farmers only had the clothes on their backs and a spear or farm tool. They had no form of defense so the arrows easily pierced through their clothes and into their bodies. Arrows penetrated into their organs with no difficulty and left them dead on the floor.

The farmers that weren't in range of their attack stopped their charge.

Grasso seeing that the beastkin finally popped out to shoot them, Grasso ordered his next orders,

"Get the Machinery division, the beastkin are now up for the taking!".


Benedire turned to a nearby night,

"Send the orders down to pulled pull out our siege weapons into the battlefield. With them on the walls, we can easily shoot them down!".

The knight bowed then turned around and left.

The next minute, the catapults, ballistas, and scaling equipment was being pulled by horses closer and closer to the city's entrance.

While pushing the machines, the beastkin noticed their plans.


"Get our men out there. We can't have those weapons anywhere near us or we'll lose our line of defense".

Hearing the orders, the city gates were opened and vasts amount of beastkins came running out. The beastkins easily pushed through the farmers, killing each and everyone in their path.

Passing the farmers, they were now 28 meters away from the machinery division and in range of the range division.

A forty something-year-old knight rose his sword and yelled at the archers defending the machinery division,

"Fire! Don't let those bastard reach the siege weapons!"

Arrows again rained from the sky but this time at the beastkins. This time though, only part of the beastkins died.


"Don't stop firing! Magicians, fire as well".

Arrows poured from the sky again but this time with a vast amount of different spells. Water elemental, fire elemental, mineral elemental, wind elemental, and other unique spells.

This time with the magic included, the beastkin fell one by one. Only a few dozen survived because of their luck.


Magicians are part of an elite class of fighters. They have strong abilities that require deep understanding and wealth to learn. With such high requirements, not many existed in this world so the magicians deployed by the Pheonix kingdom couldn't compare to the range division's firepower.

This resulted in not enough spells being shot to hit all the beastkin at the same time.


The beastkin knew they couldn't continue fighting so they quickly ran back to the city walls. Pushing their way through the farmers again.


"The enemy is retreating, continue attacking!".


"Keep pushing the machinery!! We need to be in range before they decide to launch another attack!".


As the machinery division kept advancing, Ritzy and the rest were still waiting for a dangerous target.


"So, will we even have to do anything today or are we just decorations?".

The knights around looked at Ritzy oddly.

Support knight 1,

"I know your antsy kid but enjoy the moment. Right now it seems it'll be smooth sailing but once the enemy feels endangered. They will send out their strongest men and thats we're we come in. It'll take a while so just relax".



Ritzy walked away and took off his long sword and helmet. He laid the long sword on the floor and then laid on the floor as well. Ritzy placed his head on the leather scabbard of the sword and used it as a pillow.

Support Knight 1 thoughts,

'I know I told you to relax but not at this level. Well, the Lord did put him as a priority defender for a reason. It seems like the reason is that this young man is always cooled headed and not frightened by the level of these beastkin's strength'.