Improvising On A Promise

Outside were a group of knights surrounding a fat but muscular noble. They all had armor much nicer than the average knight. Signifying they were at least as powerful or wealthy as the Reds family at least.

Right next to the knights and nobles were chained or caged peasants plus the men that attacked Ritzy.

The majority of people were chained and the ones caged were the ones who would fetch a high price in the slave trade. For example cute children, beautiful women, and burly men for labor.

The only ones not chained or caged were the men who attacked the Princess traveling group. Currently, they were kneeling and begging to the noble. Ritzy didn't care what they were saying so he didn't pay attention to their words.

Behind a nearby bush was Lola sneaking behind a knight. Getting closer, she pulled out the gladius and the swung for the man's neck. As her blade was about to reach the back of the man's neck, a nearby knight yelled.

"Dodge! We're under attack!".

Before the knight could realize what his fellow knight said, Lola blade chopped the man's head off. Lola seeing her cover blown, she quickly ran into a nearby house as instructed by Ritzy.


"Get the assassin!".

The knights hearing their orders, half of them left the noble's side and chased after Lola. Only five knights stayed; 2 were the noble's guards and 3 were in charge of making sure the captured people wouldn't escape.

As the knights entered the same house Lola ran into. The house was a living room and one room so it didn't take long to search entirely. Searching the house, they noticed she was nowhere to be seen.

As they were about to go back to inform their lord, Lola appeared next to the exit and killed one of the knights. This time she stabbed her blade in under the man's chest plate and into his stomach.

Pulling the blade from his intestines, she then ran away and into another house. The knights furious from having another one of their men killed, they chased after her.


Ritzy appeared behind a tree and started walking closer to the noble. The knights hearing soft footsteps, they turned to the origin of the noise and saw Ritzy.

The knights and nobles were confused about seeing a young blessed person in front of them alone. Even stranger, the young man was most likley a noble by how fine his clothes were. Not at all suited for combat.

Ritzy seeing no one making a move, he saw his bet was the right choice.

Not sure what to do, the knights looked at their noble. The noble was not sure as well so he spoke.

"Who are you!? Where are your knights?!".


"You would think I would be easily recognized since I have these unique glowing eyes but no".

One of the knights approached Ritzy and pointed his spear to Ritzy's neck.

"Our lord asked you a question so you answer right-!".

Before the knight could finish, Ritzy pulled the rapier from his waist and cleanly cut off the man's arms in a split second.

After a second, they all realized what happened and started to panic. Seeing them panic, Ritzy knew this was a great time to influence them more with fear.

Ritzy sheathed his rapier and then using his hand to push the knights head down and using his foot to trip him, Ritzy slammed the back of the knight's head on pure concreate.

The slammed caused a cracking and breaking sound not only from concrete. This sound made everyone become horrified of Ritzy.

As one knight was about to yell that this was an attack, Ritzy spoke first.

"Don't disrespect your lord ever again. Let this be a warning to all you knights".

These words caused the knights to hesitate. They weren't sure if this was an attack or discipline anymore.

Ritzy turned to the noble,

"Now, who is in charge of this mission. Is it you or is there someone else I have to talk to?".




"Speak up! If it wasn't for you wearing those noble clothes, I would've guessed you are an imposter by how horrible you talk!".


"Sorry! I'm Serk of the Lenkerton county. I'm in charge of leading the men but Lord Rinus is the one calling the shots. He's currently at the next headquarters which is two towns over heading to the west... So I'm in charge of this group in his stead".

Seeing Ritzy's actions, the way he spoke, and Ritzy's rapier which looked custom made from how well Ritzy's handled the weapon; he didn't hesitate to answer Ritzy's questions. All of his actions demonstrated that Ritzy knew what was happening and held a higher rank than him. It didn't matter he had no idea who Ritzy was.

Ritzy started walking closer to the noble and he started freaking out. In a panic, he said,

"Lord, please spare me! It was my mistake! Please, I'll do anything".

The knights protecting the noble became scared as well. With every step, they took a step farther away from Ritzy and their lord. Hoping that Ritzy would only punish their lord.

Standing in front of the noble, Ritzy spoke with a frivolous smile.

"Don't worry we all make mistakes, even I. How about this, if you really want to be out of my bad graces. Just help me find these people for the forbidden magic users".

The noble looked at Ritzy with a shock that even surprised Ritzy a bit. Originally Ritzy only mentioned this because certain advance magic books he received from Savior mentioned forbidden magic and how powerful but evil it was.

It didn't exactly mention why it was bad only that it could do unequaled destruction. It only talked about how one should never associate with forbidden magic and how most forbidden magic-users lived in black towns.

Black towns- Towns that aren't ruled by the kingdom they reside in

A couple of seconds passed by and the his face of shook/ fear didn't die down.


"Will you listen or do you want to be part of the list?".

Forcing himself out of his shook, he spoke respectfully.

"I'm sorry! Tell me who you need and I'll bring them".

Ritzy then started thinking about the person he held hostage before. He promised him his family but never planned on how to get/identify his family. Remembering how he looked, he remembered that he had a large mole on the back of his neck.


"I need people who have moles and their family members for the forbidden magic team".


"Yes right away!".

The noble quickly ordered his knight to get anybody with moles and their family brought to them in a separate long chain.

For transporting slaves, it very common to chain slaves to a very long chain to transport them. Typically the long-chained would be attached to one of the carriages and force the slaves to walk right behind the carriage.

Finished gathering the requested peasants, he ordered the knights to bring them to Ritzy as he walked up to Ritzy.

"Here they are Lord, all the people with moles and their-".

Before he could finish, a male voice was heard.

"He's not an ally my Lord!".

Ritzy, the noble, and the knights quickly turned to origin of the sound. Turning around, they saw a single knight with bloody armor but no wound. Also next to the knight was Lola being held, hostage. The knight's sword was being held onto her neck.