Final Story - 004

After my conversation with Kayla, I left her to finish packing. That's when I went to go see Tayla, and I told her about my time on the moon with my father. What he'd said to me, and what I'd vowed that I would do. But you already heard all of that.

I think she's forgiven me now. It feels like we're back to our easy ways.

Or at least, it did for a second. Until I called Kayla, and heard Kiss Duskdancer's voice on the other end. What does that woman want? Where has she taken Kayla? She said that I had until midnight to find them, and stop her. Or otherwise Kayla's services would be required. Whatever that's supposed to mean.

Me and Tayla couldn't work anything out. It seemed impossible. We had no clue what we were looking for. Was there something in what Kiss Duskdancer said that could help us work it out?

Tayla's parents both arrived home shortly after six. Though they worked in completely different areas of the city, the Faust household only had one car. Devon, who worked longer into the afternoon, would drop Krista off in the morning and then pick her up in the afternoon.

I considered asking them for advice about the situation with Kiss and Kayla, but I decided against that. I already know how that would go, after all. True, they were previously members of the Mother's Order, and so they might have some insight into where Kiss Duskdancer might be, but if I tell them about what's happening, I'm sure they'll contact the police.

And that's the one thing Kiss said not to do.

Tayla seems to have come to the same conclusion that I did, because she doesn't say anything either. Or perhaps she just wants to protect her family.

"Alexander?" Krista exclaimed upon seeing me, "when did you get back?"

"Earlier today. Hadn't you heard?"

But of course, they hadn't. Tayla had explained to me how she'd kept my return a secret because she originally planned to keep me away until Kayla left. Therefore, she wouldn't have told her parents. I realised this as the words left my mouth, but it was too late to take them back.

"No, I didn't hear," Krista looked quizzically in Kayla's direction.

"I forgot to say this morning. Sorry, I was a little stressed."


Krista doesn't seem entirely convinced.

"Did you get to see Kayla?" Devon spoke up, "she must be on her flight by now."

"Yeah, I did see her. Thanks for looking after her."

"No, it was nothing," Krista smiled, "she was a really nice girl."

I don't know about her being 'nice', but I'm sure she played that part for them.

"Sorry, we could've gone out for dinner if I knew you were coming back today," Krista fretted, "but you'll have to put up with my cooking."

"I wouldn't call it putting up with – I've been looking forward to this for a whole month."

"Hah, you can't lie to me that easily," Krista laughed off my flattery.

By the way, if you were wondering, Krista's cooking is fantastic. She's just being modest. Her daughter, who's probably only half as a good a cook, however, is incredibly confident in her abilities. Don't tell either of them I said that.

As if she's reading my thoughts, Tayla elbows me in the ribs. Not hard, just enough to get my attention. She nods with her head and points with her eyes to tell me that she wants to go upstairs to her bedroom.

Once we're up there and the door's shut behind us, she says exactly what I'm thinking.

"We can't involve my parents with this."

"I know. We have to work this out for ourselves."

"And we can't stay here for dinner."

"Why not?"

Tayla looks confused, "won't it be strange if we have to leave halfway through dinner? We're in the middle of this situation that Kiss Duskdancer created. I don't want there to be any chance that my parents get involved whatsoever."

"It'll be fine," I assure Tayla, "if we just act normally, I'm sure they won't notice that anything's off. And besides, I'm basically dead weight at the moment. I haven't eaten since yesterday: I'm not going to be of any help no matter how things turn out."

"I guess, but… I'm just worried."

She didn't look entirely convinced.

"I know, Tayla. But there's nothing we can do at the moment, anyway. Until we work out where Kiss and Kayla are, we might as well stay here. There's no sense in running around looking for them. They could be anywhere."

Krista's food was great as usual. I almost choked from how fast I ate. I hadn't really realised just how hungry I was. Going without food for a whole day might not have been a problem a month ago, but despite everything, I'd eaten quite well during my time on the moon. Well, better than I had been anyway.

After dinner, Devon asked if we could speak outside. I wanted to get back to Tayla so that we could get back to finding Kiss and Kayla, but he was insistent. I was curious about what he wanted. Had he worked out that me and Tayla were up to something?

We went up the stairs to the balcony. I think that I spoke up here with him once before. It was at Christmas time if I remember correctly. Just after the last time I saw Kiss Duskdancer. When me and AJ tried to stop a drug dealer, who turned out to be Ray Starcrawler, and then she saved the two of us.

I then spent Christmas dinner, maybe it was only one or two days afterward, with Tayla's family. And that was the last time that the two of us spoke up here on the balcony.

Devon lit his cigarette, putting both the pack and lighter back into his pockets, and drawing before he says a single word. Still not saying a thing, he brought the cigarette to his lips, and took a long draw from it, inhaling deeply. When he breathed out, the smoke filled the air around us.

The long period of time that he's taking before speaking, unnerves me. Just what is he going to say? I hadn't really thought that this was going to be that serious a conversation, but now it seems like Devon really has something to say.

"Of course, it's serious. This is the final story, after all."


"Nothing," Devon replied, "just talking to myself."

I didn't hear him clearly, but somehow, I get the feeling he said something that I'd expect to hear from Tayla. Like father, like daughter, I guess.