Victory Banquet Part 1

Hearing what the vendor had to offer, he found nothing he would be willing to buy for himself but something he could give his knights. He bought a total of 13 weapons with runestones. It was 4 spears with hardening runestones, 5 two-handed swords with fire runestones which makes the blade excrete flames, and 2 one-handed swords with wind runestones to make ranged wind attacks, and 2 shields with hardening runestones.

Ritzy originally intended not to buy them because most only lasted 10 minutes or two attackers depending on the stone and even when activated they were still weak. But since Ritzy didn't really see these weapons on the battlefield, then maybe they were valuable.

The vendor got all the weapons Ritzy asked for and tied them up with a rather fashionable cloth and used a sturdy red rope to tie it in place.

The vendor turned to Ritzy and asked,

"Young Lord, would you like me to bring this to your residence later today or will someone come to pick it up later today?".

Ritzy didn't answer, he simply grabbed the weapons and bade farewell to the vendor. This left the vendor completely shocked. As Ritzy walked away, the vendor mind was in shock from Ritzy simply grabbing a large stack of heavy weapons as if it was light luggage.


Walking a couple more blocks, Ritzy arrived at an inn that was two blocks away from the Auction House Hotel. The Inn had a simple logo of a Phenoix sleeping and its building material was mostly wood with some stone.

Going inside, Ritzy saw his knights all merely drinking together and what seemed like escorts or hostess accompanying them.

As Ritzy walked closer, one of the younger knights noticed Ritzy and quickly welcomed him in a loud enough voice so the other knights also notice Ritzy had arrived.

Knight 1,

"Lord Ritzy, it's good to see you. Please let me hold that for you".

As the young knight came to Ritzy, the other knights as well quickly stood from their seats and pushed the girls away from them. The knights then all bowed and welcomed Ritzy.

As they welcomed Ritzy, Ritzy handed the tied up weapons to the knight. But once he had let go, the weapons slammed onto the ground and yanked the young knight down with them.

Ritzy looked at the knight at the floor and said apologetically,

"Watch out; they're pretty heavy ".

Ritzy's knight began to laugh at the awkward position the knight was from falling. As they chuckled, one of the other knights helped the young knight pick up the weapons and place them on the table".

Seeing the problem resolved, Ritzy simply walked to the table and untied the weapons. Showing them in all their glory, Ritzy said.

"These are some gifts I wanted all of you to have. They were all made by a student from the United Mage School and have runestones".

Some were in complete shock and unable to talk while others yelled from shock.


Excited, Alter spoke to Ritzy to confirm what he was thinking.

"Lord, are these perhaps for us?".


"Of course".

The knights hearing these items were for them caused them to hurriedly grabbed the weapons that suited them and look at them with awe.

The people nearby and the girls who were hanging out with them also looked at the weapons with awe. They couldn't believe that someone in the same inn as them owned enchanted weapons. Even better, enchanted runestones which are interchangeable with items and provide their own mana.

Alter yelled to a nearby waitress,

"Bring your finest ale! Oh, and also a cup of nice wine for our Lord!".


"Remove the wine, give me two cups of ale!".

The group cheered to please their lord but also a hint of respect to their lord for drinking the same as them.


As they drank, a couple of hours passed by and Ritzy noticed it wouldn't take too long for sunset and the noble banquet to start.

Ritzy turned to his knights and said,

"You've all proven yourself on the battlefield and as the best knights a Lord can have".

Ritzy then took out 5 silver coins.

"I need to leave right now for some business but I want you all to enjoy the victory banquet so Barmaid!".

Looking at the barmaid, Ritzy spoke even louder.

"Make sure they enjoy themselves! Here's 5 silver to open a tab for my knights!".

The knights cheered in happiness as the barmaid approached Ritzy and took the coins.

Seeing his knights joyfully drinking, Ritzy knew this was his opportunity to leave.


Back at the hotel room, Ritzy pulled the luggage from under the bed and placed it on top of the bed. Rummaging through his luggage, he found his crimson red suit that was outlined with golden like reflective yellow.

Putting on the clothes, Ritzy looked like the highest class of nobility since the red made him look powerful. The gold reflective outlines and glowing golden eyes made him seem otherworldly.

Satisfied with how he looked, he left the room. Outside his room, he was greeted with Benedire talking with Benjamin.

Both of them were wearing similar clothing. They had brown suits with a gray shirt but Benedire had an extra piece of clothing. It was a long white cape that hanged on one shoulder and fell to his knees.

Benjamin quickly noticed Ritzy and greeted him.

"Ritzy, or should I say Baron Ritzy now?".


"Just Ritzy is fine".


"Are you on your way to the banquet as well?".


"Yes, may I walk with you".


"Of course, I have no problem with it".


Arriving at the Auction House they saw many nobels slowly entering the hall. The line wasn't as big as the banquet before but they were even slower this time. It seemed that the guards were taking extra precautions.

Walking past the line, they arrived at the main entrance. A nearby greeter quickly came to Benedire and gave a deep bow of respect.

"Lord Benedire, it brings me great joy to personally welcome you".

The greeter then turned to Ritzy and Benjamin and gave a slight bow,

"Benjamin, and Ritzy; we're glad you made it. Please follow me inside".

Following the Greeter inside, the noble quickly warded off any guards. Allowing the group to skip the inspection.

Entering inside the building they were greeted with a sight of lavish furnishing with many eloquently dressed nobles.

Walking further through the Auction Hall, they arrived at a large room with a stage. The floor was made out of a reflective light brown wood while the walls had marble. It was easy to notice this was a room used for auctioning but it's been refurbished to be used for a banquet.

Once they entered inside, many nobles noticed they're arrival and they were quickly bombarded. Benedire had a line of dozens of people trying to greet him while Ritzy and Benedire only had 6 at most. Benjamin with 6 and Ritzy with 4.

The first one to greet Ritzy was an older looking female. She seemed to be in her 30s and not much of a person who could defend herself but from her aura. Ritzy could tell she relied on herself for who she is today.


"Hello Young Lord Ritzy, I've heard from many that you're an exemplary noble warrior".

Ritzy wasn't planning on talking with anybody so he wasn't ready to use the appropriate way to greet a noble. Instead, he used his old people skills from his original world.

"Your eyes hold a beautiful story. The only thing they haven't told me is your name".

The woman started blushing and wasn't too sure how to continue the conversation. She was a woman of strength and has never been in an actual relationship since her true love. This sudden strong flirtation caught her off guard from her plan.

Nancy then talked while flustered

"Nancy Grey, Guild leader of the famous Red Pixie Guild".