Slave Storage

Whispering the young elf boy Arod said to Caroline while hugging her.

"It was horrible mom, I couldn't stand being away from you anymore".

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Huh, so that's why she was so determined before... I heard people who put family before anything. I wonder if Elizabeth would do the same'.

Returning his attention back to reality, Ritzy got off from the couch and said.

"Since we're all here, we can leave now. Since your humanoids, I doubt I can keep all of you in a random inn".


"Young Lord Ritzy, the merchant guild has a live material storage area where we were all staying at before. If you want we can go there and see if they can take us in".

RItzy looked at Dexter for a moment and then took out a small bag he was using for small expenses. Giving him 2 silver coins, Ritzy said,

"You seem reliable. You can hold on to your group's food expenses".

Dexter holding the coins, he looked at Ritzy with a surprised face. Not saying anything more, Ritzy started leaving.

"We're leaving, I can't guarantee your protection from this city if you stray too far".


Leaving the auction hall, Ritzy asked where the humanoid storage was and beastkin Dexter lead the way. As they were going to the storage, there were many people staring and all of them seemed ready to attack the group.

After a small walk, they reached one of the warehouses Ritzy passed by when he came to the city in secret.

Going inside, they were in a small room with a cheap brown desk and old door most likely leading to the rooms for the humanoids.

Behind the desk was a muscular/fat man wearing used up fashionable noble clothes. Seeing the group the man approached Ritzy.


"Welcome Young Lord to the Merchant Guild Live Storage. We are the best of the best and will make sure your property is well kept until you want them back. We have a variety of packages of how you want to store your special merchandise".


"What packages do you have?".


"We have many so let me recommend the more popular ones. For example, I see you have two famous gladiators behind you. For them, I recommend either of these two packages".

"Fighting Condition Package I really recommend if you want them in their best shape. They'll receive a private cell for calming their mind, a constantly filled water bucket to keep them cooled and hydrated, and vast amounts of food rations of meat to keep their body strong"

"The second one I recommend is the Rage cell. They will be put in a cramped cell with many people and insects. Don't worry; these insects don't bring insects. The people and insects are to bother and enrage them. We'll still provide water and a lot of food to keep them in their best shape. This is all done so you can see them in a rampaging mood, ready to kill when you make them fight".


'These gladiators will be working as guards for now so I'll have the fighting condition package for both of them. Also, make their cells next to each other".


"Of course sir...".

The clerk looked at the other slaves and thought of something.

"Lord, would you perhaps want them all together instead? Since you said they will work as guards, the rest will probably work together. If that what's happening, having them share one large cell has proven to increase a slave group's teamwork. Making them much more efficient and valuable".

Ritzy expected to have to rent them each their own temporary cell but this made things much easier. Not trying to sound like a dumb noble trying to please his property, he spoke with a slight interest in the clerk's words.

"Improve their value and work power? Has this been proven?".

The clerk smiled with mischief but still spoke with respect,

"Of course Young Lord. From my guess, your the new blessed noble who was made into an official noble yesterday if I'm not being to forward".


"Yes, I am".


"Then here's some advice. When having a team of slaves work together, it's cheaper and better to have them all grouped up in one cell. There's lots of explanations why this happens but I don't want to bore you".


"You seem very knowledgeable about this. Thank you for your help. So tell me, what package should I get then?".


"I recommend the Large Protection Package. This will provide lots of rations for each person, constant water source, and a hay bed for each of them. I know it's wasteful to get them such a good bed but when it comes to slaves at their best, they need a good bed to rest at".



Seeing Ritzy slightly interested, he started pitching the idea more. This whole time he was trying to sell the big cells because they were empty and his boss wanted them filled. His boss had told him that if they were filled, he would receive a bonus so he was trying his best to sell them to Ritzy right now.

In reality, the large cells aren't sold because providing each slave with their own thing is much cheaper. Most owners would provide the best cells for their important slaves like needing to protect them and then get cheap cells for their regular slaves.

Hearing many reasons from the clerk in why he should buy the big cell package, Ritzy pretended to give in.

"You've convinced me. I'll take the big cell. I better see my slaves in top shape when I come back tomorrow".


"Of Course. Since you said you'll be picking them up tomorrow, I presume you only desire for them to be here one night?".


"Yes, and how much will this cost me?".


"It'll cost 2 iron. It's a bit expensive since the lizard beastkin eats way more than the average humanoid... Oh, since your a noble. You'll receive a discount. It'll be 1 iron and 50 copper".

Ritzy took out two iron coins and handed them to the clerk. Grabbing the coins, he reached behind the desk and took out a small sack with coins inside and gave it to Ritzy.

Looking inside the pouch, it was filled with his copper coins.


"Don't worry, you're a noble. I wouldn't dare steal a single copper coin from you".

Ritzy knowing he didn't have to stay here any longer, Ritzy turned to look at the slaves. Looking at them he spoke to Dexter.

"You're in charge while I'm gone, I'll be here tomorrow to pick you all up for the journey".

Not paying any more attention to them, Ritzy left the building.


Walking down the streets, this time not many people paid attention to Ritzy. Some still glanced at Ritzy for his golden eyes but none of them showed malice or much interest.

Walking a couple more blocks, Ritzy saw a small portable stall with a vender dressed in mage robes. Interested, Ritzy approached the stall and saw many enchanted items and extremely small runestones for sale.

The stones on the weapons of the enemies Ritzy fought had stones the size of a thumb to a fist. These on the other hand were only the size of a nail at most.

The vendor noticing Ritzy being a blessed person with lavish clothing knew he had a potentially big customer.

"Young Lord, these runestones and enchanted items were made with great precision. No matter what you buy they'll be the best you ever had... Personally, I recommend this runestone".

The vendor picked up his largest rune stone which was the size of almost to nails.

"This is part of the most elite of the elite runestones. If attached to a weapon, the runestone will set the blade on fire. Best of all, it lasts 20 minutes!".

Ritzy began to look skeptically at the vendor.

The vendor noticing Ritzy's weird reaction, he spoke again.

"Don't worry, this is all legally done. I'm a graduate student from United Mage School. The only reason this high level of items isn't sold at a store is that property won't be available to buy until tomorrow".


'What else do you have?".

Seeing his interest, the vendor started listing everything had to sell. As he was listing, Ritzy sensed a dagger not too far away.

Increasing his Mana Presence, he was able to sense a farther distance. Seeing the wielder of the dagger now. He noticed it was only a large male about to stab a young beastkin. Knowing he wasn't in danger anymore, he stopped putting his Mana Presence in overdrive and continued listening to the vendor.