Keeping Only 5 Platinum Coins

Ritzy became very dissatisfied with the collection he was shown. They were all defense and offense related, not one of them showed any usefulness for his voyage.


"Is there anything else, I'm not looking for battle equipment".

Nark became depressed because this was his best room and they were all only used for combat.

"I'm sorry Lord Ritzy, I don't have anything like that".

Ritzy sighed,

"I came here to change this for something useful but it seems it'll only end up being a gift".

Pulling out the mana storage box, Alter and Nark were shocked still.


"It's an extravagant gift, it could even be used for a dowry on a Marquess's daughter... But since you're a marquess's child, you'll most likely only give this to a Duke's family or higher. How about I take it off your hands for eight platinum coins".

"You can easily buy a better gift when needed since you'll eventually reach the Marquess level. Also, since your new to nobility, money could really help you right now. So, how about it, will you let me buy it off you?".

Ritzy's face showed hesitation and slowly said,

"You're right, selling it to you is much more beneficial".

Smiling at the clerk, Ritzy handed the magic item to him.


"I'll bring the coins in a few moments. In the meantime, I invite you to browse our display items again just in case you decided to reconsider".

Ritzy nodded but did not respond.


Nark returning with the coins, he saw Ritzy looking at his most prized sword. The weapon was a replica of a famous swordsman known for his swords skills and the potential of his unique weapon. It's said his weapon which he categorized as a katana, could cut many weapons with a single swing.

There also many stories where he valued timing and dexterity. It said his battles mostly partook in the warrior dodging and waiting for the opportune moment to deal a single winning strike.

Nark quickly walked up to Ritzy and spoke heartedly,

"This is a replica of Prince Renigade's sword. Supposubly he named the sword after his preferred name, Sato".

Ritzy's thoughts,

'So it's possible there are more people from my own world here'.

Nark saw that Ritzy's eyes didn't stop gazing at the sword so he started bragging.

"Even though it's a replica, it still an enchanted weapon and uses the unique design which Prince Renigade used. This sword, in particular, has been used before and was able to cut two basic swords in one swing".

Ritzy turned and looked at the bag of coins in Nark's hand,

"Are those my coins?".



Ritzy took the coins and said,

"Oh wait, do you have any lower grade mana storage boxes. I have to buy one for a child that's recently learning".


"Oh, is there a new child in the Reds family?".


"No, it's for something private".


"I understand, since that the case lets head for the second floor".

Entering the second floor, they went inside a large room with shelves. The shelves had a wooden glass repeating the outside with the time. But unlike the glass above, this one had much fewer runes and didn't seem as sturdy.


"The cheapest ones we have are right here".

Seeing where Nark was pointing, Ritzy saw a row of mana storage boxes. They were all made from a gray metal which seemed hard to color. Probably signifying they used the most unwanted acceptable materials for mana items. Making it really cheap.


"These are basic mana storage boxes which are made primarily for young aspiring magicians. These only cost two platinum coins because of how unfashionable they are. The metal is very difficult to use for designs and only can keep a certain amount of mana. If it's any more, it could potentially break and be unusable, so if you do buy it you must be careful".


"Thank you for the word of caution and yes, I will take it".

Handing Nark two platinum coins, Nark placed his hand on the glass protecting the mana items. Inserting mana into the glass, the runes started glowing a dark red which Ritzy couldn't recognize what fire specialty it was.

A second passed by and a click was heard. Hearing the click, Nark then moved his hand away. Removing his hand caused the door to pull open like a door.

Nark grabbed one of the mana items and then went to a small room connected to this floor. A few seconds passed and he came out with a velvet bag with a white rope that seemed to shine.

Handing the bag to Ritzy, Nark spoke,

"Is there anything else I can help you with Lord Ritzy".


"No, I'm good for now. Now I must go, I have many things to do before noon".


"Then I will no longer intrude, I bid you a good day".


Returning back to the inn, Ritzy ordered Alter to ready the knights while he notified the Princess it's time to go. Ritzy also told him that they would meet up at the Vanille docks but to keep send two knights here to help escort the Princess.

Entering the inn, Ritzy told the front desk to send a message to room 3b which was the Princess's room. Telling to notify her that Lord Ritzy wanted her to meet up at noon at the Vanille docks. Ritzy then told the front desk to send two breakfasts of vegetarian dishes and fruits.

Ritzy asked for vegetarian dishes because he had read multiple books of how the majority of elves were vegetarian.

Finished with what he needed to be done, Ritzy went back to his room. Going inside, he saw Scarlett still sleeping on the bed. Snoring loudly as one could.