Ritzy's Basic Fire Magic Strength

As Ritzy rested merrily on the ground, the machinery division was going forward full force.


"Don't stop men, we need to get there as soon as possible. Every second we take is a lost ally!".

The farmers were still at the edge of the city walls. They made sure to not get to close, but their leaders still made them stay close enough to distract the beastkin.

It wasn't that the farmers wanted to be in the range of the beastkin's attacks but that they had no choice. If they dared to go against Grasso or any of their leader's orders, they would be killed swiftly. Their lives weren't theirs to control.

After pushing forward for countless minutes, they were finally in range to shoot the city walls effectively.


"Fire at will men! Fire until you can't fire no more".

Volleys from ballistas and catapults were fired upon the walls. The beastkin's own ballistas, men, and even bits of the wall began falling down.



"Captain, we can't hold on any longer. Our men are dropping as soon as we send them!".

Beastkin Captain,

"Order a temporary retreat! Also, send one of our teams down there to deal with those weapons!".


"Right Away Sir!".



"Phase two! The beastkin are retreating, get ready to climb the walls!".


"Infantrator squad, it's your turn to shine! Get the ladders and any other items we can use to get over those walls!".

Strange carriages pulled by gigantic horses were heading straight to the walls. The carriages were much bigger than what merchants used, it had a massive wall in front of the carriage with a ladder connected. It seems as if the wall would be used as a shield when being pushed but when on a wall. The ladder could be used to climb up the wall.

As the carriages were getting closer and closer, the gates opened once more. This time, much more heavily armed beastkin came out.

The beastkin from before used armor they could steal from guards or from regular knights. The ones these beastkin had was on another level.

The armor seemed specially tailored for them. Each and every armor was unique and seemed to help the beastkin's special characteristics. Some armor seemed light and didn't cover much but others seemed increasingly heavy and ready to take any hit thrown at it.

The sudden professionalism from beastkins terrified not only the farmers but also the nobles. The beastkin from before who were poorly equipped but could easily killed all that was before them. These new high-level beastkins terrified them.

It was as if a wolf was attacking a person but then a tiger appears later on.


"Huh, these guys look fierce".

Benjamin looked at Ritzy as if he was an idiot,

"Fierce, that doesn't begin explaining them. That's the Kemono-tai beastkin group! Don't you know them?".


"No, why should I?".


"The Kemono-tai are a group of gladiator beastkins. They were trained to provide entertainment in the most difficult of difficult battles. Their experience in life and death combat is part of the best in the whole Pheonix Kingdom".


"Does that mean they are our targets?".



Benedire interrupted,

"They are your targets. Get out there knights and Ritzy, we can't have them destroy the machinery. If that happens, we can consider this battle a lost".

All of Benedire's knights bowed and said,


They then got on their horses and left.


"Let's go, we can't fall behind!".

Ritzy got himself off the floor, put on his helmet, and re-tied his longsword on his back. He then jumped on the extra horse provide by Benedire and left as well. Benjamin and Ritzy's knights followed closely behind with their own horses.


The group of beastkin consisted of twenty members but that didn't hinder them from slaughtering the farmers to get to the machinery division.

They moved as a group and killed everything that came close to them. If the farmers moved out of the way, the beastkins wouldn't bother with the farmer.

They were a small group so they had to save their energy. Killing takes energy and the group doesn't have enough to get everyone. Only enough to do their job and then get out.

Beastkin goat,

"Leader, a group of knights are gonna arrive soon!".

Beastkin Jaguar Leader,

"Understood! Everyone, we're gonna have company so let's divide as planned. Machine people, destroy the siege weapons as soon as possible! Fighters, we'll hold off the knights here!".

The group of knights arrived and hurridly trampled through the farmers to reach the beastkin.

Priority defender 1,

"You won't touch our catapults or our ballistas!".

Ritzy and the beastkins were surprised seeing the knights' complete disregard on the lives of the forced soldiers. They simply pushed right through the crowd not carrying if they killed a farmer in the process.

What even seemed even more frighting, the horses didn't stop. Horses are naturally vigilant and won't stampede through a group of people. The horses would naturally go around the group or not go at all.

For the horses to trample over the farmers as if nothing, it meant the horses were trained to ignore the people. That this occurrence happened enough times that they trained their horses for it.

Beastkin tiger,

"You damn humans! You don't care about anybody's life except for your own!".

As the tiger beastkin was saying that, the knights were now in melee distance. The knights pulled out their weapons as the other beastkin followed as well. Then they clashed their swords and axes together. The knights aimed for vitals or anything that helped end this battle quicker. They wanted to chase the other half as soon as possible.

As Ritzy was catching up, he didn't stop like the rest to fight.


"Follow right behind me men! Do not stop!".



Ritzy didn't explain any further and kept the horse going. The other beastkin seeing that they were trying to charge through, had sent the beastkins that had to share a target to block their path. So instead of two beastkins on one person. It was now one on one and the other beastkin blocking the path.


"Sir, this isn't a good idea! They're ready for us!".

Ritzy didn't answer him and instead smiled. He then channeled vasts amounts of mana on the palms of his hands.


"Ritzy! We need to stop!".

Ritzy then said confused,

"Why? There's no one in front of us".

The next second the vast amount of mana turned into fire and shot forward. The huge amount of mana that turned into fire elemental magic created a vortex of fire heading to the beastkins.

The beastkins didn't have enough time to dodge so their bodies fell victim to Ritzy's fire magic.

Though, something was different. Once the fire dissipated, there were only ashes left.

Beastkin Goat,

"He's a monster".

Beastkin cat,

"How strong does one have to be to instantly turn a beastkin to ash? They didn't even have enough time to scream in pain from being on fire".

Silence fell on the battlefield. The beastkins didn't know what to do and Benedire's knights didn't as well. They were too surprised by Ritzy's strength that they forgot they were in the midst of a fight to the death.


"Keep going, we can't let a single ballista or catapult be destroyed. The second group of beastkin is still going full force so don't stop! Benedire's knights can handle this group".

Ritzy's knights and Benjamin kept following but they were still mesmerized by what they saw. The only reason they were still moving forward was because their horse was still galloping forward.

Benjamin thoughts,

'How- how was he able to do that?! It's almost the same amount of power that only the best in their field can use. How many years of training did it take for creating vasts amounts of fire magic in one go'.

'This makes sense now! This is why he had no training in noble etiquette. He spent his whole life learning fire magic! No wonder he's able to cast that spell so fast and with such power!'.


The beastkin group finally reached the machinery division and were met with countless arrows and spells coming at them. Instead of turning back, they kept going forward.

As the arrows and spells were getting closer and closer, a dog like beastkin raised it's arms in the air and said,

"Kōngqì pòsuì jī hù zhào".

The next moment, wind magic gathered around all the beastkins. Forming a massive shield above them. The shield was white and almost mist-like. The wind in the mist was slashing at a crazy speed.

When the spells and arrows landed on the windshield, they were shredded into pieces. The spells simply broke and vanished into thin air but the arrows were pulled apart. The arrow would be cut into pieces and then pulsed away from the shield.