Victory Banquet Part 2

Talking with the people that came straight to Ritzy when he arrived brought him many new contacts. Each one had their own intentions. One wanted to use Ritzy for his own deeds but the other three became useful contacts.

They either had a business that sold unique items only nobles could buy, sold a large number of basic items that newly landed nobles needed, and the last one was talking about his mercenary guild that can hunt or scavenge for some rare or dangerous materials.

With Ritzy saying goodbye, he headed for the food area but then was intervened.


"Lord Ritzy, it's a pleasure to see you have arrived".

Ready to greet nobles again, Ritzy spoke properly this time,

"Lord Tuck, the pleasure is all mine".

Tuck smiled and then said while rubbing his hands,

"Would you perhaps want to see the items now?".


"Lead the way".

Tuck led Ritzy out of the Banquet room but then turned left. Leading Ritzy down the hallway, they were met with stairs being guarded by two heavily armor knights. Passing through them, they went up the stairs and into another hallway that had labeled doors.

Entering the private room, he was met with many nobles from 30 and up. The nobles noticed Ritzy and Tuck quickly approached them but before they could say anything, Tuck spoke to Ritzy.

"Lord Ritzy, all these people here are some of the best armor/weapons makers and sellers. Let's start with Lord Zuke, he's a famous sword maker".


"Right this way Lord Ritzy, I have some of my best weapons laid on this part of the table".

Zuke led him to a large table that reached form one side of the room to another. The table was at the end of the room.

Zuke led him to a certain part of the table which held his most prized items.

"Each sword is made with unique and special material. The forging process I used also amplified their strengths".

Taking a closer look, Ritzy saw 5 different swords. 2 two-handed swords, 2 medium swords, and a thick rapier.


"The two-handed swords are the ones I most recommend. Both were made from a wyvern's bones but each is unique in their own aspect. The one on the left I made with wind runestones which make the weapon lighter and able to use wind range attacks".

The other people in the banquet room showed surprised faces when they heard the weapons had two different enchantments. They each showed great interest and were even tempted to buy it themselves even though they came here to sell.


"The other sword-".

Ritzy interrupted,

"I sense that these are powerful weapons but they're not my preferred swords. I'm just looking to fill in some of my most compatible weapons. The only one's I'm interested in is the rapier and gladius".


"Oh, I'm surprised you know the names of these unique weapons. I'll gladly tell you about them".

"The rapier has the same runestones as the other weapons I introduced you. The only difference is that this one is made from eleven silver. The gladius is made from demon iron. I was unable to add enchantments to the sword but it's my most indestructible and sharp sword I have".

Ritzy grabbed the rapier and swung it a few times. He then repeated the action with the gladius. Feeling comfortable with the swords, he said,

"I'll take both these swords, how much will they cost?".


"18 gold coins".

The nobles in the room flinched when they heard Zuke's price. With 18 gold coins, they could buy some of the best slaves available. Not enough for the gladiator's Ritzy bought but barely enough for Caroline.

Ritzy took out the coins and handed them to Zuke with no hesitation or hurry. It made Ritzy seem as if these were easy buys.

One of the nobles seeing his chance to sell, he approached Ritzy.

"Lord Ritzy, I'm Lord Leke. I sell a variety of weapons and armor. Please follow me".

Leading Ritzy to another side of the table, Ritzy saw large suits of armor and long melee weapons. Zeke started listing off his items and Ritzy decided to skip over the armor. Instead, he saw a war scythe enchanted with bleeding. Sadly it had no runestone but it's unique power enchantment still made Ritzy buy it.

Paying the vendor its high price of 12 gold coins, Ritzy saw the rest of the items Tuck's invited nobles brought.

RItzy only bought one more thing. It was an embedded chainmail armor inside different common pieces of clothes. It was three sets of shirts and pants of; black, white, and brown color. The chainmail didn't have a runestone but it was enchanted with hardening so it could withstand heavy iron weapons.

The armor was the cheapest and only cost 3 gold per set.

Finished buying, Tuck asked the invited nobles to leave and they quickly did as he said. Once the last one left, Tuck led Ritzy to outside as well and into another room.

Entering the room, Ritzy saw a pre-teen girl being served by middle-aged adults. One of the people serving as an older male dressed in robes and the other was a female dressed in leather.

Tuck tapped Ritzy's shoulder and then quickly speed-walked to the girl and kneeled while bowing. Ritzy realizing the tap was a signal to copy him, Ritzy did the same.


"Princess Diana, I've brought a person capable of protecting you as requested".

Pre-teen Diana didn't respond and simply turned to Ritzy,

"What is your name?".


"Baron Ritzy Reds of the Leaf county".


"I hear you have a pretty demanding compensation for taking this job?".


"Yes, I desire to be a landed noble".


"And how much land do you desire?'.


"What can be offered?".

The female servant became rageful hearing Ritzy's answer and yelled,

"How dare you! You'll accept whatever our fair princess says should be given".


"HOLD YOUR TOUNGE! This is royalty talking to its nobles, don't speak out of term again".

The female servant quickly bowed,

"Forgive me, princess".


"Just don't let it happen again".

She then turned to Ritzy,

"I have a piece of land I can give away. It's 1,800 acres big... But why should I offer you something so big?".


"You need protection from a strong foe, I can provide the protection you need".


"How do I know you are capable of even beating this foe, or not run away when you feel endangered".


"If I'm here then you must know what I can do, you should already know the asnwer to your question".


"Maybe... but I still need confirmation. How about a simple two on one duel. You'll be fighting these two people next to me and I'll determine if you're capable".


"Of course, making a sell usually requires one to see what they're buying".

Ritzy then looked at the servants.

"Attack whenever you desire".

Male Mage,



"Yes, why? Is there a problem with this-".

Tuck suddenly noticed the female servant appear in the air above Ritzy with her blade inches away from Ritzy's neck.

Instead of doing anything, Ritzy simply looked at the female servant. As the blade was about to reach Ritzy's neck, she noticed Ritzy eyes gazing at her with no worry. Then, she suddenly felt a deep pressure.

She didn't know what was happening but her heart and mind were racing. Scared from this abnormality, she used wind mage to propel herself away from Ritzy even though she only needed a millimeter more to cut him.

Making a distance between her and Ritzy, she began to sweat furiously and her face became pale. She wasn't sure what was happening but she knew she was in danger.

Ritzy smiled at her and then looked at Diana. Diana was confused and concerned for her servant but Ritzy's smile worried her more.