Never Trust an Enemy's Words

Holding his sword an inch away from Lola's neck, the knight spoke.

"That's this b*tch's lord. He isn't one of us, he's pretending".

The noble became angered but scared as well. If he was sent by the heads, then everything would be fine but since he isn't. Now he has to sacrifice who knows how many men to kill the young noble.


"Knights, come protect your master! Call for reinforcements!".

Knight 1,

"Right away sir!".

As the knight was about to leave, the knight holding Lola hostage spoke.

"Don't bother, they killed them already. But it shouldn't matter he's just a young noble. He's only a bit more skilled than our average knight".

Hope glimmered in his eyes. At first, he became dreadful when he heard he had no more men, but now that he thought about it. His mind started rationalizing the situation, making it more realistic/ fair.


"Yes, of course. Nobles are naturally a bit more skilled than nights, and if what you say is true. Then they secretly killing the other men means they are both rogue assassins. They're only good at surprise attacks. After that, they're much weaker".

Knight 2,

"Yes, if the only reason he killed the knight before was that he wasn't ready to protect himself".

The noble turned to Ritzy,

"Have the people who returned kill this stupid noble".

Knight 1,

"Hey, you damn waste of space. Go kill that idiot!".

Everyone looking at the peasants, they saw them not move. The people who ambushed Ritzy's group before was no motionless and ignoring the knight with a blade.

The reason peasants were moving was that they recognized Ritzy. He was the whole reason they retreated instead of finishing the task the noble gave them before. Even if it risked their family being killed because of their return.

The only reason they didn't rat Ritzy out was that they were too afraid to say something. They also weren't sure what was happening, plus there was no reason to help the people who enslaved them, recognize the enemy.


"Get up you unwanted trash, I'm a noble and you should be grateful that you can take orders from me!".

Ritzy spoke loud and clear,

"If you don't want me to put you down, then kill these knights...Oh, don't worry. They have no reinforcements, I've already taken care of them".

Hearing Ritzy's words, they became desperate. They knew Ritzy's was too dangerous to get near. The entire reason they retreated was that Ritzy demonstrated they were nothing to him. Unlike the Prince's royal knights which they least had a small chance of defeating. Even if it was slim.

The group that attacked Ritzy's were now grouping up on the knights and noble. Two knights tried to protect their lord but quickly died from countless attacks. They were to outnumber to even block all the attacks. It only took seconds to kill them.

On the other, as the group approached the knight holding Lola hostage, the knight yelled in desperation.

"Wait, you're afraid of him right. Then that means you shouldn't attack me. I have his partner's life in my hands".

The group stopped in their tracks and looked at the knight, pressing his blade on Lola's neck. Not deep enough to kill, but enough to cut her skin and have a bit of blood ooze out.

Ritzy's walked forward and the knight taunted.

"Now what you arrogant bastard! You thought everything could go your way, but now. I have something you can't lose. A partner who's able to kill skilled knights!".

Ritzy stayed siled while he examined Lola and the knight.


"If you ever want to see your precious partner again, then you'll let me go. Not only that, but you will also toss me my old lord's coin purse and the coins you have on you as well".

The peasants, Lola, and knights stayed motionless and waited for Ritzy's response.

Ritzy spoke to Lola,

"So, how are you not dying in a ditch? It would've been easier to do that instead of bringing you hostage here".

Lola didn't hesitate or show any care for her words.

"I said I was your partner and that you'll surrender if they have me as their hostage. I'm only completely your until I get my revenge. Until then, I'm not willing to die for your games".

Satisfying his curiosity, Ritzy spoke frivolously again.

"Makes sense, you have all right to ignore my orders until I delivered on my end of the bargain. So, to help make you stronger as per our deal, I'll give you a lesson. Because one needs a sharp mind if they want to reach a higher potential. Also, this counts as your punishment for not meeting my expectation in killing them all".

Everyone looked oddly at Ritzy because all his actions showed he cared very little for the situation that was happening.


"You'll always come out loosing when making a deal with an enemy. Their words can never be trusted".

Finishing his words, Ritzy pulled his rapier from his sheath and threw it into Lola's left breast. The blade then penetrated through her chest and into the knight as well.

With the blade inside them, they became shocked and fell onto the floor.

All the peasants turned to Ritzy in fear and shock. Not believe entirely in what they saw. But when they saw Ritzy, he showed no remorse or any emotion in killing his supposed partner.

Ritzy not caring for what he did, he started casually walking up to Lola and the knight dying on the floor. Standing above them, Ritzy pulled the blade out of Lola's and the knight's chest then kicked Lola off the knight.

Holding the rapier, Ritzy slashed the knights head off and then sheathed his weapons. After, Ritzy proceeded to kneel next to Lola's dying body and used healing magic.

A bright green glow was concentrated on the wound Ritzy made but then he realized Lola had another wound on her shoulder so he decided to heal that too. Taking a couple of minutes of healing and focusing on only keeping his healing magic concentrated on the wounds, Lola was almost fully healed. He made sure to not heal her hand as per her previous punishment.

With Lola back in stable condition, Ritzy left her on the floor and walked up to the dead noble. Looking down, he the noble with countless stabs and two broken tips of spikes still embedded in him.

Not caring for the gruesome scene, Ritzy searched the noble's body. Checking for any hidden money and his pockets, Ritzy found his noble badge and coin purse.

Throwing the badge away, Ritzy examined the coin bag. It had only 2 gold and 13 silver. Feeling unsatisfied, he placed the coins in his own coin purse and threw the noble's purse while he sighed with disappointment.

With nothing else to do, Ritzy walked back to Lola and saw her looking at her own chest where the wound was.


"You ready to go?".


"You killed me!".


"I can't save the dead. Plus, never trust an enemy's words. If you want to be able to kill nobles, you need to start listening to me. Teaching is a two-way street".

Lola was speechless while looking at Ritzy.

As she stared at Ritzy and he waited for a response, the sound of horses and carriages could be heard coming closer.


"Looks like they got here first, now we don't have to go to them".

A dozen seconds passed and they arrived. They quickly charged in with their weapons ready but they only saw Ritzy standing around corpses that were being desecrated by the peasants. It seemed the peasants were so angered by the noble and his knights, that they kept stabbing and kicking their corpses.

One of the royal knights jumped off their horse and approached Ritzy while looking terrified.

"What happened here Lord Ritzy? Was there another party here?".

Ritzy picked up the fear in his voice and thought maybe him revealing he did this all himself, Ritzy would be seen as too dangerous. Ritzy wanted to be feared since he need respect from other nobles, but being to feared can cause the other nobles to go against him.

Ritzy wasn't sure what they would do, but he has seen countless people have their lives ruined because they grew to fast or showed they head great power.


"I helped the peasants escape the noble's grasp in exchange for them to help me kill his knights and him".

Princess Diana and her guards exited the carriage and approached Ritzy as well.

Princess spoke with caution,

"Lord Ritzy, it's undignified for a noble to be killed by peasants. The least you could've done is capture and execute him".


"I did what I could".


"It doesn't... Never mind, I should be grateful that you got rid of traitorous noble's".

Ritzy gave a fake smile while giving a slight bow,

"My pleasure".


"Since that's done, let's investigate who they are".


"Don't bother, he was Serk of Lenkerton and the person who ordered him is a person called Lord Rinus".


"Lord Rinus is involved?".