Brave Soldier Boy Comes Marching Home (Announcement)

Stepping outside the hotel, Ritzy saw his group on the side of the hotel. Getting closer, he noticed that there was a tense atmosphere.

At one of the new carriages, two of the younger soldiers were protecting one of the carriages, giving obvious signs that something valuable was inside. At the old carriage, the servants were waiting and taking care of injured knights that aren't still able to walk. At the last and second new carriage were the knights guarding Ritzy's new demihuman slaves but they only allowed Dola the human slave to sit inside the carriage. The rest were chained to the carriage.

Lizzie (Female Lizard beastkin) was pulling on her chain and making a fuss.

"What do you think you are doing! Were not your damn prisoners or slaves! We're Ritzy's slave guards and we can't protect him if were chained up!".


"All of you!? I doubt it. Maybe if you said you and you're brother were the guards I would believe you, but the rest? It's obviously a lie!".

Dayla pulled on Junger's arm,

"Why did Lord Ritzy bring these beastkins, we don't need them and they'll only cause problems on our way back to the Reds Manor. I thought the Reds family doesn't like beastkins?".

Before another word was uttered, Ritzy made his presence known.

"Why have my men not welcomed me even after I bought them such great weapons they're using now?".

Hearing Ritzy's serious voice, they all turned around quickly and bowed to him. Alter took the lead to apologize to Ritzy,

"I'm sorry my Lord, we were soo distracted by your new slaves that we didn't notice. I know it's no excuse but please forgive us".


"Forgive us".


"Don't let it happen again, especially in public".

Hearing Ritzy say public, they realized what was happening. Their lord never cared about customs even after he became an official noble, but they're currently outside. If people spread the word about the Reds family knights not greeting their lords upon their arrival, The Reds family would become a laughing stock.


"Thank you for your mercy my Lord!".

After the knights gave their apology, Dayla approached Ritzy, Giving a slight bow, she said.

"Lord Ritzy, I hope you rested well after last night's banquet. I apologize for not greeting you at the banquet".

Giving a slight bow in return, Ritzy said,

"Do not worry, I was only in the main banquet room for a short time. It's more appropriate for me to apologize".


"Nonsense, you have nothing to apologize for".


"That's good to hear... So Miss Dayla, we'll be leaving soon. Please take a seat in the medical carriage. I would appreciate it if you could help heal my men while we travel".


"Then I'll head right on ahead".

Ritzy had never healed his seriously injured men before because his advanced healing was inadequate at the time and forgot to heal them when he mastered it. It wasn't until he tested his healing on the beastkin when he was undercover, did he finally understand advance healing magic.

In reality, Ritzy thought he had long way to go before he mastered advance healing magic but this war gave him many opportunities to practice healing and master it.

Finished giving proper greetings to Dayla, Ritzy came up to Junger,

"Knight Junger".


"Yes Lord Ritzy".


"You'll be in charge of taking the injured men, three servants, and two more knights back to the Reds Manor. Here's two gold coins for any unexpected expenses".

Handing the gold coins to Junger, Junger gave Ritzy a confused face.

"But my Lord, we cannot leave you?".


"I bought these slaves to help me with a job I'm taking on. They'll either work as guards, healers, or servants".


"Lord, what he means is that a knight can't leave their lord. Especially us who promised your mother to stay with you the whole journey".


"Well, that's not possible right now. First of all, I have an important mission from the royal family. Also, Junger and Dayla need to inform Christopher about their engagement. Finally, many of the soldiers here are seriously injured and need to be healed back into condition to serve the family".

"Basic healing will only speed their healing process to 3 weeks instead of a couple of months but back at the manor there's an advance healer that can speed it up to a day".

Junger started speaking but suddenly went quiet when he saw Ritzy's face,


Looking sternly at Junger with his glowing golden eyes Ritzy said,

"It's an order".

Junger bowed instinctively,

"As you command my Lord... I bid you farewell".

Junger turned around and called two names Ritzy didn't recognize. Two knights responded when they heard their names and then bowed to Ritzy when they heard they were leaving. Giving Ritzy a respectful goodbye, they entered the medical carriage.

With Dayla, Junger, two knights, 3 servants, and all the injured knights; they left.

With them gone, Ritzy turned to the knights guarding the slaves.

"Alter, have the slaves unchained and give them basic weapons if they desire it. They will be important for our travels".


"Are you sure Lord?".

Ritzy didn't respond and went to one of the new carriages. Jumping on, Ritzy said loudly.

"Alter, take us to the Auction Hall! We're going to go group up with royalty and we can't keep them waiting".

The knights, servants, and slaves began sweating when they heard they were not only going to meet up with royalty but if they took long. They would piss off royalty by making them wait.

Not wasting a second, Alter commanded the knights to free the slaves and then show them where the spare weapons were. In a matter of minutes, everyone became ready to leave. But before they headed out, Ritzy ordered Alter again.


"Tell slave Lola to come to this carriage".

The carriages were separated by Ritzy's loyal servants and Ritzy's new slaves. The first carriage had Ritzy, his new weapons, luggage, traveling necessities, two servants, and Alter. The second carriage had the camping equipment, the new slaves, and four knights watching over the slaves.

A couple of seconds passed and Alter returned with Lola. Standing outside the carriage with Lola, they both waited for Ritzy to say something.


"She'll be riding with us. Now hurry up and get inside, we have to leave".

Alter was surprised at first but then decided to forget about it so he could hurry up to meet up with the royalty Ritzy was speaking about. Initially, he thought Ritzy only wanted to speak with her before leaving and then order him to return her to the other carriage but that wasn't the case.

Once Lola got inside the carriage, Alter jumped in as well and then yelled loud enough for the second carriage to hear as well,

"To the Auction House!".

The knights hearing confirmation, they signaled the horses to move forward and head to the Auction House.

As they traveled, Ritzy reached under his seat and pulled out a large brown box. Opening it, Ritzy saw the rapier, gladius, and other items he bought from Tuck. Taking the gladius, Ritzy handed it to Lola.

Lola was surprised to see a sword being handed to her. She currently only had a short sword and the swords they had extra were all beaten or had blood rust.

Seeing at how finely crafted the sword was, she turned and looked skeptically at Ritzy.


"This will be your main weapon for now. I'll be teaching you how to use this sword for now but if you find a different weapon you think you're more adequate with. I'll teach you how to use the new weapon instead".

Lola then understood that the sword wasn't to defend herself or a gift. It's just Ritzy increasing her fighting power as quickly as possible so he could finish his end of the bargain.

Taking the sword, her hands fell and dropped the sword.


"It's heavy and perfect for strengthing your muscles".

Lola looked at the sword and realized the sword wasn't to make her more lethal but to train her.

Trying again, she grabbed the leash on the sword's sheath and pulled it over her shoulder. It took some effort but she did it.

Looking unimpressed, Ritzy said to Lola,

"That sword is only eight pounds and you showed great struggle in picking it up. You'll need to strengthen your muscles much more if you want to be useful".