Life Support

"Sis, wake up!" Scott yelled. "Come on!"

He pulled me off the couch and into the waiting room. I didn't see Mom in the room as we left.

"Where's Mom?" I asked after we sat down.

"She had to be taken back." He explained. He pulled me in for a hug. "She might not make it. Zach will be here after school."

I just stared at his chest and cried as I tried to gather that Mom was dying. I'd lost Amiya and now I was losing Mom. I didn't want to know if I was going to lose Scott next.

Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, Scott kissed my head and whispered that I wouldn't lose him. I cried even harder when he said that.

Around four p.m. is when Zach showed up. Mom was back in her room, unconscious, and on life support. I wasn't allowed to go back and Zach stayed in the waiting room with me for Scott to get back.

They finally called it around seven that she wasn't going to come out of it. They pulled the plug after Scott and I said goodbye. I didn't want to leave her room, but Scott pulled me with him.

Zach let me lay down on the couch with his blanket and pillow while him and Scott talked about some stuff in the kitchen. I'd felt so depressed and exhausted that I fell asleep before they came back in.

I woke up to the both of them playing a video game. I guessed it was late since it was dark out, now.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Second door on the right." Zach explained.

I went to the bathroom and tried to wake up a little. I knew I couldn't sleep all the time. When I went out to the living room, Zach asked to hug me.

"You know we'll be here." He whispered. "I'll be here."

"Don't try to mess with her, Zach." Scott said sternly.

"I was just telling her -" Zach started.

I cut both of them off by walking to the guest room. I didn't have time to deal with this today. Maybe tomorrow would be better. I couldn't wait to get out of the house.

Sara called a little later to see how I was feeling. She said she was worried. I explained to her that I would be at school the next day. She sounded happy and worried at the same time when she finally responded.

The next morning, I got up with my alarm. I got dressed and went downstairs. Scott and Zach were passed out on the couch and the floor with beer bottles surrounding them.

"Ughh." I breathed. "Not again."

I walked out of the house with my backpack and no food for breakfast. I texted Sara and asked her to save me some breakfast.

"Hey, I got you some biscuits and gravy." Sara informed me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I replied. "I just had to leave because Scott and Zach are getting drunk."

"Again?" She questioned, annoyed. "I thought they made a promise not to start again."

"Obviously that promise didn't mean shit." I sighed.

Just then, the bell rang and we headed to our class. Sara and I both had the same first, sixth, and seventh hours so I knew I wouldn't be alone. But nothing would prepare me for what would happen today.