Nobles Don't Lie

Without hesitation, the red-eye elf introduced himself,

"I'm Rouge and this is my brother Bleue, we're the guild leader and vice guild of the Oreilles guild. It's a pleasure to finally meet you".

Kyzer's thoughts,

'Wait, the guild leaders haven't met with Ritzy yet? This is great, now I have a greater chance of him siding with us'.


"The pleasure is all mine, now what can I do for you?'.

This time, the blue-eyed elf spoke,

"Right to the point, I like it but I think we should have this talk in private".


"You don't have to worry Bleue, I'm interested in getting involve as well so we should open the negotiations here".

Rouge, (Red eye elf)

"It doesn't matter if you present or not, you can't offer him what we can anyway".

Kyzer gave a hateful gaze to Rouge but then quickly hid it.

Rouge chuckled,

"Stop pretend you better than us just because you bought a title, I know you're angry".

As Kyzer was about to say something to Rouge, Ritzy spoke,

"Now, explain to me ... what both of you desire?".

Ritzy face gave a slight smile while his eyes glowed gold, making the possible deal with Ritzy seem dangerous.

A couple of seconds passed and Kyzer took the lead.

"Lord Ritzy, if you join us and support us with your name. The guild will gladly provide a home in the central district, a monthly payment of 20 silver, and provide two maids to clean or do as you wish. Plus you can replace the maids every three months".

Ritzy's mind,

'They really think I'm an idiotic horn dog. With my title alone they'll be dozen of gold coins more a month if they play their cards right. What they're offering me is not even 20% of what only my name can do'.

Just before Blueue gave another offer, Ritzy spoke menacingly,

"If you dare offer something as pitiful as Kyzer, I'll take it as these negotiations over".

Sligh killing intent was directed at everyone on the table, making them feel warry and shocked by a young noble able to make them cautious.


"So... what do you offer".

This time Rouge spoke,

"The house in the central area is a must so to include with it. I'll add 50 silver a month, the maids can be replaced every month, a barrel of wine every month, and our brothel women will be free for an hour every day".

Ritzy sighed,

'These idiots keep offering me crap. Even though I'm not gonna take it, at least they could've offered something tempting'.


"It seems non of you are being serious with these negotiations or probably don't even know my value. Whatever the reason is, how about we postpone negotiations for another time when you can investigate me. In the meantime, can either of you sell me or loan a ship off the books?".


"A ship?".


"I'm escorting one of the lower ranked noble children prodigies under my family's jurisdiction. As a favor to my father, I'm taking the child to Runa Char. But after my trip, I'm coming back here to do some business".

Runa Char is a school located in Giant territory but as well one of the few schools Ritzy has paid attention to. The reason for this is Savior didn't teach many lessons about enchantments and rune stones while Runa Char is the best school for enchantments and runestones in this world.

With the very few experiences, Ritzy has had with enchantments and runestone. Like the ring, he received for training and the one he gave to Jacky, plus the ones he saw during the war. Ritzy's interest in rune stones and enchantments only grew.


"What is this business you're coming back for?".


"Profit, that's why I'm listening to your offers".


"Since you're telling us we don't know your worth yet and recommended us to not give you an offer now, how about you tell us your worth instead?".

Ritzy hoped for them to offer a boat and he just leaves the next day but with Bleue's comment, now he had to give something much more definitive. It wouldn't be a simple buy and go.


"I'm responsible for ending the war at Selma City and saving two lives of the Renshi Guild".

Everyone on the table looked shocked at Ritzy and weren't sure what to say. Everyone here only knew that the war ended but not that Ritzy was the one who ended it. The only [erspm here who knew Ritzy had great power was Scarlett since she saw him challenge Princess Diana's authority and won.


"Like we would beli-".

Before Rouge could finish, Bleue placed his hand on Rouge's mouth and quickly whispered.

"Don't! Nobles risk everything if it's discovered they lie so no noble would dare lie. It's best we retreat, investigate him, and then give him an offer as Ritzy offered us before".

Rouge nodded and Bleue removed his hand.


"Lord Ritzy, the Oreilles guild will take your offer and do the negotiations when you return".


"The Vanille guild will also accept your offer, so... How about we end this meeting and resume when you return. In the meantime, I can take you to our docks and sell you a boat".


"Then we'll call this meeting to a pause".

Getting off his seat, Ritzy turned to Kyzer.

"Lead the way Guild leader Kyzer".

Bleue and Rouge wanted to intervene since they knew selling Ritzy the boat will bring more favor to them but they only had large and battle vessels. Since they mainly worked with transporting goods from human to elf territory. They never had small or personal traveling ships, unlike the Vanille guild which had no real focus on their trade.

Bidding their farewells, Ritzy walked with Kyzer out the building while Scarlett and Kyzer's assistant followed.

Traveling a short distance to the docks, they arrived at a large whare house that was connected to the ocean. The warehouse wasn't touching the water but it had stone docks extending into the ocean.


"Welcome to Vanille's reserved ships warehouse which we use for unusual and special tasks or sometimes sell boats".

Scarlett standing behind Ritzy spoke first.

"Isn't this place a bit dark, how can he buy a ship without properly seeing them".

Truthfully the warehouse was easy to be seen inside. The roof had skylights and one of the walls was removed so the moon's light easily lit up the place. The only place that wasn't visible would be inside the ships but Kyzer was already holding a lamp to be used when they inspected inside.

The only reason Scarlett made this remark was that she felt unsafe in a low lighted area.

Kyzer's mind,

'Why did this damn harlot tag along. She should feel lucky I even allowed her even though she from a rival guild. Worst of all, she's complaining about stupid things'.


"Of course, I'll get some light right away".

Kyzer turned to his assistant and whispered some words. She proceeded to walk off to the front of the warehouse where the guards were located. She then said some words which made the guards leave their post. The assistant then walked back to the group while the guards went inside the warehouse as well but went into a private room.

A couple of seconds passed and they came out of the room with lamps and placed them all over the whare house. Lighting each one, one at a time.

Finally, with all the lamps lit, Kyzer turned to Scarlett menacingly.

"Will this do?".