I'm a princess?

"Thank you so much." Sara started as she got in the truck.

"No problem." Scott replied. "We just want to make sure that you're safe. Where are your parents?"

"I think they're at work, now." She said shakily.

"Where do they work?" Scott questioned.

"Umm, I think it's Los Cientos." She answered. "It's a Mexican Restaurant."

"Your Mom or Dad works there?" He asked.

"My mom." She replied.

Scott finally told her that he was taking her to see her Mom. Scott told me and Sara to wait in the truck while he went in to get her Mom.

A few minutes later, Sara's mom came out running and Sara jumped out of the truck to hug her. Her mom started talking in Spanish and Sara responded in Spanish.

Scott asked if she wanted Sara to come home with us until she got off work, but her mom insisted on keeping her with her. She thanked Scott and Scott got in the truck. We left after they went inside.

Scott wanted to talk to me when we got home. I sat in the living room with Zach while Scott went and got changed. He dressed as though he had a date to meet.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" I teased.

"You are going to put this on and come with me." He said, throwing fabric at me. I opened it and seen that it was a dress. So, I went to put it on and fix my hair.

"You look beautiful." He whispered as I walked out. He kept watching me as I did a little twirl.

"Whoa." Zach breathed. He looked as if he'd never seen me before.

"Alright, let's go." Scott said, obviously noting what Zach was doing upon seeing me. Scott told me that Zach was drunk.

Scott pulled into a fancy restaurant with people wearing elegant dresses and suits.

"Scott, we don't belong here." I whispered.

"Yes, we do." He whispered before handing the keys to the valet. "You'll be fine."

As soon as we walked in, everything got quiet. I looked to everyone in the room and they were standing, watching me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Sis, I found out some information." He replied. "Take a seat."

He proceeded to tell me that I am supposed to be a princess, that Mom had run from home when she turned eighteen. He continued to tell me that he received a phone call asking how long it would take to get me to Paris. He explained that the tickets would be too much.

"Sis, you're going to Paris." He concluded. "And one more thing. I'm not your brother."

"Wait, what?" I asked, shocked.

"Mom had you as a result of a one night stand." He said. "She adopted me from a bad family."

Scott stood up and pulled me up with him. I was shaking terribly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you Princess Jayden of Paris." He stated.

Everyone bowed towards me. Scott nudged me to say a speech as he instructed them to have a seat.

I told them what I'd just found out and also how I planned to take care of Paris. I proceeded to tell them how soon I would be leaving for Paris. I knew I wasn't ready, but I had to be now that I am a princess. I couldn't believe that Mom wouldn't tell me any of this stuff.

After I finished my speech, Scott grabbed my hands and asked me to be his girlfriend. I of course said yes and everyone in the restaurant clapped. He took my hand and led me back to the table we were eating at and pushed me in to the table.

Later that night, Scott put me to bed and went to pack some of his things and to tell Zach about the news. I drifted to sleep as Scott's lips grazed my forehead.

The next morning, I got woken up by Scott with pancakes, sausage, and biscuits and gravy. He also asked what kind of coffee I wanted from Starbucks.

"Just a mocha frappe." I replied.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." He said, heading out the door.

I started on my breakfast when he left my room. It tasted like he made it from scratch. I loved it when he cooked. As soon as I finished the pancakes, Scott walked in with my mocha frappe.

"Thank you, handsome." I said graciously.

"You're welcome, princess." He replied, grinning. "I have it arranged so that someone will come in and pack your things."

"Thank you." I said again.

He came to my bed and kissed my forehead while I took a drink of my mocha frappe. He picked up a piece of the sausage and put it in my mouth. We both laughed quietly so we didn't wake Zach up.

Around lunch time, Scott took me to see a movie and they cleared the whole theatre we were in. I asked them to let other people watch the movie as well. I didn't like the fact that people would miss out on a good movie like this. Especially if this is a new movie. I loved having other people watching the movies with me.