Defender's Invitation

One of Benedire's priority defender knights heard Ritzy's and Benjamin's conversation and decided to chime in.

Defender knight,

"Oh? What race do you want to see?"

Ritzy didn't care that the knight intervened but Benjamin was a little bothered. But since the knight is strong enough to be a priority defender, his grandfather must've made him a servant noble. Meaning that unlike Benjamin who's a pseudo-noble, the servant noble was an actual noble.


"I guess I'm most interested in seeing elves. I heard they have great magic capabilities".

Defender knight,

"Ah yes, they do have great 'capabilities'. Their quality of 'magic' is much better than the average human".

Benjamin, thoughts,

'Why is he emphasizing capabilities and magic? It's kinda weird'.

Defender knight,

"If you desire to 'see' an elf, then tomorrow will be your day if the main division faces no hiccups. If nothing goes wrong when conquering the city, all the beastkin, elves, and other races will be enslaved. Once enslaved, you can request for an elf whenever you want. It's one of the perks of being a noble".


'Well there you go Ritzy, you'll be able to see how elves and the other races look tomorrow, so don't worry".

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Don't say that out loud! Can't you tell that the knight is implying that I want an elf for a sex-crazed night? No wonder you were so easily controlled by the servants back at the banquet'.

A metal clanking could be heard running closer to them. Ritzy heard the clanking and turned around. At the origin of the sound, he saw one of his younger knights come up to him and bow.

Young knight,

"Lord Ritzy, Alter sent me here to tell you the casualty report".



Young knight,

"Yes! The report goes; no deaths, 1 severe injury, and 3 minor injuries. The other 6 knights are ready for combat".


"Good work, you may leave now".

The young knight bowed again before he left and said,

"Thank you, Lord".

Once the knight left, Benjamin resumed talking,

"Well Ritzy, I will be bidding you a farewell. I want to go rest properly before I'm needed again tomorrow".


"Then I bid you a goodbye".

Once Benjamin left, the defender knight talked quietly,

"Young lord Ritzy, I have some information that you might be interested in".


"And what may that be?".

The defender knight got closer to Ritzy's ear and whispered,

"Meet me here at sunset, there's something I want to show you".



The defender knight moved away from Ritzy and bowed. Finishing his bow, he walked away without saying a proper goodbye.

Ritzy's mind,

'What is so special that he can't talk about it? Well, whatever, I just want to lose the armor already and get comfy. Wait, I need to see my men first'.

Ritzy got off his chair that Benjamin's servant provided for him and left to see his knights.


Hordes of farmers rushed inside the city and the beastkin were trying to stop the crazy amount of farmers.

The beastkin had set up smaller wooden walls surrounding the entrance. They had many bowmen and spear users on the wall making sure no one could pass through them.

The plan was to have a bow beastkin shoot as fast as they could on the enemy and a spear using beastkin would finish off any farmers that made it to the temporary wooden wall.

Beastkin 1,

"Captain! We can't hold them off any longer!".

Captain Beastkin,

"Hold on as long as you can! If they pass this wall, total cause will befall the city!".

Beastkin 2,

"Sir! We're running out of arrows!".

Captain Beastkin,

"Hey, you! The mouse beastkin!".

Mouse beastkin,


Captain Beastkin,

"Go down to headquarters and request for more supplies and reinforcements! But make sure to tell them when need arrows most of all!".

Mouse beastkin,

"Understood Sir!".

As the mouse beastkin ran off, another beastkin came.

Messenger Beastkin,

"Who's the captain here?".

Captain Beastkin,

"I'm him, what happening".

Messenger Beastkin,

"Orders from headquarters, they want you to retreat to the main buildings".

Captain Beastkin,

"What! I thought that was only if were down to our last resort!".

Messenger Beastkin,

"True,but there's a change of plans. You didn't hear it from me but there's word from the survivors that there's a Benedire".

Captain Beastkin,

"A Benedire!".

Messenger Beastkin,

"Yeah. I think headquarters wants to lay a trap for them but I'm not sure".

Captain Beastkin,

"You should've started with there was a Benedire!"

The captain beastkin then turned to his men and yelled,

"Men, we are retreating! We're heading for the main buildings".


Grasso was riding on a horse while watching the farmers rushing in the city. While waiting, a knight came riding a horse.


"Lord Grasso, the beastkins have started retreating. Your plan of having the farmers take on all their arrows worked".


"Of course it would work! It's perfect! If the enemy has no more arrows to shoot, they can't defend themselves anymore. Also, look! We only needed to get rid of twenty percent of our farmers to get it done".


"Smart as ever Lord Grasso!".


"Yes, I don't need you to remind me. Okay, now that they're retreating. Start sending in the regular knights, we need to conquer the main buildings first. They are most likely holding our noble compatriots in one of those buildings".

"Have the knights divide into five groups. One will go to the auction hall, one to the town hall, one to the mercenary guild, and two to the city's bank".


"Understood, but what will we do with the farmers?".


"Have them pillage the streets and homes. Whatever they take, they must bring back to us. Make sure that no farmer takes any valuables. Them serving their lord and being paid 3 silver for participating in this war is enough".


"Yes sir, it'll be done".

Grasso's thoughts,

'I work too hard, I need a break. Tonight I'm going to tell my knights to send me the hottest servant available. Maybe, I should send one to lord Benedire. He might appreciate my kind gesture'.

'It just sucks that we don't get the elves until tomorrow. I love how their bodies are much more pleasing to the eye but sadly they don't have big breasts or buttocks. I would kill for an elf with humongous curves'.


Hours passed and it was finally sunset. Ritzy had changed clothes into something more comfortable. He was wearing a beige trench coat with a white high collar shirt. His pants were black dyed leather and he also used brown boots.

Waiting around, the defender knight arrived.

Defender knight,

"Lord Ritzy, it's good to see that you came. Oh yes, I think I didn't introduce myself. My name is Kevin".


"Then I'll call you Kevin. So, why did you bring me here?".


"I wanted to show you something, please follow me".

Ritzy's thoughts,

'What is the knight planing? I'll just activate my mana presence just in case'.

Kevin lead Ritzy closer and closer to the main camp. The main camp wasn't where nobles were located but it was where everything took place. Here, the mercenaries would get their day's pay, maintenance was available for knights' and mercenaries' armor, and they would be able to drink at the temporary tavern.


"You brought me out here to drink?".


"Not exactly, follow me into the tavern".

The tavern was a makeshift tavern. The tavern was made of many tents huddled together but made with lower quality rags. Fortunately, it was much bigger than the banquet tents and it housed many plain wooden tables and chairs.

Going inside, Kevin led him to another group of knights.


"Hey guys, I brought someone similar to us. I think you'll like him".

Guy 1,

"Hey, Kevin! You're finally here!".

Guy 2,

"Who's the guy".

Looking next to Kevin, they saw Ritzy.

Guy 2,

"Oh look, it that magician knight. I heard about a golden-eyed knight working with the priority defenders".


"Yeah, Benedire liked his skills so he ordered him to be part of the support team for his grandson Benjamin. Looks like in reality, he was worthy of being a priority defender instead".

Guy 3,

"So kid, what's your name?".

Ritzy didn't mind that the knights didn't recognize him and saw him as a knight. So Ritzy decided to follow Kevin's lead since there was probably a reason why he hid Ritzy's identity. Ritzy just thought it was related to the information Kevin wanted to show him.


"I'm Jack, and you guys are?".

Guy 1,

"I'm Rick".

Guy 2,


Guy 3,


Ritzy took one of the empty seats and sat down.


"So, who do I need to call to get a drink".


"Let me. Oh, beautiful Kailey!".

Kailey came to the group's table and lousily said,

"What do you want, and no Charles. I won't go out with you".

Luke, Kevin, and Rick laughed at her remark.


"Oh come on, don't knock it before you try it?".


"Forget it, Charles. I want some ale for me and my friend Jack. Wait, Jack, do you want anything to eat?".

Ritzy (Jack),

"Get me something with lots of meat. You know what, bring enough so everyone in this table can have their fill. My treat".

Kevin, Charles, Luke, and Rick,
