Noble Mothers Conversation

Healing back the woman's leg and fixing the injury on the other, Ritzy asked her.

"Are you able to walk?".

She was confused by everything that happened. Just a moment ago she almost died and now she back in tip-top shape. Even better than before.

Looking at Ritzy, she remembered he betrayed her. Standing up and pushing Ritzy off her, she said angrily.

"What was that! Why didn't you help me!".


"I did help you. I gave a great sparring partner, silenced the noble, and returned your leg".


"Sparing partner! He almost killed me!".


"You said you wanted to kill a noble with your own hands so you need experience in life and death battles".


"Experience! I need to learn how to wield a sword or whatever knight learns to defeat their enemies!".

Ritzy started getting annoyed with discussing with the mother so he decided to pull rank.

"You have no experience in fighting other than today I can tell. So instead of complaining to your teacher, you should listen to him".


"I... Wait... Listen".

Ritzy didn't respond and continued walking. Since she couldn't refute Ritzy, she stopped complaining and followed behind him.

A couple blocks more of walking, they reached the Auction House Living Storage. Going inside, Ritzy saw the same man as before.

The clerk seeing Ritzy quickly left the desk and welcomed Ritzy.

"Lord Ritzy, what do I owe the pleasure for your visit. I thought you wouldn't be here till tomorrow?".


"I have another person I want to store".

The clerk looked behind Ritzy and saw an older woman in her 30s holding a short sword.

"Lord Ritzy, we don't allow slaves to carry weapons. You'll need to pay for extra storage space for the sword or take it with you".

Ritzy turned to his new property and gestured for her to give him the sword.

"Give me the sword lady".

Lola looked at Ritzy scornfully,

"The names Lola, and you can at least say please".

Ritzy took the sword and then turned to the clerk.

"How much would it cost for her own private room?".


"Don't you want... Never mind. A human with all the basics provided will cost 38 copper".

Handing the coins to the clerk, the clerk bowed and then led Lola behind a door. Seeing her being taken care of, Ritzy left the storage facility and went back to the Auction House Hotel.


Having a goodnight's rest, Ritzy headed to the lobby for breakfast. Ritzy was currently wearing a black cloak that went all the way down to his waist, dark green shirt, black pants, and dark brown boots.

Reaching the lobby floor, Ritzy exited the elevator and sat at one of the tables nearby. A couple of seconds passed and a male waiter arrived.


"What can I serve you...".

The waiter analyzing the young noble in front of him, he noticed he was talking to the golden-eyed noble Ritzy.

"What can I serve you... Lord Ritzy".


"Whatever the chef recommends for a hefty breakfast. Also, I need someone to run some errands for me. Is there anybody the hotel can provide to run my errands?".


"Of course, we are part of the Merchant Guild where we always look for profits. I'll send for someone to come see you and you can tell them what to do".


"Thank you".


"Would you also like something to drink?".


"Water and then orantic juice when the food arrives".

Orantic juice is this world orange juice. They share similar properties except for orantic juice having a more oval shape than that of a circle.

A couple of minutes passed and a young boy approached Ritzy. Bowing, the boy said,

"Lord Ritzy I'll be your errand boy. Before we start, I'll need a payment of 10 iron and then 1 iron per hour once the job is done".

Ritzy took out 10 iron coins and handed it to the boy.

"First tell the front desk to have all my carriages and ordered items ready for me at mid-day in front of the hotel, then go to the Inn with the sleeping phoenix logo and order my knight to pick up my slaves from the Auction House Living Storage Wharehouse. They are bringing me 2 female elves, 1 young male elf, 2 lizard beastkin, and 1 human woman".


"Anything else?".


"That's all".

The boy bowed and left.

Another dozen of minutes passed and the food finally arrived. Seeing his food, Ritzy realized his mistake. In this world, all good meals are pure meat. Vegetables and fruits were considered more of a feminine wealth thing. Wealthy men usually only eat meat.

The meal they brought Ritzy was pure meat. It had large sausages, two steaks, and a large lamb chop.

Looking at the food, Ritzy became uninterested. He turned to the waiter and said,

"Can you tell the chef to make two fried egg and bread".


"Right away sir".

Sighing from only seeing meat and feeling his cholesterol rising just from looking at it, Ritzy took a swig from the orantic juice.

Waiting a couple of minutes more, the extra things he ordered arrived and he finally dug in. The combination of different meats, eggs, and bread make a great combination. He wasn't too fan that it was all meaty but the chef surprisingly didn't make it taste greasy. It felt like the right combination of a lot of meat surprisingly.

While eating, his Mana Presence picked up an interesting conversation. A table with a couple and an extra woman were talking. The female of the couple was consulting the single lady.

Alone woman,

"I don't understand what happened! I told my husband that we'll be eating with you two today but he stood me up. Yesterday night he told me that he was going to see something about our son but then he never returned. At first, I thought he went to see his mistress for the night but now he's standing me up! ".

Crying for a couple of seconds, she suddenly stopped and looked back at her friend.

"You don't think he doesn't want me anymore. That he's going to replace me with the mistress. That she'll become the new official wife!".

Couple Wife,

"No, he would never do that. Your family is powerful so he wouldn't dare offend them for that bimbo".

Alone Woman,

"I don't know. I'm haven't seen him at all since he ditched me and I've been feeling my son becoming distant. They could be planning on removing. I knew I should've spent more time with my son so he wouldn't dare betray me".

Couple wife,

"Don't worry, you showed great love and care to that boy. If you followed the code correctly, then your son shouldn't have betrayed you".

The alone woman then reached for her friend's hand while she smiled and tears fell from her eyes.

"I knew I could talk to you. You always pick me up when I'm down".


Finished with his food and listening to other people's drama, Ritzy headed back to his room. It would take another half an hour for it to be mid-day so he needed to pack his items before going to the meetup point.

Ritzy entered the room and packed everything carefully. The wands and mana items were stored inside his suit jackets inner pockets, extra coins inside a brown bag, and everything else organized neatly in his luggage.

He then equipped his two-handed longsword Christopher gave him on his back, then equipped the throwing knives on his hip. Ritzy didn't have planned to buy new armor since most of the armor suits available were not his style so he planned on traveling with light comfortable clothes.

Ritzy had planned to do shopping in the elven territory since he heard they specialize in light armor unlike here that focuses on full suits of heavy armor.

Everything packed, he left the room and went down to the lobby front desk.


"Has everything been taken care of?".

The clerk was about to ask a name but then noticed Ritzy's glowing golden eyes.

"Of course Lord Ritzy, the items from Lord Tuck are in the carriages, the slaves are being monitored by your knights outside, and the items you bought at the Auction House have been placed in your carriage".


"Good, so how much do I owe the hotel?".


"The room was a gift for your promotion into nobility but the woman you rented last night will cost 95 silver".


"I bought her, so why am I paying a fee?".


"We borrowed her from the owner for you, so we still owe the owner a rent fee which you used".



Taking out the coins, he handed them to the clerk.


"Your tab has been paid, you may leave the hotel now. We the Merchant Guild hope you enjoyed your stay. Please come again another time".