Victory Banquet Part 3 / Bonus: A Mother's Escape

Ritzy giving a devilish smile,

"It seems your servant is unable to finish the job. Should I consider this my win since she can't continue?".


"I, ah-".

The male mage didn't give her master time to respond and used a spell. Strange mineral magic was surrounding the mage but then stone lances were made.

"Shí máo fāshè".

The floating stone lances flew at Ritzy and Ritzy reacted. The first stone lance went straight for Ritzy's left thigh.

The mage began to smile seeing Ritzy not react. It appeared that he wasn't prepared to defend himself.

The first stone lance getting closer to him, Ritzy didn't dodge but instead gave an upward kick on the stone lance. Causing it to lose all it's momentum forward and as well flip crazily in the air.

Its constant twirling in the air caused by Ritzy's kick made the stone lance act as a shield for the incoming lances. Three out of the five stone lances were destroyed but then the last two passed through Ritzy's makeshift stone lance barrier.

As the last two were about to reach Ritzy, he simply slapped both of them off course with his hands. Causing them to miss him and hit the wall behind.

Before, the sudden aura that Ritzy gave off scared the female assassin servant and Princess Diana, but the skilled action he just pulled of now terrified everyone. What Ritzy pulled was unfathomable.

People have always been measured by strength and rarely by skill. The most skilled things in this world are artists, crafters, and an assassin's only surprise move.

Skills were only seen to be an advantage to people of similar strength, so improving one's combat skill is considered wasteful and a luxury. Most nobles only focus on increasing their mana, learn new spells, increase their muscle strength, and basic skills with their sword or weapon.

With their negligence on improving one's advanced skills, most only learned the basics and only improved the strength of their basics.

Ritzy seeing the male mage and female servant stop trying to attack him, he looked at Princess Diana again.

"Both your servants have stopped their advances. Will this be considered my win and me receiving the land a fair trade?".

Diana looked at both of her servants and noticed they were afraid to do anything. They were both looking at her to see if she'll accept what Ritzy was asking and stop their battle.

Seeing they couldn't muster the strength to fight anymore and terrified from Ritzy's show of skill, she turned to Ritzy.

"You have proven yourself. You may leave now, we'll meet tomorrow in front of the auction hall to depart. Let's say midday".


"It's good to hear, I'll expect you there tomorrow and to receive a signed copy of our deal".

The female servant was still terrified of Ritzy's gaze but anger from disrespect to her master mustered up some courage. Speaking with hesitation she said,

"M-my master i-is the most trustworthy person! You don't n-need a contract!".


"Do not speak anymore! You can hardly speak and you're disgracing me with your words!".

Diana then turned to look at Ritzy,

"Do not worry, I'll bring a contract and a copy so we can both sign it and no disputes arise".

Ritzy bowed as he said,

"That's all I wanted to hear... Since I desire nothing else, I bid you ado".

Once Ritzy left the room, Tuck approached Diana. He was sweating furiously the entire time and was filled with worry on how she would punish him for introducing such a terrifying and disrespectful person who taunts royalty.

With his knees on the ground and bowing deeply, Tuck spoke,

"I'm sorry, If I knew-".


"Do not worry, you brought what I needed. He may be a bit insulant, but he's still necessary. I was lucky that there's someone I could hire who could handle that monster I'm about to face".


Bonus: A Mother's Escape

A family of five were eating grits and some carrots inside their small wooden home. They were a mother, father, two teenage girls, and a young boy. They were a poor farming family that barely had enough to feed themselves. Luckily for them, the youngest child was able to scavenge some food in a forest nearby.

While forcefully eating grits for the hundredth time in the row, they would take a bite from the scavenge carrots to bring a new taste to their mouths.

As they were finishing their meal, the flimsy wooden door their house had was broken down and several men entered forcefully. The family became terrified and quickly hid behind the father. Trying to be protective, the father spoke to the men.


"Lord Ennis, what is the meaning of this. I've paid you already".

A plump fat man with cheap robes made to look like noble clothes stepped forward with a smug face.

"You haven't heard? The Pheonix Kingdom needs contributions! As a good noble, I have volunteered your services".


"You can't do this!".


"Yes, I can. A lord must donate their subjects and you're my property... Or do you prefer that I donate your wife and daughter instead?".

Angered at the noble, the father grabbed a nearby knife and pointed it at the lord,

"Like hell, I would allow you-".

Before the father could finish, one of the nearby men unsheathed their sword and sliced the father's arm off.

The father screamed from pain and seeing his arm missing. Blood oozed from him and in less than a minute, he died from blood loss.

The family screamed from terror but the noble didn't care. Looking at the one who chopped the man's arm off, he yelled.

"You idiot! We need people to send to the war!".

Man 1,

"I thought we were here for the girls?".


"Yes, but we also need to give subjects! We need to either give one full-grown male as a soldier or two women for pleasure. The plan was to send the father and use the rest for our selves".

Man 1,

"I'm sorry".


"Whatever! Let's just enjoy our selves and then decide which we less like to give to the war effort".

The group of men then ravaged the women and young boy. They took turns sharing the women except for the young boy. Lord Ennis selfishly used the boy for his own pleasure.

As the night went on, the women were bruised, injured, and unable to move. Sadly for the boy, he suffered the worst fate. He was too young for such violent acts and Lord Ennis forcefully using him for pleasure caused the boy to die.

The mother and daughters were in extreme pain the entire time as they were being raped but seeing their son or younger brother died while having a man's rod inside of him caused them to die inside. They all looked dead and hopeless. No hope or consciousness could be seen. Only them breathing.


Weeks passed and the youngest daughter and mother were donated to the war effort. The daughter in her first week of being a sex slave died. A young noble had a kink for using chains and accidentally snapped her neck. At least, that's what he told the people in charge of the war effort slaves.

The mother continued living without motive or hope. Many men were uninterested in her because she wouldn't scream or give any reaction. Only some used her body because of this. Most of the time she was just a living being that would barely eat.

More days passed by and the mother ended up at the auction house. She was currently being shared by five wealthy men. The men had bought her as and a young male that looked feminine.

While the mother and boy were being raped, they were forced to face each other and see each other be penetrated by men. Seeing the feminine looking boy started to bring back the memories of her child. Some consciousness started arising from her and as she was just returning to reality. One of the men stabbed a sword right through the young man's chest.

The male then pulled out the short sword and dripped the blood on his privates and then proceed to use it as a lubricant as he continued using the dead boy's body.

Reseeing the same occurrence of a young boy dying in front of her broke her in a new way. Filled with rage, she yanked the short sword from the wealthy man and stabbed him. She didn't stop there and continued killing the rest.

These men were plump merchants who made their names by their wealth and mind. They never strained their body and always hired people to do things for them. They had no skills to resist the sudden rageful armed woman.

Killing the last of them, she finally returned to reality and was determined to get revenge. Assessing the situation, she decided to leave to somewhere safe before planning her revenge. She grabbed one of the nearby towels the auction house provides for clients doing a sexual activity and cleaned herself

Removing all the blood on her, she took the clothes off one of the young, tiny, and skinny men. It still had blood but she had nothing else to wear. She's mostly been using rags or sacks as clothes but if she left the area with that clothing, it would be obvious she was a runaway slave. It was better to look like a tomboy noble who came from devious acts.

Exiting the private room, she saw a young nobles exit one of the other private rooms. The young noble then turned to look at her and she could see his glowing golden eyes.