Advance Water Magic Dagger

Looking at the elf girl, Ritzy was displeased because she was too early. According to the plan, he would kill Grasso and search his room, return back to the room before the old servant came back with the coins he requested, and then integrate the elf girl about the elf territory. With her here, he became restrained.


"Come in".

The elf followed Ritzy in the suite and saw Ritzy pointing at a nearby couch.

Ritzy said emotionless,

"Take a seat".

Caroline (Elf) jumped when she heard Ritzy's tone but then ignored it and followed Rizty's order,

"Right away".

On the couch, she sat silently looking at Ritzy thinking.

"Is there a problem Lord?".

Ritzy glanced at her when he heard her voice but then returned to thinking.

Caroline's thoughts,

'Did I do something wrong? Oh please don't be those nobles that like hurting us'.

Looking at Ritzy more intensively, she noticed his eyes. Even though they glowed a gold color, they seem lifeless and uncaring. It was exactly the same as nobles who see other races and commoners as lower life forms or insects.

Nervously, Caroline spoke,



"I'm wanted you in an hour, not right now. But since you're here, I want you to wait in the living room. Someone will come here later and I want you to receive the coins he's bringing me. While you're doing that, I'll be taking a bath. Don't bother me while I relax in the tub".

Coraline's mind finally calmed down when she heard Ritzy's reason why he looked so displeased. It wasn't that he detested her kind, it was because he was being inconvenienced.

"Of course Lord, please enjoy your private time. I'll wait here until you call for me".

Not speaking any further, Ritzy left the room and entered the bedroom. Inside the bedroom was a connected bathroom but instead of doing what he said to the elf, Ritzy opened the window of his room.

With the window open, Ritzy used his mana presence. Sensing around him, he noticed that Grasso was the next suite over. But next to Grasso was two other people. One was on the ground and the other on the bed with Grasso.

Ritzy's mind,

'Looks like I have people to pin Grasso's murder on'.

Knowing his location, Ritzy stepped out the window, but since there was no platform to walk on. Ritzy used mineral magic to slightly modify the wall. He placed his hand on the wall and created a 12-inch-thick ledge on the wall, making a walkway all the way to Grasso's suite.

Treading on the ledge, Ritzy moved slowly. There was a bit of wind so he had to be careful or he would be knocked off.

Reaching the suite between Rizty's and Grasso's, Ritzy kept on going as he sensed inside the suite. Nobody was inside the living room, so he passed the window with no worry. Passing the living room, he reached the bedroom window but like before, he continued with no worry since no one was inside.

Passing the bedroom, Ritzy reached the bathroom window. This time though, Ritzy sensed someone inside. Ritzy could only tell it was a woman and since Amora was the only girl on this level, Ritzy felt terrified.

With his first encounter with her, traumatized him so he cautiously made sure to pass undetected. Sensing for where she was looking, Ritzy saw that she wasn't seeing through the window at the moment.

Seeing his moment, Ritzy hurriedly passed by the window but then a strong gust of wind attacked him. The wind caused him to be pushed off the ledge and fall. But before he fell past the no return point, Ritzy grabbed the ledge last second.

The sudden movements caused some noise which made Amora look at the origin of the sound. Suspicious, Amora looked at the window intently for a couple of minutes.

Scared of her investigating, Ritzy remained motionless while holding on for deal life while also restraining his breathing. Even though she couldn't hear his breath across the window, she wasn't a normal person so he decided not to risk it.

After a couple of minutes, Amora became bored and stopped looking at the window and returned to being lost in her thoughts in the tub.

Sensing her not looking at his direction anymore, Ritzy picked himself up and stood back on the ledge. On the ledge and Amora not being a problem anymore, Ritzy continued treading lightly on the ledge to Grasso's suite.

Reaching Grasso's suite, Ritzy entered the suite's empty living room. Inside the room, Ritzy walked up the bedroom door and examined inside with his Mana Presence.

Inside the bedroom was Grasso defiling an elf girl. Ritzy could sense the young girl's life weakening every second from Grasso's thrusts. Also on the ground was a young elf boy with a bruised face and barely conscious.

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Hmm, children. How do I pin the kill on them and not have them as witnesses? I could kill them but how should I have them die. I can't have it look like a third party killed them so what can I do?'.

While thinking, Ritzy's Mana Presence sensed the young boy on the ground reach for something under the bed. Extending his arm under the bed, the boy stopped reaching inside and instead started pulling his arm out.

Removing his arm from under the bed, Ritzy could sense that the boy was holding a unique wavy dagger that had a white gem on its hilt. The white stone had blue runes and Ritzy could sense powerful water magic on the stone.

Ritzy's mind,

'I can kill the young boy as he kills Grasso, I can use eath magic and make it look like Grasso killed the boy in his final moments'.

While the young elf boy held the blade, the young elf girl took her final breath. Dying, the girl's body became limp which caused Grasso to finish and relish in joy.

As Grasso was mesmerized by the scene of looking at the dead elf girl, the young elf boy froze.

Ritzy's mind,

'Sh*t, with her dead, the boy has lost all motivation to save her by killing him!'.

Knowing his chance was ending, Ritzy slammed open the door. This caused Grasso and elf boy to become frightened by the sudden noise but Ritzy didn't care.

Ritzy continued going and grabbed the elf boy's hand that held the dagger. While holding the boy's hand, Ritzy thrusted the wavy dagger into Grasso's side.

With the dagger inside Grasso, the blade began to shine, and then water magic could be sensed being used by the dagger. Looking at Grasso's shocked face as he died, Ritzy saw the dagger freezing Grasso's body. The water magic froze Grasso's wound but the freezing didn't stop there. The water magic spell had spread through his whole body until there wasn't a part left unfrozen.

In mere seconds, Grasso's body became completely frozen but Rizty wasn't done yet. Seeing what the dagger could do, he grabbed the young boy's other hand and made it touch the blade of the dagger. The young elf's hand touching the blade caused a cut on the palm of his hands which also caused water magic to be used again.

The boy's hand began freezing and the freezing water magic continued to spread to the rest of his body. Killing him in seconds, exactly how Grasso died. Miserably in his final moments.