Russian Stealth

Pulling the blade from the rogue's hand, Ritzy walked to the princess.

"There is someone behind this attack and the guy over there will bring us to them. It's best we don't play their game of goose chase and get rid of them as soon as possible".

Still shocked by Ritzy's previous actions, she became hesitant to speak. Ritzy seeing no answer from her, he decided to do as he pleased.

Ritzy speaking loudly,

"There is someone using these men to test us. They most likely want to weaken us before they launch their real attack. Since I'm in charge of the Princess's safety, then I will decide our response to this predicament".

Some whispers were heard and many people weren't sure what to do. Ritzy spoke again,

"We'll be attacking the enemy head-on. Since they believe they can beat us by weakening us, the best solution is to fight them at our strongest. It highly possible they aren't well equipped enough to handle all of us at once".

The royal knights and Ritzy's men listened intently. The knights stopped doubting if Ritzy was qualified to lead after his explanation. Ritzy clearly showed that he is the most qualified to lead.


"I'll be leading a small team to hunt the people returning to their base. We can't let them notify their leader or whoever's responsible. The rest will recuperate and heal the injured".

Two royal knights quickly approached Ritzy, both in their twenties but the younger one only talked.

"Lord Ritzy, we're the best horse ridders here. We'll join you in your hunt".


"Good, get your horses ready, and three more. Borrow mine if you need to. I'll get the other people".

Royal knight 1,

"Right away Lord Ritzy".

Ritzy began walking to his carriages with Lola behind him but Luci, the Princess's female servant walked up to Ritzy.

"Who do you think you are to bark orders! You didn't even run to the Princess rescue!".


"I intervene when necessary. It's my job to keep her alive, not comfortable. Now, where were you when the rogue almost killed her?".




"Go back to your owner, I have a job to do. Unlike you, I can't play hooky".

Walking past her, Ritzy arrived at the carriages. Looking around, he saw the lizard siblings chatting while holding bloody weapons.

Approaching them, Ritzy said.

"Dexter, Lucci, do you two want to make some extra money?".


"Oh Lord Ritzy-".

Lizzie interrupted,

"Of course, what do you want young fellow?".

The slaves were too far away to see Ritzy's actions so Lizzie kept seeing Ritzy as a ballsy young noble.


"I'm going to hunt the runaway's the royal knights weren't fast enough to get them all".


'We would be glad to".


"Sure, just give me a horse and chase them down".


"Right this way, your steed awaits".

Ritzy walked back to the royal carriages with Lola, Dexter, and Lizzie. Arriving, he saw both of the knights ready with five horses.

Walking up to them, Ritzy spoke.

"Get on the horses we're leaving".

The knights turned when they heard Ritzy's voice but frowned when they saw two beastkins and one lowly dressed crossdresser.

Knight 2,

"Lord Ritzy, who are these?".


"The woman is my student and the beastkin are gladiators. Now hurry up, we can't have them go too far ahead or we'll lose them".

As Lola, Lizzie, and Dexter got on their horses, The first knight raised another question.

"So who's the ranger or hunter than can track them?".

Ritzy jumped onto the same horse as Lola but he took lead while she held onto him.

"Don't worry follow me".

Increasing the intensity of his Mana Presence, Ritzy didn't see them but did sense their trail easily.

"This way".


Dozen of minutes passed and the group arrived at small with the attackers resting there. Also in the town, Ritzy could sense armored men. These men had too valuable equipment to be from this village.


It seems the person behind the attack knows we survived".

Knight 1,

"Yes, looks like we need to go back and regroup".


"Why? They don't seem to much of a challenge?".


"Lord Ritzy, even if we're stronger than their average soldier. We're severely outnumbered and we won't survive".

Ritzy frowned at Dexter's response.

"Fine, all of you go back. Lola and I will stay here since I can track them".

Knight 2,

"Yes Lord Ritzy, we'll be back as soon as possible".

The knights and slaves leaving, Ritzy turned to Lola.

"Follow me".

Ritzy then started walking toward the village, but oddly his footsteps were head and he blended with his surroundings. If it wasn't for Lola already knowing it was Ritzy, she would've missed him.

Not sure what to do, Lola listened to Ritzy. But unlike him, she sneakily followed. Making sure to not step on any branches or be in any compromising positions.

Walking closer to the border of the village, they saw two knights blocking the entrance while resting on a villagers house. It was clear to see they weren't the best of knights.

Hiding behind a tree, Ritzy waited for Lola. When she arrived, Ritzy whispered.

"There one near the door and another by the window. Since they're leaning on the wall, they can't see anything coming from the right side of the house. I want you to kill them silently".


"But... I don't know how to kill quietly".


"To stealthy kill, you only need to fast and quiet. Now go".

Lola reluctantly listened to Ritzy. As Ritzy said, she walked around to the right side of the house and carefully moved to not make any noise. Getting closer and closer, he heart started to race faster and faster.

Then as she was a couple of inches from reaching the first knight, the other knight turned to talk his co-worker but saw Lola.

As he was about to say something, Ritzy threw a conjured knife into the man's throat. The other knight became startled when he saw his fellow knight die but before he could do anything. Lola stabbed her knife between his helmet and chest plate, aiming for his neck.

She felt some resistance but then heard a breaking sound and her blade penetrating flesh. The knight had chainmail protecting his neck but the gladius had been sharply made and it's heavyweight plus her strength allowed for a weakened piece of the chainmail to break.

With those two down, they entered the town and saw many more knights patrolling the area.


"We'll take the knights one by one until there is only the one. We'll be using their own tactic to kill them".