Wonderful Feast Part 2

I don't know how long he had been doing it for, but as I Look back over I could see something strange going on with Otis. His blood is moving it formed into a strange shape straining my eyes trying to get a good look I make out his blood formed into a magic circle.

Unnerved by this I take aim at Otis with my Glock firing every bullet I had at him intending to stop whatever he was doing to no avail. Most of the bullets hit him yet, Otis somehow still clung to life.

The spell activated shooting forth a mass of meaty tendrils that came from I don't know were barreling right at me. With my right leg broken I use my left to support myself as I move out of the way

The meaty mass landed on Clement's body picking him up and tearing him apart, each tendril grabbed a different part twisting and pulling raining down guts and blood on me. Then each tentacle formed a dozen mouths biting off different parts and ate it. The gnawing and crunching sound of bones and the squishing sounds made as Clement's brain was flung and pulverized scared me.

Not wanting to be next I take the few 2 rounds left in my Desert Eagle and shot Otis one bullet hit in his stomach the other one his neck. Seeing that monstrosity finished with his meal and that I'm going to be next I pull out the small Derringer I took from Vincent's body out of my pocket and fired the only enchanted bullet left in the chamber.

The meaty mass lunged at me wanting to eat me luckily it was slower than a bullet. The enchanted bullet tore through Otis splitting him in half and splattering him on the wall the meaty mass was affected by the death of Otis it hissed loudly before toppling over in a wave of blood and meat that covered me.

Everything Otis summoned got sucked into the ground leaving nothing behind not even Clement's body that it ate. Despite me being covered in that monster I found my self clean when it left it was all like a bad dream. That left plenty of evidence lying around to prove it was not.

Alone, at last, I hope myself over to Otis's body to eat his soul since he just died it would be easier for me. As I maneuver around the acid spots hopping on one leg and make my way toward Otis's body to eat his soul I see Otis's soul is far more chaotic than Clement's when he died. I think of a reason then come to a reasonable conclusion it was spell backlash.

The beginner book for magi had a segment on it if a spell is forcibly stopped, fails, or if some attempts a spell beyond what they can handle. They could wind up attached by there own spell, get a headache, suffer internal or external wounds, have parts of there body corrupted morphing into some hideous creature, have there soul damaged, or just outright die.

What you suffer mostly depends on 3 things the strength of the spell, the strength of the magi, and environmental factors. Damage or interference from enemies is included in environmental factors.

In short spell backlash is nothing fun and should be taken seriously Luckily what happened to Otis can't spread to me what he suffered while severe left no kind of side effects that could hurt me.

If something remained I would have to abandon eating this soul which I would hate to do because I'm not the kind of guy who's too high and might to not take something just because it's free or cause someone else could use it more.

I'm as shameless as they come I would skip the line at a soup kitchen and pretend to be a woman if it would get me off a sinking boat that even a quicker. In this world, I would gladly do all those things if it to save my life sure or study the mystery of magic without question.

While thinking over things I shove my threads into Otis's soul he barley resisted before exploding. His soul was actually stronger than Clement's it would have proved troublesome to fight him the way I normally do. It's a good thing he was weakened so much or I would have to face off against In my perspective a bolder.

His soul was well formed it was smooth squishy yet felt sold, but in my opinion it was quite lacking I saw a bunch off different souls when I first came here besides that one stupidly big soul many of them were terrifying to look at some were comparable to houses then there were those souls the size of bolling balls that could crush those souls.

"Honestly I don't think size is everything to evaluate the strength of a soul there's something more yet how do I obtain it and become like them".

Questions like these will have to be put on hold for now because I'm getting annoyed by that constant banging those guys outside are doing.

I walk to the door in a huff with a scowl on my face, sliding open the latch on the door I looked at one of the men who jumped back when suddenly met with my glare. He was holding a makeshift battering ram along with two other guys one even had a crowbar.

"what do you want do you want? You have been banging on this door for the last couple of minutes hurry up and get off my doorstep before I make you regret it". I berated them like the old man I was there was obvious confusion in the air when they saw me answers the door and heard me speak.

One of them eventually shouted at me while pointing his gun at me "what the fuck are you doing old man? We heard a lot of gunshots were's Otis and what happened to Vincent and the rest of the people in there?"

I look directly at the trio not hiding anything "There dead I killed them all now if you don't want to join them I suggest you leave this is your only warning".

All of there faces quickly turned pale before long the rest of the group had there guns in their hands ready to shoot me. Seeing them toss away my gift of life to them so quickly I only had one word left to describe them all "fools!".