
Walking inside the building while Alter followed him carrying his luggage, Ritzy was amazed by how the hotel looked. The interior of the building was made with a white marble-like stone. The walls were made of a different ruffer stone material and also used wood to decorate the walls.

The entrance was rather large and used three floors of the entire building. It had a reception in the middle of the room with many fancy white wood tables surrounding them. The tables had people resting with their luggage meaning that people waited here while they're room was being prepared for them.

On the opposite side of the room was a grand staircase that started as one but then separated into two going opposite sides. It was a frivolous design but it did compliment the building.

Looking more closely around, Ritzy noticed a strange circular glass room right behind the reception desk. The circular glass room went through the upper floors making it seem like an elevator.

While Ritzy thought of the possibility of what the enclosed window area was, Ritzy was approached by an old male servant.

"Lord Ritzy I presume".

Looking at the origin at the voice, Ritzy saw a servant bowing at him.

"Yes, and you are?".

Old Servant,

"I'm the hotel head butler. I came here personally to welcome you and bring you to your room. As a young man recently made a noble, the Auction House Hotel wants to provide you with the best service we can provide".


"That's good to hear".

The old servant stopped bowing and then smiled while looking straight at Ritzy,

"Now if way may Lord Ritzy, please follow me so I can lead you to your room. Don't worry, we've already made all the necessary work so you don't need to wait here like the rest".


'Than lead the way".

Following behind the servant, the servant headed straight to the glass room behind the reception desk. The old servent then proceeded to place his gloved hand on the glass door of the room.

On the glass door was a white stone and Rizty could feel that the servant was embedding mana on the stone.

In seconds of inserting mana on the stone, a metal platform written with runes descended onto ground level gently. Securely stoping on the ground level, the glassdoors opened and the servant signaled for Ritzy and Alter to go inside with him.

Inside the glass room and on the metal platform, the servant kneeled and placed his hand on the floor runes instead.


"Before we go up, this experience may be unsettling but remember it's necessary to be accustomed to this. The Groundraiser is a noble commodity that signifies wealth and power. Are you ready?".



Inserting mana on the stone platform, the platform commenced going up the glass shaft.

Even though the Groundraiser worked as an elevator, it didn't feel like an elevator. Ritzy thought he would have the same sensation as when using an elevator but instead, his balance was being tested. The metal platform was wobbly as it went up a decent speed.

The new sensation of ground rising in the air and its wobbling caused Alter to drop onto all fours. On the floor, he grabbed onto Ritzy's luggage for dear life.

Finally, the platform reached its floor and stopped moving. It stayed securely in place once it stopped.

With the platform not moving anymore, the servant stopped kneeling on the floor but Alter was still on the ground with a pale face and desire to vomit.


"Lord Ritzy, it's impressive you stood in place with no problem at all on your first experience using the Groundraiser. Your body seems to be made for these commodities".


"It was a strange sensation but nothing special. So please, lead the way".


"Of course".

As Ritzy and the servant were exiting the glass room, Ritzy briefly placed his hand on Alter back and used life magic on Alter. With life magic, Alter's complexion started returning and he could finally stand up.

With Alter stabilized, Ritzy stepped out of the glass room and into the central lounge of the floor.

The servant spoke with pride,

"This is the tenth-floor lord Ritzy. This floor holds six suites that have you, Amora of the Reshi Guild, Head of the Cinghaile family Grasso, and two Benedire members which one of them is the head of the family".


"And which is my room?".

The servant coughed at Ritzy's response. The servant was surprised with Ritzy treating the elevator experience as nothing but Rizty not reacting to any of the names he listed, he was shocked and caught off guard.


"Y-Yes of course. Right this way".

The servant walked a couple of steps and reached a dark wooden door with a stone written with runes replaced the door handle. The servant then took out a stone with runes from his pocket and held it next to the door.

The door's doorknob began to glow and a click sound was heard. The servant pushed the door open and then turned to Ritzy.

"This is your room and this is your key".

Ritzy grabbed the stone with runes and stored it in his pocket and then took out five silver coins.

"Please exchange these coins for copper coins. Fifty copper is your tip".

The old servant's face lit up with hearing his tip and quickly bowed.

"Thank you for the tip. I'll have it done right away Lord Ritzy".

The servant then walked through a yellow wooden door and closed it softly. In the brief moment it was open, Ritzy saw behind the door, he saw that it was a staircase and made a brief mental note about it.

With the servant gone, enough time had gone by that Alter could finally stabilize himself. He grabbed the luggage and came up to Ritzy.

"Thank you for waiting Lord".


"Let's go inside".

Going inside, Ritzy was in a large living room that could be used for a fifty man party and not feel cramped, Ritzy pointed at a nearby couch and said.

"Leave my stuff there and come get the bonus I promised the group".

Alter hurriedly but gently placed Rizty's large luggage on the couch and then extended his open palms to Ritzy. Ritzy rolled his eyes mentally at Alter's actions but still handed the money to Alter.

"You can go now, I need to rest alone".

Alter bowed while saying respectfully and a hint of excitement,

"Of course Lord".

Wasting no time, Alter left the room.

With Alter gone, Ritzy grabbed the luggage from the couch and went into the suite's bedroom. Ritzy threw his train case looking luggage on the bed and then opened it. Looking inside, Ritzy saw his suit that was prepared by his father for tomorrow's banquet and the mana items.

Seeing nothing missing, Ritzy thought to himself.

'Maybe before I leave Grasso's room after killing him, I should check what he has. Maybe I can find a wand or something valuable. I should go now before the elf get's here, she'll work as an alibi for the night so people don't see me as a possible suspect'.

Ritzy closed the case then pulled it off his bed and slid it under the bed. He then took off his weapons and placed them on a nearby chair. The only exception was the throwing knives he had hidden under his shirt.

Looking weaponless, Ritzy left the room but as he was about to open the door to leave, a knock was heard.

Confused, Ritzy hesitated to leave the suite but then decided to open the door since there was no reason not to. It would be considered strange and suspicious if he didn't and he couldn't have that right now.

Opening the door, he saw a very light blonde woman standing in front of him. The woman quickly bowed when she saw Ritzy. When bowing, her hair moved slightly, exposing her pointy ears.

"Lord Ritzy, I Elf Caroline will be servicing you today. Thank you for calling me. Also, do not worry for I was transported here from another city so I won't rebel like the rest of my kind in this city".