Desired Blessed Noble Guild Ally

Walking down the packed streets, Scarlett held onto Ritzy's shirt to stay close and not lose each other. As they walked, Ritzy was getting more curious about the area. Normally anything not human would be treated like trash but when he saw elves, dwarves, or any other species, people would avoid them and let them pass through.

Ritzy's thoughts,

'I might need another alias for her, her being a slave might make the elves in this area target me'.

Walking a bit more, Ritzy's mana sense picked up boxes with armor, clothes, weapons, and other wearable items being brought through a door that was in an alleyway.

Quickly, Ritzy took a left turn into the alleyway. Scarlett almost lost her grasp from Ritzy's shirt because of the sudden turn but Ritzy grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd and into the alleyway with him.


"Thank you".


"Stay close behind and follow my lead".

Turning around, Ritzy continued walking. Reaching the men holding the cargo he sensed before, Ritzy started sensing inside the building. Checking what was inside, Ritzy sensed many weapons and armor on display while a tall man counted coins.

Making sure it wasn't a private area but a store, Ritzy became relieved because they've been searching for a store that sold clothes for a while.

Going inside while Scarlett followed, the tall man behind a desk took a glance at Ritzy's eyes and became a bit shocked but when he saw Scarlett (Healing Elf). He became serious and left his position.

Approaching Scarlett, he bowed and spoke worriedly.

"Is there a problem with my payment? I made sure that I paid the right amount. The guild doesn't need to show me another lesson, I've already learned!".

Ritzy's thoughts,

'Good thing I didn't say she was a slave, the other species here seem to be part of a powerful guild'.

Scarlett wasn't sure what was happening and hasn't figured out why he was doing this so she turned to look at Ritzy for answers.

Ritzy didn't respond but instead pushed the clerk onto the ground and away from Scarlett. This caused both Scarlett and the clerk to become terrified.

Scarlett started thinking that she joined a maniac who was gonna get her killed while the clerk thought he did something wrong.

Ritzy spoke demeaningly,

"Do not bother miss Leela or it'll cost you next time".




"Good, know that you understand. Listen up".

The clerk gulped from fear and started listening intently. Making sure not to miss a word.


"We'll be going on a hunting trip, grab us some traveling clothes. For the armor, have light metal to protect the main parts and leather for the rest. Also, get two short swords with sheaths and one spear".


"Right away!".

The clerk then stood up and ran off while thinking.

'Oreilles Espèces is getting too powerful. I need to inform the group that the Oreilles Guild is going to work with a blessed person. Worse of all, he might not only be a blessed person but a blessed noble from the look of his clothes'

'Them already being supported by nobles was bad enough, but this is going too far'.

Once the clerk left their sight and went into the back storage, Scarlett whispered to Ritzy.

"What's happening! Why was he so respectful and I thought I was Leela the slave".

Ritzy whispered,

"If you haven't noticed, it seems all the non-human species here are part of a or couple different organizations. I'm not sure yet. Since we're undercover and we need to buy stuff, I think we'll pretend you're the boss and I'm the guard".

Ritzy decided to not mention that exposing her being his slave might put a target on his back since all the non-humans here were affiliated with a group. Meaning they have a strong supporter who most likely hates non-human or in this case elves being slaves.

A couple of minutes passed and the clerk was coming in and out of the back storage. Putting the things Ritzy asked for on the desk every time he came out.

Finally placing the last item on the desk, he turned to Ritzy.

"Is this enough or is there something else you want?".

Examining the items, Ritzy saw two sets of dark clothing with attached leather armor, light iron armor with adjustable leather straps, two short swords, a spear, two large backpacks filled with common hunting supplies, boots, two bows, and two quivers filled with arrows. (Arrow holster).


"This will do, but do you have somewhere to change. We going to be using this soon".


"Of course, use this room. I'll lock the entrance and I'll wait in the backroom".

The clerk quickly locked the entrance and then left to the back storage. Both alone, Ritzy starting changing in front of Scarlett.

Scarlet became embarrassed and turned away from Ritzy,

"Please tell me your changing so I can turn around".


"Just get ready, we'll be leaving tomorrow so I want to finish this quickly to enjoy our last night of a comfy stable bed for a while".


"Y-yes, of course".

She quickly grabbed the dark clothing set and started changing. While they both change, Scarlett would sneak glances at Ritzy. Mainly to make sure he wasn't looking at her but secondly for perverted reasons.

Ritzy, on the other hand, ignored her glances he picked up from his sense. Instead, he would use his Magic Presence to check on the clerk.


In the storage room, the clerk was talking to a chubby man using a hood to hide his identity.

"The Oreilles guild has become too powerful and we need to eliminate them".

Cloaked Man,

"Zerk, the Oreilles Guild is one of the city's most powerful guilds. It's normal that they get stronger over time but the rest of the guild will catch up and will end their tyranny. I know them ruling this city's territory is hard but those were the terms of our loss".

Clerk (Zerk),

"Yes but this time it's too powerful. We might even need help from the other guilds as well".

The cloaked man became concerned,

"Help from the other guilds? What can of power did they get? Could a Margrave have joined them?!".


"Worse, a blessed noble".

Cloaked man,

"How did they get the support of a blessed noble!?! The power they have is equal only to the best in this kingdom. Do you know what backing the blessed noble has? Is he a recognized warrior, does he have an army, or is he a friend of the Deriver family. If he's a friend of the Deriver family the guild will get way to much support and easily have more control of the night district and dark areas surrounding the city".


"The blessed noble is young so he shouldn't have too much power. I think what's happening is the blessed noble struck a deal with the Oreilles. In return for helping the guild, the guild will provide beautiful ladies and money for his expenses".

Cloaked noble,

"Hmm, that's possible. Even if the blessed noble has nothing to offer, he's automatically bringing their guild to a whole other level. They will have access to jobs from nobles, tax cuts, prestige, and they won't have to back down to other nobles of Margrave level or lower".


"Now that I think about it, before trying to get every guild to go against the Oreilles guild. We should try and convert the noble to our side".

Cloaked noble,

"I'll bring the guild leader right away".


"Wait, before you go. Bring beautiful girls, the young blessed noble scold me earlier for bothering his cute lady friend".