Powerless Princess

While Alter was crying internally, Ritzy was taking the Princess's remarks at full force.

"You disgraceful ingrate that doesn't even know when he's given a bone! Your whole damn family line show bow down and lick the dirt off my boots!".

Ritzy was patiently hearing her complaints the whole time but when she mentioned the Reds family. He became furious.

Ritzy fury was released with restraint into his Mana Presence and everyone within Ritzy's range became frightful.

The knights outside fell onto their knees from the pressure Ritzy excluded and couldn't pick themself up. Alter who was weaker than the royal knights feel directly onto the floor and could barely breathe. All the knights had no idea what was happening which caused them to panic even more.

Princess Diana who is not only the closest to the source but also the weakest out of everyone fell to the floor and felt her heart pumping at a painful pace. On the ground with tears and saliva falling from her face, she looked at Ritzy and tried to ask for forgiveness.

But sadly, no words came from her mouth. Fear had overtaken hear and she couldn't make a sound but Ritzy could read lips. Seeing that she was trying to ask for forgiveness, Ritzy lessened the pressure.

Feeling the pressure of death coming from Ritzy lessen, she was finally able to at least get on her knees. Just as she got her balance, Ritzy kneeled down and placed his hand under her chin.

Forcing her to look at him, she saw Ritzy's eyes. Looking into his pupils, she could only feel the coldness of death and the desire to cry.

She then heard Ritzy speak the same way she spoke to the lower class.

"Now, what were you saying. I don't think I heard you correctly before".

Hearing Ritzy's words didn't anger her, instead it made her desperate. She just heard a way to leave this painful experience.

Speaking with desperation. She said,

"I apologize Lord Ritzy, I shouldn't have insulted you. Please forgive me!".

Ritzy kept giving his murderous pressure and she became more desperate.

"Please Lord Ritzy I didn't mean anything I said. I was in the wrong! Please don't kill me!".

Ritzy then removed his hand off her and then sat back down. Saying with a devilish smile,

"Why would I ever kill my employer?".

Finishing his words, Ritzy stopped giving off murderous intent. With the pressure gone, everyone in the vicinity could finally breathe.

Just as the Princess was about to say something, Princess Diana's assassin servant Luci barged in and aimed her blade at Ritzy.

"What did you do! You damn-".

Before she could finish, Diana yelled.

"Leave! Before you embarrass me again".

Confused by her lord's actions, she turned to Diana. Looking at her, see-saw that Diana was infuriated and almost seemed as if she wanted to kill her.

Luci then turned to Diana, bowed, and left quickly.

With her gone, Diana closed the carriage and sat back down on the opposite side of Ritzy.

"I-I apologize for her behavior and what I said before".


"Just don't speak to me like that again and everything will be fine".


"Of course, anything else".


"Also for my troubles, I want you to add coins to our deal".


"Of course!".

Diana then reached under for a compartment under her and took out two contracts. She then took out an ink bottle and feather.

She began to write, '5 platinum coins will as well be given to Ritzy to help start his land'. and then signed it on both copies.

Ritzy grabbed both copies and signed both as well. He then handed one back to her.


"Anything else Lord Ritzy?".


"Just lead the way and I'll follow behind. Hollar if you're in trouble".

Not saying anything more, Ritzy left the carriage. Going outside, Ritzy saw many knights pointing their weapons at Ritzy and holding Alter hostage.


"Hey, Diana; come out here".

Hearing Ritzy voice again, she quickly did as he said and came out as well. Seeing the guards act threateningly at Ritzy, she became panicked and furious.

"You damn useless knights! Why are you aiming your weapons at my escort and at his knight!".


"But Princess, he showed malice. I just wanted insurance-".


"You dare speak back again!".


"No! I apologize, -".

Before she could finish, Diana walked up to her servant and punched her in the face. She then spoke maliciously and threateningly.

"Let them go".


"Of course Princess".

She then turned to the knights,

"Let him go".

The knights weren't sure what was happening but they wouldn't dare do anything that the princess disliked.

Stepping away, Alter became free and quickly ran to Ritzy's side.

Seeing the problem fixed, Diana turned to Ritzy.

"I apologize for my servant's rudeness. Please forgive her".

Ritzy spoke uncaringly as he walked away.

"Just lead the way".

Ritzy leaving, Diana sighed from relief and then turned to her subjects.

"You heard him! We're leaving!".

The princess then walked back into her carriage and slammed the door shut.


Walking back to the carriage, Alter spoke worriedly to Ritzy.

"What happened Lord, why was there a sudden sense of dread, why did they attack us, and how did we survive!".


"The Princess offended me so I made her repent, and the guards were just overreacting".


"You made her repent!?".


"Why does that surprise you? Shouldn't one apologize when they offended another?".


"Um- yes they should, lord".

Reaching the carriage, Ritzy jumped on, and Alter soon followed. Ritzy then ordered the driver to follow the Princess's carriages and then took a seat.

Sitting down he, looked at Lola and thought,

'So when I released my killing intent on her, it wasn't because it became weak. In reality, it became much stronger and she was able to still function within it. She truly doesn't fear death. I found a rare slave".

Leaving the city, they headed northwest. Ritzy realized that the plan was to go to the ocean and take a ship to Elf Territory.

Since there were about to be surrounded by water, Ritzy started practicing making advanced water magic while they traveled.


A couple of days passed and the two groups never talked. Every city they reach they would only restock and then have the knights talk with each when they were ready to resume traveling. It seemed Ritzy's actions had scared all friendly relations.

While traveling, Ritzy would also train Lola. He didn't teach her combat or any skills. He would only make her do manual labor or swing the sword at nothing but air.

After a week of traveling, a sudden occurrence happened. The group was traveling through a forest with a not so used path. As they were deep inside the forest, the sound of wind breaking was heard and then the drivers of the Princess's carriage were shot.

Royal Knight,

"We're being attacked! Protect the Princess!".

Ritzy had sensed people tracking the group but he didn't show any care. Ritzy could fell that they were no threat and his knights could easily handle these random assailants so he didn't bother to warn anybody. The only thing he did was use some wind magic to alter the direction of the arrows heading for his knights. Causing them to miss his men.


"Alter, I want you to lead the group. You are to protect our group from any danger. Also, make sure how many the slaves kill".


"Yes Lord".

Alter jumped off after hearing his orders and then commanded the men into battle positions.

Ritzy then turned to Lola,

"Here's another crash course, you'll be fighting these foes. I think they're just a bit more skilled than you and a lot stronger".


"But you haven't taught me anything! Don't you remember last time, where I almost died from that guard!".

Ritzy simply looked outside,

"You better hurry, they all might die before you get any practice".

Lola became angered but then quickly calmed down again. After having her do so many meaningless tasks with only vague answers, she's gotten used to this treatment.

Lola jumped off the carriage and Ritzy followed behind. While observing Lola, he also used Mana Presence to make sure the Princess was safe.

His job was still to protect her or the deal would be terminated, so he was ready to use a ranged attack at any moment. Just in case there was a surprise assailant or the guards couldn't protect her in time.

Walking with Lola, an enemy suddenly attacked. Ritzy jumped out of the way and Lola tried to block. Unfortunately, her form was bad so the enemy's sword was able to give her arm a slight cut.


"If you can't block it entirely, you can also dodge".

Lola looked annoyed but still kept her gaze on the enemy. The people who attacked were simple robbers with little to no armor. Their weapons were basic cheap weapons. Most had pikes but some had short swords like the one attacking her.

The attacker looked at Ritzy warily but sensed no malice so he returned his focus on the girl. The attacker seeing no response from the Lola, he charged forward; aiming for her head.