Vanille Docks

Scarlett sleeping on his bed, she had a blanket covering her lower body and half of her chest. Since she was nude from last night's events, her left breast was in full exposure. This view and combination of her snoring made very a unexpected scene.

Standing next to the bed, Ritzy placed the mana item on the nightstand next to the bed. After placing the bag with the mana storage box inside, Ritzy went to the window of the room.

The room had a small wooden table with two chairs next to the window. Taking one of the chairs, Ritzy look outside and started thinking about holy magic. Ritzy was currently struggling because Savior told him holy magic was related to goodwill, pure hearts, warm feelings, and love of gods.

This extremely stumped Ritzy since it made no sense. These were all meaningless words that gave no hint to its true way of use. Unlike the other magic categories, RItzy's previous world knowledge did not help him at all.

Thinking, Scarlett was slowly waking up. Puling herself to sit with her back straight up on the bed. Her bossom was in full display, the blanket that was slightly cover her was now only covering her legs.

Stretching her arms up in the air, she opened her eyes and looked around the room. Seeing RItzy siting next to the window, she realized where she was.

Becoming aware of her situation and remembering last night, Scarlett quickly grabbed the blanket and covered herself.

Giving a croked nervous smile, she spoke,

"Um Lor-... Ritzy. G-good morning".

Ritzy turned to look at her and gave his basic pleasentry smile.

"Good morning, hope you slept well".

Getting out of his chair, he walked next to her and grabbed the purple bag. Handing the bag to Scarlet, he said.

"A deal is a deal".


Nearing noon, Ritzy and Scarlett arrived at the Vanille docks by carriage. Exiting the carriage, the coachmen gave a slight look of disgust while Ritzy helped her out the chariot.

Ritzy didn't care about the sense of disgust but he did make a mental note. Mostly because of last night's possible aimed attack at him and Scarlett. Ritzy was now supicous of people targeting him.

Paying the coachmen, Ritzy walked with Scarlet onto the docks. Sensing around, he noticed the Princess and his knights lounging around a rest area. It was connected to the docks and had a small stand with many chairs and tables to laze around or rest.

Scarlet and Ritzy walked up to the resting area and then Alter plus Caroline quickly noticed them. Seeing them the last to arrive and together, they minds started going rampat with what they could've been doing.

Alter, taking the first move. He approached Ritzy and gave a bow.

"Lord Ritzy, the people from Vanille have arrived. They said the ship is almost ready and they're only double checking. They should be done by now".


"Lead the way then".

As Ritzy followed behind Alter to their ship, Caroline quickly confronted Scarlett and everyone around could hear Caroline's angered voice.

Reaching the ship, Ritzy saw various man handling the ship. One was fastening rope, another looking at the metal pieces which held tethers to the ground, and other things Ritzy wasn't sure what it was.

One man that was standing around, looking like a supervisor noticed Ritzy and Alter. Recognizing Alter, he quickly approached the two but as he walked closer. He noticed Ritzy eyes were not yellow but a glowing gold.

Instantly he realized when the guild leader told them their client was very important. He understood that it was the city's noble guest everyone was talking about. The blessed noble who's rumored to be looking for a business to run here.

The supervisor approached Ritzy and gave a slight bow,

"You must be young lord Ritzy".


"May I know who you are?".

The supervisor dropped his formal tone to impress and started talking normally uncouisly,

"Where-as my manners, my name is Nort Lerkerson but most people call me Captain Shills".

Alter was internally disgusted while thinking,

'The people of this city have no class or proper basic etiquette at least. Everyone I meet either talks like this or I'm unable to understand them at all'.

Captain Shills was talking Darya City's original accent. The people Ritzy met before were all high class people or workers who served visitors so they naturally used a more professional accent.


"Well Captain Shills, please give me introduce to everyone here and their jobs".

Captain Shills,

"aaah cour'f'se, right this way' yang' lord".

Captain Shills continued to introduce everybody. The crew Ritzy was given consisted of eight men and 2 women. One woman and male were navigators, another women was meant to be Ritzy's personal attended, two men were in assigned to crows nest to scan the area around them, Shills was the captain, two worked as cooks/ maitnence, and the last few men were placed as miscelanious. These men were in charge of moving the sails, cleaning, handling the canons, and any other miscelanious tasks.

Finished meeting everyone, Captain Shills them to the lower part of the ship and showed them their stock.

Captain Shills,

"These 'ahr' the items that will last us for about'a' two months just incase of worst case scenario".

Shills then pointed to a couple metal plate resting on this side of the storage area.

"Those 'ahr' the plates Guild leader told me to bring... 'Ahr' you sure you don't want to remove the metal plates?".


"I actually want you to do something right now with them".