Sporco Leaders

A group of Beastkin's were currently having a meeting, discussing their next plan in dealing with the Pheonix Kingdom army. The group consisted of four different races; elves, beastkins, giants, and ogres.

The elves in the room were a mixture of black, brown, and white skin. Their hair was even more different from the last but they all had one thing in common. They were taller and skinnier than the average human body and have unique pointy ears. The ears were different lengths but always pointy.

The giants in the room were almost identical to humans except for their very tall stature. Almost twice the size of an average human. There were also a few giants with special characteristics. Some had green, blue, and bronze skin. Others had mythical body parts.

The ogres in the room had tanned, red, and green skin. Some had tusks sprouting out of their mouths. Each one had a large body that wasn't as tall as the giants but way wider. While giants were a taller version of humans, ogres were bigger in general.

The races were evenly separated in the room creating three different groups. Each group was with their own race except the giants and ogres, they were grouped up.

There was a table in the middle of the room with only three people. A beastkin, elf, and a giant representing the giants and ogres.

Giant Leader,

"What is our current situation. Was the beastkin gladiators able to stop their siege weapons?".


"No, from the reports of the only two survivors. They were intervened by a Benedire".

Giant and Elf leader,


Elf leader,

"Do we at least know which Benedire it was. We need to be prepared".


"We need to make this a priority. During my gladiator days, I was forced to spar with a young Benedire. Even though the young girl only took a day of training to finally beat me, her teacher still said she was slower than her siblings".


"So the rumors are probably true. Those stories about Benedire's are completely true. Now I'm starting to believe that the story about the head of the family being able to kill a demon noble is true".


"If it is or isn't true doesn't matter right now. What we need to know is which Benedire member it is and find out what that Benedire's weakness is".


"I might be able to guess which Benedire it is. Last night I sent some of my men to infiltrate their camp and see if there was a Benedire there. If they did see one, they should eliminate them".


"If you sent somebody but there's still a Benedire, did they fail?".




"Who cares if they failed? A Benedire can beat any beastkin".


"They were the 'Kurai Kiba' group, or dark fang in your tongue"


"You mean the assassin group that was rumored to be the nobles' personal assassins?".


"Yeah, they even played a great part in conquering this town. They were part of the beginning of our new lives".


"Makes sense. I can't think of any group that has the capability of turning the city upside and into our favor. WAit! They failed!".


"Yes, that's why I said I might know who it is. At first, I thought it could be Benjamin the l or Roddo, but then the survivors of the team we sent for the siege weapons mentioned something. They said that the Benedire was a dual blessed person. Meaning it's Benjamin l".


"Seems like the gods aren't in our favor. Roddo was scary enough threat but since its the head of the family, we have no chance".


"Wait! If I remember correctly, 16 years ago there was talk about a new dual blessed baby born into the Benedire family. It's most likely the new dual blessed baby is all grown up and here! Now that I think about it, it should be the new family member!".


"Yes! If it was Benjamin the l, then there would be no survivors! Since there was survivors, it's the new child. This gives us a chance at winning".


"Now that we know we can win, what plan should we go with?".


"The child is still a Benedire so we need to focus on him first so I say we use our trump cards right away. The Benedire child will be able to kill our men and valued soldiers easily but it wouldn't be the same if it's our best warriors".


"Makes sense. We kill the strongest enemy before he can cause any great damage".


"Then the question is, how do we kill the Benedire child".

One of the ogres that were standing behind the giant came forward to the table.

"Not to intrude but our race has many techniques to deal with these kinds of enemies".


"Are you sure it'll work?".


"Yes. Ogres are the next evolution for goblins so we have goblin techniques embedded in us".


"What do the weak goblins have that could possibly be useful? They are part of the weakest creatures that exist".

The Giant felt angered from the elf offending his companion so he sarcastically spoke,

"For they are the weakest creature, means that they need the skills to be able to fight those stronger than them".

The elf coughed and then gave a fake but painful smile,

"Then I retrace my words. Please continue".


"The plan I have is a goblin classic. When powerful enemies appear, we lure them in our caves. Once they are in the cave, we try to separate them from the rest of the group. Once they are separated, we have our strongest goblins surprise attack the separated enemy".


"That's plan may actually work!".


"That says it then. We'll lure the enemies inside and send two of the strongest teams from each race to kill the Benedire child. Anyone against this plan?".




"Meeting adjourned".


Benjamin and Ritzy were drinking tea while Benedire was ordering the machinery division.

As time went on, thirty minutes passed and a knight came running to Benediere. In front of Benedire, he bowed.


"Lord Benedire! Our men have successfully conquered the walls and opened the gates. They have also broken the chains of the gates as requested so the gate couldn't be closed anymore"


"Good work! Send this battlefield report up to Grasso. It's their task to charge in the city".

The Knight bowed again and said,


The knight turned to a messenger and said,

"Messenger, lead me to Lord Grasso!".


"Yes, Sir!'.

Once the knight and messenger left, Benedire turned to another of his knights.


"Knight, send orders down that it's our time to rest. We've done our job well, and we won't be needed for now".



The knight bowed and left.


Benjamin finished siping his tea and spoke to Ritzy,

"Seems like this tea wasn't too useful since today's work is already done".


"True. Wait, so now that we're done, what will we do?".


"If all goes well, the main division will be able to reconquer the city themselves. If something goes wrong, we'll be asked to go help them".


"Interesting, wait, don't you find something odd".


'What do you mean?".


"Well, supposedly slaves conquered this city".


"Yeah and?".


"Well, did Sporco city only have beastkin slaves? Wouldn't there be other races as well?".


"Oh yes, there are but the main division will take care of them. The city contains elves, giants, at least 1 nymph and many other races, but they're not as abundant as beastkin".

"Those races are really far away from the human territory so it's very difficult to bring one here".

"Don't get me wrong, there will be groups of different races and they will be extremely dangerous. But the priority defenders of the main division should be able to handle them".


"Makes sense".


'Why do you ask. You scared of all those stories about the other races having abilities to easily kill us?".


"Not much that, but more that I want to see one".

One of Benedire's knights that was a priority defender heard what they were talking about and decided to join in.

Defender knight,

"Oh, young man, what race do you want to see?".

Normally a knight wouldn't dare intervene in a noble's conversation but the knight was also a servant noble. Servant nobles were trusted servants that were granted power by a high enough ranking noble.

A servant noble is the same as a regular noble but temporary. Servant nobles are considered nobles as long as they serve their noble lord. If their noble lord dies or doesn't desire them anymore, they would loose their noble title.

The minimum requirement for a noble to have noble servants is being a duke. Dukes are able to have servant nobles of baron rank, Archdukes are able to have servant nobles up to Earl rank, and kings can have servant nobles up to Marquess rank.