Family Story - 003

By the time I got out of the shower, Arthur had left. I hadn't expected him to stay, he did say he would be going soon after all.

Tayla was waiting for me in the lounge. I'd changed clothes as well. I don't have many clothes, no smart ones among the ones I do have, but I chose to wear the slightly smarter clothes. Jeans rather than trackpants, and a buttoned flannel shirt, though my sneakers remain my only choice for shoes.

"So, we're having dinner out with your parents?"

"Yes. Well, not out. At my place."

"I see. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

She insisted earlier when I asked that she had in fact told me, but I could tell from her tone that that wasn't true. I hadn't pressed her because Arthur had been there, but I had to ask now.

"I thought you'd say no if I gave you time to think about it."

"What? Don't look at me like that."

"Why would I say no?"

"I don't know, I guess I just thought you wouldn't be interested in meeting my parents, or you might find it awkward because of your situation."

I see. Tayla was just thinking about how I'd feel. Being considerate.

I had been wondering what the reason could be, for her deciding not to tell me beforehand. I mean, she made it almost impossible for me to say no. Her parents would think that I'm a horrible boyfriend if I said no at this point, and I can't have them thinking that way about me.

"Of course, I wouldn't do that, idiot. And I already met your mother, after all. There's nothing for me to be nervous about."


"Well, truthfully I am still quite nervous, but that's besides the point. There's no way I would've said no to you, for something like this."

"That's good to hear. Thank you," Tayla smiled, "I'm relieved, I thought you might even be a little angry."

"Of course not. I guess I'm a little disappointed that you thought I wouldn't want to meet your parents, but I can understand it."

It makes sense that Tayla thought I wouldn't want to. From what I understand, her and her family are quite close. It must've broken Tayla's heart when she felt like she couldn't tell them what had nearly happened to her, because of those thugs from the Mother's Order.

That's how I met her mother as well. It fell to me, or rather I took it upon myself, to tell her parents what had happened, because I understood that her parents wouldn't sit idly by. It would've been better if Tayla had been able to tell them herself, but I guess a lot of things might not have happened if she did.

Maybe we wouldn't have started going out.

Perhaps we may have never even seen each other again.

I wouldn't have gotten the chance to fall in love with this incredible girl.

Isn't it strange how life is full of twists and coincidences like that?

I guess it just goes to show that there really isn't such a thing as fate. No single path that we can take, a string connecting our life from birth to death. Nothing like that is real, which is why life is so difficult.


"What are we waiting for? Let's go already."


The two of us made our way towards Tayla's place. It's within walking distance, only about ten minutes. We'll be arriving there just after six. The two of us make our way, hand in hand. Since it's summer now, it's still quite bright out. The sun probably won't set until about nine.

"I'm sorry about Elis."

"Hmm? Oh…"

Elis, her friend that arrived at my place just before with her. As I already stated, the two of us don't really get along. Neither did anything specific, but we just have a mutual dislike for each other.

"… you don't need to apologise, it's not like it's your fault."

"I mean it kind of is. She's just overly protective of me. We've been friends for a long time, and there's a lot I can't tell her about you, so she's suspicious."

I see. Elis doesn't know about how I came to Christchurch, who my parents, or anything about my past. True, that must make me quite a suspicious person from her point of view. And I must really seem like a complete failure at life, living on my own like I have been, at the age of sixteen.

"If anything, that's my fault then, isn't it? That you can't tell her anything about me?"

"I don't think I can blame you for that. It only makes sense not to tell anyone about your past."

"I wish I could get her to like me. I mean, she's your best friend, after all, it would make my life a lot easier if we didn't dislike each other."

"Yeah, it would be good for me too if the two of you could get along. It feels like I'm having to choose between the two of you all the time."

"Sorry about that."

"Well, I don't think it's your fault, or Elis' either. It's just how things worked out, because of the situation we all happen to be in."

"I see."

Yeah, she's probably right about that. I don't think Elis dislikes me because of the person I am, she just doesn't like my way of life, and thinks that I'm negatively influencing Tayla.

"Today can't have helped you though."


Elis had looked somewhat disgusted when her and Tayla walked in on me and Arthur smoking. Well, I wasn't smoking, but I had been before they showed up.

"By the way," I said, changing the topic, "… Saturday is Christmas Eve, right?"

"Yeah it is, now that you mention it."

"Are you still going to come over, or are you having family over?"

"Hmm…," Tayla smiles, "I don't actually know. Guess I'll have to ask at dinner tonight."

"I see…"

To tell you the truth, even though Christmas is just five days away, I haven't actually got Tayla a present yet. I just can't think of anything good. Part of that is that I don't have the time to think about it. I'm working forty hours a week, and most days I'm too tired to think about anything when I get home. I just microwave frozen pizza, or whatever else I have, and then go straight to sleep. I'm far too exhausted to do anything beyond that.

I was hoping that either I'd have a present to give her on Christmas Eve, the last time I'll see her before Christmas, or that we could spend the day shopping together, and I would buy some presents for her. That probably won't be possibly, however, if her family's doing something on Christmas Eve.

She's already told me that they're going to be away over New Year's, continuing into January, maybe even for three weeks. It almost makes me depressed hearing that she's going to be away for that long.