Twin Elves

Entering a private room, Ritzy was met with a lowly dimmed bedroom. The room had a small table in the middle with a lamp surrounded with dark red transparent paper. Making the room glow redder than usual instead of using only a candle.

On of the walls, was a king-size bed with no blankets and only one pillow. It was obvious to see this wasn't meant to be used for sleeping.

Sensing no one around, Ritzy decided to lay on the bed to think.

Ritzy's mind,

'A virgin... I've never taken someone's virginity before'.

Ritzy's never experienced poping someone's cherry. His first time was with a girl he met in the streets and fell in love with. But little did he know, she was just a drunk homeless preteen who would take whatever she wanted from him.

Even after working for the CIA and working as a spy or he had to act seductively towards others. All the people he's been with were experienced. It didn't matter if they were too young to already have experience or they were males coming out of the closet.

Ritzy's mind,

'There has always been this huge about taking people's virginity. From this world to my past, virgins are sold at a high price. Maybe I should take advantage and see what the big fuss is about'.

Two knocks could be heard from the door and then it opened. Coming inside was a light brown-skinned girl but this time she had different attire. She was wearing a robe made from soft gray cloth.

Noticing she arrived, Ritzy sat back straight up on the bed and saw her come to him slowly. She walked nervously with her hands intertwined and her eye's looking around the room. Not daring to make eye contact with Ritzy.

Even though she's been exposed to lewd acts and taught to work her hands on a man. She's still hasn't done the final deed. Knowing she would get a high price for her purity.

Standing in front of him, Ritzy examined every inch of her. This time not as another person in the room but someone he would have fun with.

Ritzy's mind,

'Let's see what's the big fuss about virgin girls'.


At the table in the auction area, Kyzer a power guild leader in Darya port city was glaring at Scarlet. The healing elf Ritzy bought.


"Don't play dumb with me, we both know he provides a great benefit to our guilds. So tell me what your guild offered Ritzy. If you do, I'll reward you generously. If you don't... well it's best I don't tell you".

Scarlett became silent, removing her gaze from Kyzer's eyes and looking down instead. Fearful for her life since she had no real or truthful answer.

Scarlett's mind,

'This can't be happening! What do I do!?! I can't tell him I'm just someone who tagged along with Ritzy. We already pretended I'm someone important and most importantly. If I blow my cover, Ritzy will most likely not give me the mana item I need'.

Kyzer examining Scarlett, he noticed she started to sweat. This made him smile internally and think. 'I have her right where I want her'.



Before she could say anything, a loud bang could be heard. Everyone turning to the origin of the sound to see what it was. They saw twin elves being escorted by a group of elves.

The two elves made a hand signal which made the other elves accompanying them line up on a nearby wall. This was an act to show they weren't here to cause trouble.

The two elves examined the room and saw Scarlet sitting with Kyzer. Seeing the rivaled guild leader talking with an elf, they knew they reached the right place.

Without hesitation, the elf twins went to Scarlet and Kyzer table and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. Facing away from the stage.

Scarlett wasn't sure what was happening and became terrified. But at the same time, she became curious when she examined the twin elves. She noticed they were both young adults with white gold hair but had distinct differences in their eyes. They were both blessed elves, one with blue eyes and the other with red eyes.

Kyzer spoke in a respectful way but his tone was filled with anger.

"Vice guild leader and guild leader of the Oreilles guild, what do I owe the pleasure of you two visiting my establishment".

Red eyes,

"Look, brother, guild leader Kyzer is still putting on his noble act even though it's a bought title. Of the cheapest titles no less".

Kyzer became enraged but kept acting as if the words didn't affect him at all.

The blue eye elf turned to look at Scarlet and noticed he didn't recognize her at all.

Blue eye elf thoughts,

'I've been too far away from our basic guild work that I can't even recognize my own people. Here she is, an up and comer who got an in with a blessed noble and I can't even remember who she is'.

Finishing his train of thought, he turned to Kyzer,

"We hear you invited a friend of ours and also one of our guild members. This was out of the ordinary so we wanted to make sure they were okay".


"Of course they are, now leave since you confirmed they're fine".

Red-eye elf,

"Don't be in such a hurry Kyzer, since we're already here. There shouldn't be a problem with enjoying ourselves here since it is an entertainment business".


"Sorry but we're about to close so you'll have to leave. I'm only allowing Ms. Scarlett to stay here since she's with our valued guest. You can see them on they're way out when the guest is finished with his business here".

Red-eye thoughts,

'You can't get rid of us that easily. We wouldn't believe your words for a second even if it was our only option. It's easy to tell you'll take them somewhere else as soon as possible'.

Scarlett listening to their conversation was panicking internally. Not sure what to do and begging the gods to bring Ritzy back as soon as possible.


"So guild leader Kyzer, when will our friend return?".


"He will be doing his own things as long as he likes, he's a valued customer so we wouldn't dare put a time limit".

In truth, there is a 1-hour time limit with the women but since he didn't want Ritzy to meet with the elf guild again, as he believes what happened.

While the red-eyed elf and Kyzer had their conversation, the blue-eyed elf move his seat closer to Scarlett and spoke in whispers to her.


"I'm very sorry but I don't know your name or recognize you. I'm regret not knowing you especially after getting our guild an in with the blessed noble".

Scarlett was panicking but she tried to keep her cool while whisper,

"I-its fine, I'm very new to the guild so I don't really know anybody else very well".

Blue-eye thoughts,

'No wonder this news came from someone who didn't know her as well. She was probably alone when she met the blessed noble and was unable to notify us. Good thing other elves saw her with him and realized what they had to do'.


"Well, you don't have to worry about being new and unknown anymore. After we get the blessed noble to join us, everyone in the guild and even the city will know who you are".

Scarlet's thoughts,

'This is getting way too out of hand!!!!'.

A door could be heard being open and Ritzy was seen coming into the room.

Everyone looking at Ritzy come in, Ritzy became wary and went on his guard. Walking casually to the table while in reality ready to pounce when needed, Ritzy examined the new people at the table.

The two elves were his fifteen and sixteenth blessed people he has seen in this world but the first twins that were blessed.

Taking one of the empty seats, he spoke while looking at Scarlett.

"So, what has happened in my absence".

Kyzer became saddened when he saw Ritzy arrive and started thinking,

'He's only been there for half an hour, what happened? Did my men take him out here since they probably thought that was what I wanted?'

Ritzy's mind,

'I'm never getting a virgin again. It was very exciting seeing her expression and reaction when she felt a man for the first time but after that, it was just trouble. She would feel pain with every thrust and suddenly finish herself. Not even bothering to help me reach my goal. 20 minutes in and she just passes out, now I need an outlet for this pent up energy'.

Scarlet spoke with a hint of desperation,

"Lord Ritzy, two important guests came here to greet you".

Without hesitation, the red-eye elf introduced himself,

"I'm Rouge and this is my brother Bleue, we're the guild leader and vice guild of the Oreilles guild. It's a pleasure to finally meet you".