Time seemed to pass quite quickly after we both smoked a joint. I don't know if that was the effect of the weed or just how much fun we were having. Probably a bit of both really.
Maybe it was just because I only had the one joint, but I didn't feel that out of it at all. I did feel high for a time, but that faded away eventually. Arthur, however, was still feeling the effects, when we were interrupted.
Time really had passed quite quickly, because to my surprise, Tayla walked in the door. She'd said evening, so I didn't know exactly when she was coming, but I thought it was only about four, which seemed an hour too early at the least. She was followed in by someone else, who I would've rather not seen.
The person who follows Tayla in through the front door, is a friend of hers called Elis. Me and Elis do not get along that well. I don't think I did anything wrong, but I get the impression that she dislikes me.
Tayla told me that Elis thinks I'm a bad influence on her. I guess I can kind of see where I'm coming from.
The life that I'm living surely can't be considered a good influence on anyone. It isn't exactly an admirable or inspirational lifestyle. But still, I don't think that that's any reason to dislike me. I feel like she's judging the book by its' cover a bit too much, so to speak.
I suppose I feel like I haven't been given a fair chance by her. Which is why she is the worst possible person that could've walked in at this moment. Whilst both of us have finished smoking, there's still the suspicious brown bag, and even though I've acclimated to it, I imagine the whole house smells like marijuana right now. None of which, I'm sure, will have improved the image that Elis has of me.
Yeah, just looking at her face right now, I can tell it hasn't. Elis' face is showing something between disgust and contempt, which is most definitely directed at me.
"Alexander… what is this?"
I find Tayla's question kind of hard to answer. Even if I just tell the truth, it'll sound really bad, won't it?
"O… oh… I uh… we were smoking… umm… marijuana."
"Huh…" Tayla looks a little perplexed. She then turns her attention towards Arthur.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Arthur, Arthur Davies," he said, jumping to his feet, he reached across the table to shake her hand, which was inappropriately formal for the current situation, "you must be Tayla, right?"
Maybe he never thought she wasn't real, after all.
"Yes, I'm Tayla Faust," she didn't shake his extended hand, "Arthur… uh, right, I've heard a bit about you from Alexander."
"I see. I've heard a bit about you too," Arthur said, with a light laugh in his voice.
Their conversation is a bit stuttered and awkward, but I guess that only a given, the situation being what it is.
Elis sighed from still in the doorway, "I'm going home. See you, Tayla."
"Oh, wait!"
"What is it?"
"No… never mind."
With Elis gone, Tayla turns back to the two of us.
"Sorry," I apologise.
"What are you apologising for?"
"This…" I spread my hand pointing at the area between me and Arthur, "I swear I only had one joint."
"It's true, he only had one. I'm sorry, I talked him into it."
"Huh? I'm not mad or anything," Tayla responded to our apologetic words, "I'm just a bit surprised. I didn't think you smoked weed, or anything like that."
"No, I don't… but, I just had the opportunity, and I wanted to try it."
"Hmm… well, that's fine. It doesn't matter or anything. Just… well, it shouldn't be a problem."
"What shouldn't be a problem?"
"Well, we're going out. It'll be fine, just have a shower first."
"Oh, didn't I tell you? My parents said that they wanted to have dinner with you."
"I'm sure I told you."
"You never told me anything like that at all!"
I'd almost forgotten that Arthur was here, when he chimed in.
"Well, if you two are going, then I guess I should head off too, but first I'd like to talk to Alexander for a second."
"Okay, then come down the hall with me for a second," I say to Alexander, before turning to Tayla, "… and then I'll have a shower before we leave."
With that, me and Arthur headed out of the lounge, and down the hallway, coming to a stop outside the bathroom.
"I can't believe you!"
"Huh?" I don't know what Arthur is talking about, in the slightest.
"It's impossible that you… that you…"
"What are you talking about?"
"How can you have such a cute girlfriend? This can't be possible. It's a dream, right?"
"Wait a minute…"
"… even if you hadn't made Tayla up, I didn't expect her to be so cute, I can't believe you."
"What's wrong with you?"
"Shut up! And here I was feeling sorry for you, because I thought you were delusional… I can't believe it. Give me back all the concern I felt for you."
"Well, I can't exactly give it back, and… why are you so upset anyway? Stop complaining, and go get yourself a girlfriend, if you're going to act in that way."
"Damn you," Arthur replies, "that's easier said than done, Casanova."
"I'm definitely not a Casanova, but whatever. If that's all you wanted to say, go home. Stop joking with me."
"I can't believe you're not taking my troubles seriously!"