Mr. Kroner

"Ms. Jayden, you are late, again." Mr. Kroner said.

"Technically, I'm not because the bell -" I started.

"Shut up and sit down!" He snapped. "You are just like your mother."

Just then, something clicked in my mind.

"Hey, how do you know about my mother?" I yelled.

"I said shut up and sit down!" He yelled back. He got up from his desk and started storming over to me. I backed up to the door of the classroom. "Go sit down, now."

I seen he had a gun in his waistband and he started slowly reaching for it. Everyone else was quiet.

Before he could reach his gun, I was out the door and almost to the high school office.

"Jayden, stop!" He yelled. When I didn't stop, he shot at me twice and grazed my leg with one of the bullets.

"Call 9-1-1!" I screamed to the office. "He has a gun!"

They put the school on lockdown as he shot me in the back. I heard another shot and heard a thud right beside me. Not too long after, I fell to the ground and passed out.

Scott was crying when I woke up. I didn't know where I was. I tried to speak and nothing came out. I tried to move my hand that Scott was holding. I couldn't move it much, but I hoped it was enough.

"Jayden?" He asked. "Are you awake?"

I started crying as soon as he said my name. I was thankful that I was alive.

"Hey, she's awake!" Scott yelled. "Sis, you don't have to worry anymore. They got the guy that shot you. You're in the hospital now."

"Jayden?" A nurse said.

"Did they get Me. Kroner?" I mumbled.

"Who?" Scott replied, obviously confused.

"Mr. Kroner shot me." I answered.

"Sis, it wasn't Mr. Kroner." Scott stated.

"Yes, it was." I half-yelled.

"Look at this picture." Scott said. He pulled up a picture of the guy on his phone.

"No!" I yelled. "They got the wrong guy!"

"What?" Scott asked.

"Tell them to look at the cameras!" I instructed.

A few days later, a police officer cane in to see me. He asked what I remembered and showed me the surveillance footage. He saw what I was talking about and sent police officers to the school for Mr. Kroner.

"We're so sorry about all this." He apologized.

"It's totally okay." I replied. "I'm just glad my brother showed me the picture of the guy you caught."

His radio cut in saying something about a shooting at the school.

"We need all available units to report to Meadowview High School. There is an active shooting." The dispatch informed.

"10-4." The officer responded. "Unit 2-5-7 is en route. I'll be back later, sweetheart."

He left my room and started running. He instructed everyone to clear the hallway. Scott stated stroking my hair. He was smiling a little.

"Can I go home, now?" I asked him.

"I'll talk to the nurse." He replied.

"Miss Jayden, how are you feeling?" The nurse asked as she walked in.

"I'm ready to go home." I stated.

"I came to talk to you about that." She informed me. "Do you think you can walk for me? I need to see that you can hold yourself up."

"I'm ready to try." I said enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's try it, then." She replied.

About an hour after my hallway walk, the same nurse came back in to tell me that I was free to go. I got some clothes that my brother brought from home and put them on to go home.

"You won't be going back to that school." Scott informed me on the way home. "I don't feel safe in letting you go back."

Just then, my phone started ringing. I looked at it and seen that it was Sara.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Jayden." She said. It sounded as though she were crying. "Don't freak out but I just ran from the school."

"Where are you?" I asked.

When she told me, I told Scott and we took off towards where she told me she was. Scott had his flashers on the whole way doing 70 mph down the roads.