Magic Gauntlets

The morning chirps of the birds outside could be heard in Ritzy's room. His room was located on the second floor of the main building, with the window facing the beach. The room consisted of one large bedroom with a longer than usual window and a bathroom.

Sunlight pouring through the window, Ritzy's felt the sun's heat on his face. Slowly waking up, he felt some weight on his left arm.

Looking at his arm, Ritzy noticed Scarlett holding his arm dearly. With his arm intertwined between her bosom.

Acting carefully, he gently pulled his arm out of her grasp. With his arm free, he headed into the bathroom.


Standing in the middle of the room, Ritzy was wearing his black pants embedded chainmail, white shirt embedded chainmail, heavy brown boots, rapier holstered on his waist, and two small bags. One with 10 gold coins and another with a mana storage box he took out of his luggage.

Finally ready, RItzy left the room with Scarlett sleeping in his bed.

On the first floor, Ritzy went to the front desk.

"Do you know where I can go to buy magic items?".


"There are two main places, the Darya city auction which will be held next week and the second place is Rosalia's Novelty's. Rosalia's Novelty's only allows esteemed guests to come in their store so you'll need to bring your noble badge or proof of your value.".

Ritzy placed a copper coin on the desk,

"Thank you".


A carriage arrived at a three-story building. Stoping, Alter jumped off the carriage and opened the carriage door. Coming outside, Ritzy ordered Alter to pay the coachmen for his service.

With the coachmen paid, Alter returned to Ritzy's side, and then they both entered the building. Inside, they were standing in a black carpet room with brown wooden walls and red drapes decorating the room.

Quickly, a female clerk appeared and approached Ritzy.

"Lord Ritzy, we've heard of your arrival in the city. It's a pleasure to have you-".

Before she could finish, an eloquently dressed elder stood in front of her and gave a slight bow.

"It brings me joy to finally meet you Lord Ritzy, my name is Nark Lectern. Owner of Rosalia's Novelity's which is named after my dear wife".

Ritzy returned the bow,

"It's always delightful to make new friends, especially ones who still value dedicating their work to their love".


"Ahh yes, I am a sucker for love. Especially when it relates to my official wife Rosalina. But sometimes, I feel like I pamper her too much... Here's some advice from your senior, don't marry because they're good in bed. That how I got a horrible wife who's fat now".

Ritzy gave a fake smile,

"Thank you for the advice, I'll heed your words".


"Now, how may I help you today".


"I wanted to see if you have any unique magic items that could prove useful for my sea travels. But if there something that catches my eye, I might buy it as well".


"Right this way young lord, our special and most desired items are on the third floor".

Nark then led Ritzy and Alter past the security door and into the first-floor showroom. The room had a variety of magic rings and mana trinkets.


"This room contains some of our more basic items. The rings here are mostly for emergency uses like temporary shields or instant attacks. There are also rings for training but I don't think you'll be interested in those".

Nark looking at Ritzy, he noticed Ritzy showed no care for the items so he led them to the stairs and up to the third floor.

Inside the room, there was two racks encased in glass with runes on the left and right side of the room. In the middle were nine different pedestals also encased in glass with magic runes.

Nark then led them to the first magic rack.

"These are some of our most prized weapons and armor".

Inside the encased rack were two sets of armor and three weapons. One armor was full plated knight armor with gold runes. It had a gold color rune stone the size of a fist on its chest. The second armor set was a green heavy armor set. This set had runes covering the plates as well but this time it had two rune stones on the knee region. The two stones were each half a fist big.

The weapons in the rack were echanted weapons with runestones in their hilts. It was one hammer that had a brown runestone, signifying it used mineral magic. The second one was an ax with a blue runestone making it work with water magic, and the last one was a short sword with a white runestone. Signifying it used wind magic.


"I'm not really interested in weapons right now. I'm looking mainly for something that can help me out at sea".


"I understand. Since we'll be skipping those, we'll go directly to the pedestal items".

Reaching the first pedestal, Ritzy saw bronze guantlets with runes but no runestone.


"These are holy magic guantlets, they amplify the holy magic by thirty percent".

Holy magic is a unique kind of mana adaptation. It contains healing properties, curse removal ability, and damage greatly dark, undead, and demonic beings. What makes the magic unique though is it's unconstant color. It adopts colors of the other magic categories which person is most aligned to. So if the holy magic they use is red, it means their alignment is with fire magic. No one truly knows the color of pure holy magic but its believed it's a light color since the lighter one's holy magic is. The more effective the holy magic gets.


"No, what else can you offer".

Ritzy skipped this because for some reason, he couldn't get the grasp of holy magic. Savior knew intermediate level magic, but even with his teachings and collection of books from other kingdoms. Ritzy was unable to make any holy magic.