Neutral Night District

Inside an Inn at the Darya Port City, Ritzy was walking outside. Heading to the cheaper side of the inn, where the servants and slaves were resting.

In trading cities, inns are much more popular so specialized inns naturally would arise in the city. This inn is a large inn specializing in large traveling groups. They would have a storage house for people's horses, merchandise, carriages, slaves, and anything in between.

Secondly, they would have a wooden building with many rooms that included one to four beds. This was mainly used by crewmates, mercenary groups, and guildmates.

Lastly, they would have the main building were the VIPs would be located and where they made all the arrangements. Nobles, captains, Guild leaders, or anything high up would come to this building to reserve and pay for their underling's room while also getting a room for themselves. After paying for the rooms, the noble would be able to go upstairs and use one of the luxurious private rooms for themselves.

Walking outside the buildings, Ritzy saw Arod holding a basin of water. (Elf Caroline's half-elf son)


"You're Arod if I'm not mistaken".

Arod jumped from the sound of Ritzy voice. Surprised, he turned to look behind him and saw Ritzy staring at him.


"Yes Lord Ritzy... Is there something wrong?".


"I'm going to the slave quarters to see Dexter and Lizzie, could you lead the way?".

Arod spoke nervously,

"Y-yes! Follow me".

Walking with Ritzy beside him, Arod would become embarrassed because the people they passed by would stare at them.


Slave 1,

"Those damn nobles. Look at him, making a child carry a basin of water that's too big for him".



"Pfft, look at that noble with his cheap slave".

Noble 2,

"I know, I've never seen a noble so cheap. Especially a blessed noble".



"Look at that damn elf, he should count his lucky stars that the noble lets him breath".


Walking a short distance, they arrived at a large building that's very similar to a warehouse. Going inside, Ritzy saw all the slaves sleeping on hay bills, dirt, or anything they could use.

They had no privacy and the only thing separating them was small wooden fences. It looked more as if it was a livestock barnyard

Following Arod, Ritzy was being stared at by all the slaves. They were wary and some even hid their women or children behind them. Trying to be protective.

Reaching the designated area for Ritzy's slaves, Caroline quickly helped her son carry the water.

"My strong boy, you didn't need to do this but you still volunteered. I'm so proud of you".

Arod smiled at his mother's words while she took the basin.


"Now go play with Scarlette, the grown-ups are gonna talk".



Arod leaving, Caroline tones changed,

"What do you want".

Ritzy didn't answer and walked passed her. Taking a few steps, he reached Dexter and Lizzie who were eating rations on the floor.


"Dexter, Lizzie... I'm going to the night district. Would you two join me?".


"No can do, I need to catch up with my beauty rest".


"I'll have to pass as well lord Ritzy, I don't know when we'll get another good night rest like this one".


"Understandable, I'll let you two rest then".

Walking away, Caroline was about to confront Ritzy for ignoring her but Ritzy walked around her and approached Scarlett who was playing with Arod. (Healer Elf Slave)


"Ms. Scarlett would you enjoy an evening stroll. I have some errands to run but after we could do whatever this city has to offer".

Before Scarlett could say anything, Caroline interrupted.

"Don't listen to him, he has something up his sleeve. Just reject him".

Scarlett became silent.


"Going into town, I'll need to use an alias so I can't have my knights with me. For helping me go undercover, I'll give you something in return".

Scarlett looked at Ritzy skeptically and Ritzy responded by looking directly into her eyes.

"I'll give you anything you wish that I'm able to give".

Scarlett started thinking for a few seconds while Caroline tried talking her out of it. Finally, a couple of seconds went by and Scarlett responded.

"Lead the way Lord Ritzy".

Caroline stomped the ground from anger and Arod tried to calm her down but it didn't do anything. Ritzy smiled and walked out of the warehouse while Scarlett followed.

Leaving the warehouse and inn area, they walked down the streets. The moonlight was bright and lit up the stone trail.


"So... you needed me for an alias?".


"Yes, I don't want anybody to know our movements so we'll be going under fake names while shopping for tomorrow's travels".


"That's understandable considering who we're transporting but why at night? Isn't everything closed except the sinful things?".


"Yes and no. We don't know if the Deriver family knows I'm working with Diana so I don't want the ship we buy be recorded by the city since it's controlled by the Deriver family. It's best we buy an illegal ship and the Deriver family won't be notified of our actions".


"Huh, makes sense but what part do I play? Am I your guard or what?".


"Your body doesn't look big enough for a guard and you being an elf means you need to be a slave or people will force you to be their slave and take you away. We'll just be a young up and coming noble who bought himself a pretty elf. It shouldn't be too hard since that's kinda our current situation".

"The only difference is that I'm Jack Rojas and you're Leela, normal elf".


"Sounds boring but okay".


"So... what is it that you want as payment".


"Well, the merchant guild took away my mana storage item when you bought me so I want a new one".


"Those are pretty expensive, no wonder you accepted no matter how much your friend told you not to".

Scarlett looked at Ritzy desperately,

"Can you afford it?".

Ritzy sighed from another hit at his wallet. Even though he had spare mana storage in his luggage, they were still worth selling for great amounts of cash.

"A deal is a deal".

Scarlett became joyous and her emotion got the best of her. Not caring that Ritzy was a human noble, she jumped on Ritzy and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you!".

Ritzy placed his hand in between her and him, then push Scarlett of him.

"Calm down, we're almost there".

Getting closer to the night district, more and more people could be seen on the street going the same way they were.

Finally, after walking some more, they reached the night district. Looking at the district, it was full of life. There were performers outside stores, lamps everywhere, brothels, and the alleyways leading to more shops.

The streets were crowded with people of all kinds. It was mostly contained different skin-colored humans but there was also an elf, dwarf, or giant seen here or there.