Alter Takes Junger's Job

A couple of minutes passed and the group arrived at the Auction House. Waiting nearby at the entrance were four lavish carriages with their emblem torn off.

Normally a carriage would have a flag or something to signal whose carriage it was. Nobles on the other hand would sew or imprint their family emblem on the carriage.

By the material and needless decorations the carriages had, it was easy to tell a high level noble owned these but oddly, the emblem wasn't in full display. This caused Ritzy to sigh in disappointment.

These carriages all belong to Princess Diana who was traveling in secret. This poor attempt of staying hidden caused Ritzy to worry about the future.

Ritzy's thoughts,

'If this is what she considers hidden, then its a wonder how she survived this whole time and hasn't already been hunted down by whoever is targeting them'.

Ritzy turned to Alter,

"Those are our useless clients. Come escort me to go greet them".


"Me? But arent our client's royalty!? I don't deserve to be in their presence"!


"I can't go unescorted, it'll sully the Reds name. Plus, your the highest rank after me".


"But- I...".

Ritzy jumped off the carriage and then looked at Alter,

"You don't want to keep royalty waiting, do you?".

Alter quickly jumped off the carriage as well.

"Of course not! P-please lead the way. I-I'm happy to e-escort you to them".

Done having his little fun, Ritzy walked away from the group and approached the four lavish carriages. Getting closer, two heavily armored knights with silver armored stood in front of Ritzy and Alter.

Royal Guard 1,

"Holt, this is private Merchant Guild Business".

Alter wanted to screech from their sight. They were two heads bigger than him and their prestige armor made him wince. Alter had never seen such disciplined and terrifying knights before.

Ritzy examining the knights, he could easily tell that they could defeat Alter in less than 3 blows.

Ritzy turned to Alter and gave a stern expression. Alter seeing Ritzy's expression, he realized what he had to do. Stepping forward, Alter spoke.


"T-this is Lord Ritzy, he has come h-here to talk with your lord".

Both of the knights turned to examine Ritzy. Evaluating him, they sensed no danger or even a sense of strength from the young lord. He looked like an average well dressed noble.

The knights remember that the Princess told them that a powerful lord would join their journey to protect them against strong foes. But the young lord in front of them couldn't be him. The young man didn't even wield a weapon.

The first knight knowing he must always show respect to nobles even when chasing them away spoke to Ritzy.

"Sorry Lord Ritzy. I know your a new up and coming noble but sadly this is a high profile private matter. We can't bring you to meet our lord".


"I'm not here to meet your lord, I'm here to do a job. Now take me to your lord or suffer the consequences".

Knight 2,

"Sorry Lord Ritzy but we can't do that. If you do force your way in, you'll be making an enemy out of the merchant guild".

Hearing those words, Ritzy started doubting that these carriages belonged to Princess Diana so he increased his Mana Presence. scouting the area in front of him, he sensed her sitting on a portable throne.

Seeing that it wasn't a mistake, Ritzy became angered. Now he was thinking that the Princess forgot to tell her subject to welcome him or that she was going to back out of their deal. Either way, it was a great disrespect to the Reds family.

Alter spoke softly to Ritzy,

"Lord, I think it's best we go. It seems we're at the wrong spot".

Ritzy spoke calmly back,

"We're not... You can follow me if you want".


"What Lord?".

Not saying anything more, Ritzy took to steps forward, and then gabbed the back of the head of the two royal knights. Then with all his strength, Ritzy slammed their heads into the grounds.

With their in the ground, Ritzy became impressed. He thought this action would've at least damaged their helmet but it stayed spotless. But sadly the ground wasn't as strong so they were slightly stuck to the ground.

Alters seeing all this terrified him. He had no idea what to do. They were dealing with royalty and could be decapitated at any moment. What Ritzy just did was treason worthy so he should stop this but a knight can never defy his lord so he wasn't sure what to do.

Ritzy not caring, he kept walking forward towards the Princess direction.

The knights nearby, servants, and Princess Diana heard the loud bashing noise outside. Quickly worried they were being attacked, the knight ran towards the origin of the noise and Diana sent on of her personal guards to assess the situation.

Three knights quickly arrived and were surprised to see a young man walk past two of their royal knight compatriots. Just as one knight was about to threaten Ritzy, one of the older knights noticed Rityz's eyes weren't yellow but a golden glow.

He realized the person in front of him is the fabled Benedire's friend blessed noble.

Knight 3,

"Stop men!".

The knights stopped and looked at their co-worker, confused why he yelled.

The third knight then cautiously walked to Ritzy and gave a slight bow.

"Lord Ritzy, may I know the situation. We are royal knights and this area is being used for private royal matters. Could these knights have offended you or is there another assailant?".

The other knights became quiet. They have heard of a young up and coming noble named Ritzy, but they didn't think he would earn such respect. Normally they would execute or punish any noble of level Earl or below with no hesitation. Not sure what to do, they stayed back and observed.


"I came here to meet with Princess Diana but these ruffians didn't allow me to pass through. I was supposed to meet her at mid-day but noon has already passed dozens of minutes ago".

Knight 3,

"Wait, are you her invited guest of our journey?".



All the knights panicked at hearing Ritzy's confirmation. Their lord was abusive and impatient. She had ordered everyone to bring the stong lord as soon as he arrived but never really gave a description.

Now that the lord arrived and they held him back, they were scared in what the Princess would do when she heard the news.

Scared and not willing to make the Princess wait for a second longer, the knight said.

"Right this way lord Ritzy, we apologize for the misunderstanding".

Not caring to give an answer in response, he continued walking toward the Princess's direction.

Alter, seeing all this was freaking out and scared for his future. He was already saying his prayers for his possible death but he didn't expect this. His lord was a blessed noble but it wasn't enough to demand whatever he wanted from royal knights. It seems there was something else happening.

While thinking, he saw them walking further away and snapped out of his thoughts. He knew he had to escort his lord right now even if he can't do anything. It would be considered disgraceful for a noble to not have his knights or guards with him.

Walking past the knights and a couple of carriages, they arrived at one carriage that had more designs and exotic material for decorations than the rest.

Knight 3,

"Princess Diana, Lord Ritzy request an audience".

The Carriage was a private noble transportation. Unlike other carriages, this one was like a closed box with two doors. The normal nobility personal carriage.

The door suddenly opened and two servants came out. The two servants were the same ones that Ritzy defeated before.

The servants then gave a slight bow and said,

"Lord Ritzy, the Princess is expecting you".

Ritzy understood what they meant and walked inside the private carriage. Leaving Alter alone and scared for his life. Worried that the high-level knights and servants would pounce on him at any moment.

Ritzy walked inside and took a seat on the opposite side of the carriage from where Diana was. Ritzy and Diana didn't say a word, they simply stared at each other.

A couple of moments passed and Diana spoke,

"What the f#ck makes you thing that you can f$cking make me wait! I'm Princess Diana and I deserve more respect this b*llsh!t!".

Alter waiting outside, he heard a woman screaming at Ritzy. Hearing that she was a Princess and how she felt offended, Alter wanted to run away and cry from how bad his luck was.

Alter's mind,

'Dammit! This was Junger's job!'.