Wonderful Feast Part 3

Looking at these three idiots reminded me of something making me wondered if I should call them the three stooges. "No, The Three Stooges were funny these guys are just sad".

No longer having a reason to converse with those three dimwits I close the hatch and speak a phrase that would make those three shit themselves if they heard it. "On this day I vow we shall meet again in the promised land".

After I spoke that phrase the door glowed as the sound of painful screams and sorry filled moans came from the other side with the occasional explosion it wasn't long before all sounds on the other side stopped. I waited a few minutes before opening the hatch to check on their bodies expecting some danger I take out my last loaded gun the revolver I took from Nick.

Then I opened the Iron door it slid open with a creak as the smell of burnt flesh and blood filled my nose. The magic runes and circles visible on the walls were all trap spells an obvious warning to anyone who walks down here.

Those guys have been here for who knows long and died never considering where they were standing or wondered if someone else would learn the trigger phrase.

Keeping my distance just in case I shoot all of them in the head twice then reload before confirming they were dead. The three of them looked terrible I'm not even sure their mothers could recognize them. I took more interest in their souls than there appearance though.

Them just dying means an easy meal for me and it was wonderful ever soul was a new experience it brought me endless joy I simply couldn't stop. After I ate the three fools' souls I than moved to Ross and consumed his than Claire and them Vincent's.

The more I ate the hungrier I became my soul craved more it wanted something to truly fill it. Getting almost lost in my hunger my ears pick up some noise. Snaping my neck up I see it was Ingram still tied up and gagged "how long has he been watching me? Dumb I keep forgetting all the little details, wait why am I not happy about him being here? this means food".

While I had my little international monologue In my head I was staring at Ingram with hungry eyes. It was quite unnerving no matter how you look at it, I was like a beast hunched over Vincent's dead body, a beast that just spotted his new pray.

With the magic now gone from my body, I snap my leg back in place ignoring how everything was not lined up properly or the bone fragments digging into me. As I walked towards Ingram with tourn clothes, covered in blood from everyone in the building except his and a limp that just made it look like I was just trying to swagger I had a big smile on my face.

The cell was locked, but I knew Claire had the key I took it from her body so me and Ingram could have a little chat.

The look I witnessed on Ingram's face as I opened the cell was mixed with a bit of fear, but mostly sadness. That fight I had was pretty dangerous yet, something tells me he wasn't afraid of that.

After removing his gage I heard Ingram speak for the first time.

"Thank you Mr.Gillies you saved me I promise I will never do anything like this again I sware" Ingram was crying as snot dripped from his nose as he spoke which slurred his words even more because his swollen face and busted jaw already made it hard to discern his words.

Having to interpret what he was saying caused me great pain, but it had to be done. Leaning in close to him I put my hand on the right side of his face with no fear as I say.

"Quiet down Ingram you fool what in the world made you think I came to help you" Ingram had a blank look when he listed to what I said.

"What do you mean you're not here to save me you killed Vincent and 8 of his men why would you do that if not to help me".

"Why you say? Do you not remember what Vincent said he was going to do to me, it was all obviously for my own benefit and do you not remember what I said about you did you think I was joking you're already dead to me?

How many years had I taken care of you wiped your ass with a smile and fed you only for you to throw shit on me? Go on tell me HOW MANY YEARS!!".

Ingram began to ball his eyes out even harder as he strained his voice to speak "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen. This isn't what I wanted please let me make it right I can change".

"You say you want to change be a different person yet all I ever hear coming out of your mouth are things about you. You don't love me if you loved me then you would have thought about the man who only wanted to make something good out of two worthless pieces of shit to make a real family a father and a son. You are not my son your just a stranger to me now".

Crying even harder with strained breathing Ingram tried to speak as clearly as possible "No, I will not accept it that's not true I do love you. You raised me as your own when you never had to you may have been an orphan yourself so maybe that's why you took me in out of pity knowing what it's like having nothing. But, I don't care what the reason was for because it was the best time of my life you are my father and I am your son".

Looking at Ingram I scratch my chin "that's quite touching however you seem to be forgetting something well two things actually as I said already your not my son just a stranger meaning it doesn't matter if you die a dog's death or not.

I will not care just like any other person on the street doesn't care about the person's life walking next to them. The second thing you forgot is that your already dead to me if you're still confused by that then let me give you a hint".

Reaching into my pocket I bring out my loaded revolver and aim it right between Ingram 's swollen teary eyes with a cold distant look on my own.

Ingram tried to speak once more "father" Bang!!!

But I wouldn't let him then for good measure I put 2 more rounds in his skull. Fresh blood spilled out covering a good bit of the cell floor a dark reflection of my self could even be seen in the blood. I eventually stepped in some of it as I made my way over to eat Ingram's soul.