Final Story - 005

Devon lit his cigarette, putting both the pack and lighter back into his pockets, and taking a drag before he says a single word. Still not saying a thing, he brought the cigarette to his lips, and took a long draw from it, inhaling deeply. When he breathed out, the smoke filled the air around us. He grabbed the ashtray, which is left on a small table up here on the balcony, and sat it on the railing.

The long period of time that he's taking before speaking, unnerves me. Just what is he going to say? I hadn't really thought that this was going to be that serious a conversation, but now it seems like Devon really has something to say.

"I'm really glad that you're back, Alexander."


"I don't know if she'd really admit to you, but Tayla was really struggling without you here."

"I know it must've been hard for her."

"No, I don't think you do get it," Devon took another puff, "she was distraught, depressed even. Tayla was worried that you weren't going to come back. That you'd choose your father over her."

I'd already heard a lot of this from Tayla, but having Devon repeat it, cemented into my mind what it must've been like for her. If he, her father, had become so involved in this himself, she must've been visibly upset. Well, he did say that, didn't he? That she'd been depressed. So, it must've been worse than Tayla had been letting on. That she had really been worried that I wouldn't come back. Perhaps even before Kayla showed up. Though Kayla can't have made it any better.

From Tayla's perspective, she must've seemed like the human embodiment of everything that was driving me away from her. And that must've been worse for her and harder to deal with, than just the simple fact of me not being there.

"Promise me, Alexander," Devon continued, "that you're not going to hurt Tayla again."

"I promise. I-"


Any attempt to explain myself, would just be an excuse. Yes, Kayla showing up was out of my control, and yes, I didn't think Tayla would fall into such a downward spiral without me here, but that doesn't matter. Because I was the one who chose to leave this place, and go to the moon.

"I understand."

That's what I end up saying.

"Good," Devon smiles, "I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt her, but you did. And I would hate for you to do that again. Especially if you end up getting married."

I cough, "sorry?"

"What, you didn't think I knew you two had talked about it?"

"No… I didn't know."

Me and Tayla had talked about marrying, but we were only half serious. I mean, we're only sixteen. It'll be another two years before we even could get married. And, if we're still together that far down the line, it probably would be worth talking about seriously.

"Tayla tells Krista everything, and Krista tells me most things."

"I see…"

"Are you saying," I start, "that you would be okay with that?"

Devon takes another long drag.

"Well, it's not like if you two wanted to get married it would be my place to stop you. She's not going to be my little girl forever, after all. But as her father, and a much more experienced human being, let me give you a little advice:

I'm sure you'd make her happy, and it's obvious to everyone how you two feel about each other. But, you're still young. You'll change as a person, and so will Tayla. I know that the two of you will feel like today means everything, but you won't be the same person in two years that you are now. I'm just saying, take your time."

"Right… thanks."

"You don't need to say thanks. I'm sure you think that I'm just some old man running his mouth, and maybe that's true. But, if you're going to remember any of this, the important part is don't hurt her again."

"I won't. I promise, sir."

Devon laughed, "since when have you called me sir?"

"Since we started talking about serious matters."

"Are you saying that I'm never serious."

"I would never say that, sir."

Devon chuckled again. He took one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray.

"There was something else I wanted to ask you about."

"Yes, what is it?"

Devon put the ashtray back on the small table where it resides most of the time.

"Is there something going on at the moment? I noticed at dinner that both you and Tayla seemed distracted."

I can't tell him. Not only did Tayla forbid me from telling her parents what's going on, I'm certain that Devon would get the police involved. And I don't know what Kiss will do if we involve the police. She said not to, but not what she would do if we did. Though I hate to think. Kiss Duskdancer seems like the kind of person, who's capable of doing horrible things.

After all, I still wonder sometimes, what she ended up doing with Ray Starcrawler.

I hate doing this, because I respect him, but I don't have any choice but to lie to Devon.

"No, th-"

Wait. Do I really have no choice but to lie?

How does that make me any different from my father?

I get that my father's lies and machinations are of a much greater magnitude than this, but that shouldn't make a difference. What's the point of trying to stop my father if I'm the same as him?

When I first came here from Wellington, didn't I make a promise to myself? Wasn't there a reason I felt like I had to leave everything I knew behind?

I told myself, that I wanted to be proud of who I was as a person. That I wanted to be kind and honest to others. Wasn't that the reason I came here? The reason that I felt like I couldn't stay in that house with my relatives anymore.

How long has it been since I last said that? When did I forget why I was here? The reason for all of this?